And So We Dance - IV

in #bellydance7 years ago (edited)

I don't have a video for you this time around, but I do have some pictures from the last concert.

Prepairing for this one took a whole lot of time, energy and emotions. If previously we would only have 1 to 2 dances to do in a concert, then this time I had 5 of them in total. It's quite a bit of a jump if you ask me. The biggest challenge being the duet ->

It is so much different knowing that you don't have the security of your usual crowd around you and that if you mess up it is so easily seen, as there are just the two of you. You get compared, judged.

Either way, we loved the duet dance, so much so, that we're even going to take up the challenge of performing it in a contest at end of February. Which is still not enough time to perfect it for the contest, but we're not going there to compete seriously, rather to challenge ourselves, have the experience, get out there and have fun.

Last time I said that I didn't make a complete fool out of myself so it counts for something. This time around I can't really say that, because .. of the vails.. the treacherous basterds! If anything ever fails me - it's the vails. As a rule. Before the dance with the vails, we were standing on the stage in the background as out teacher was dancing a solo number. I had her vail with me as she had to dance with us just after. As she took her vail from my hand, mine got kicked out of one of my hands, but I had to already go forth and dance. Trying to catch it I did a turn less than I had to and having realized that mistake got my brain in panic mode, I messed up more, more panic--to the point I had no idea where I was and what I was doing and which timeline was this. I was there on the stage much like confused Travolta.

I managed to snap out of it and continue with the routine, but the shame though! Someone might as well have stood there with a bell. And this was one of the dances I knew the best.

Since the epic failure with vail was only the second of the five dances, and the next one up was the one I knew the least I was worried that I may continue my miserable fail-streak and won't be able to recover at all. But surprisingly enough that wasn't the case and the rest of it was reasonably smooth sailing from there on out.

All in all it was definitely a valuable experience. I did however had a rather undeniable wish to never ever perform again, just to save myself from a possibility of feeling all that shame ever again, but since my duet partner was so excited about the idea of the contest, I feel like I can't let her down and say, no, it won't happen.

So. Yeah. I have about two weeks to polish, perfect and ingrain the duet routine. Will surely keep you updated on how it all works out (or doesn't) in the end.(Sigh) And there I thought I will be able to relax for a bit after this madness of a rat race. But noooo! Oh, well, so we dance..

Don't get me wrong I absolutely love dancing, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't, but it can get taxing. The performing part, that is. The practices are just the thing I need to escape everyone and all. Nothing can get to me, whilst I'm in the studio, no problems, no worked up emotions, no cement mixer thoughts, it all needs to wait for me on the other side of the doors if it still needs my attention.

Hugs & Coffee,

Previously on "And So We Dance":


Dunno, seems like you're doing just fine with the vails in the picture.

Good luck at the competition, hope you enjoy it! :)


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