Answering the Behind the Curtain Challenge

in #behindthecurtain6 years ago (edited)

The Challenge is Issued

My friend challenged me to participate in the #behindthecurtain challenge initiated by @freedontowrite. Here is his awesome answer to the challenge - he made a video.

Of course, I immediately thought of taking a bunch of pictures, creating a slide show with narration and such - and, again of course, didn't get to any of it! My ideas frequently cannot be fulfilled in the time I have. Now, be honest with me. This is not a problem only I have, right?

Here is theOriginal Challenge from @freedomtowrite which got all of this started.

Where I Work

This is where I often sit - if I can manage to fight for my place. Those two little girls keep acting like the are the Occupy movement and not only sit on the quilt which is supposed to protect the sofa but also tunnel under and create an all-around mess.

They are supposed to hang out here. But alas, empty doggy beds. I really should claim them and work from there since they are usually not occupied.

But in my spot, I have a little table close by with my coffee cup, my regular glasses, and a notepad. I also can stuff the pillow in my back and sit pretty straight which my back likes a lot. I started hanging out there once I got my laptop. Before, I was always working here.


I still do all my podcasting from that computer but the room it is in stays very cold in the winter and I am freezing if I spend too much time there. If I must, I could run a little heater, but don't want to do that. We all, as a nation, already use way too much energy and I don't need to add to that problem more than absolutely necessary.

Another reason I started working in the living room is that my husband can at least see me when he is home. I am not really paying attention if I am editing or writing - but hey - at least I am there.

When I run out of power, I have to work over in this spot close to the charger.


It is not that comfortable and my back starts hurting after a little while. The silver laptop is my husbands. He is writing a novel. Is there anyone who is not?

When the weather is nice, I often work here.


See that ugly pink snake in the background? I bought that 7 years ago at a thrift store for 99c to use in my Yoga class for kids. We had a lot of fun in the class. But my grandkids are in love with it!
It is so big and ugly and I have been wanting to get rid of it so many times. But I can't. They are having so much fun with it! Imagination at its best!!


This is what I am looking at right now when I sit out there. A lot of the greenery trimmed to the ground, wood from a big pruning project needing to be taken care of. The Urbanite wall needs to get finished, the building wood needs to get sorted now that the chicken coop is done, and, the list goes one. So, right now, it is not a good spot for me to write since I see way too many projects that need to be done.

The Nominees

This is hard to only ask 5 of you to reveal yourself, so to speak. I am so curious about so many people - or is that called nosey? Hmm. Let's stick with curious. Here are the 5 I am nominating and I tried to choose from different groups I am connected to.
From my Freewriting friends, I would love to snoop nominate @deaconlee
From my Alliance buddies, the sweet and Swedish @saffisara
From my Lena's Veggie and Fruit challenge, I like to see what my beloved @thekitchenfairy is up to.
From Malaysia, I would love to see what our Dangerous Writing App lover and community organizer @elizacheng is up to.
From the Isle of Write, Thundergod has been on our side and helping all us tech challenged newbies. I would love to see from where he spreads his love @geekorner

Just so you know, I totally understand if you don't have the time or don't want to do this challenge. All up to you.


Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


My recent posts

Meet up in Old Town

Fig Tree Pruning- Tree Tuesday

The San Diego Meetup on Steepshot

Let’s meet up San Diego

Southern California Steemit Meetup

Laughter Yoga for Seniors

Battling Cancer with the Gerson Therapy

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Award by @japhofin8or


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Thank you so much for doing my challenge! You shared so much, and in so much detail, I felt like I had come over for a visit!

I'm also excited about all your nominees. I love that they are apart of all your different communities here on Steemit! Thank you again!

P.S. If you'd like to do more than 5, go ahead! I had a hard time sticking to so little, I should have made it "atleast 5" haha

Yes, at least 5 LOL. But it is good. As more people are doing it, you don't want the same ones be nominated over and over again :)

That is very true!

I love this @mariannewest, quite an interesting, detailed/open post, and I would also like to see Thundergod's behind the curtain post.

I am sure we will :)

But...don't the dogs keep you warm? They look so...furry.

They are to squiggly. Can't work with them close by.

Fun to see all your behind the scene spaces!

Thank you!! You are next. I am sure you get a nomination soon. lol

Ha!! Ok then! Glad you told me, because I never see 'mentions'

Thank you for the tag, I'm on it 😂❤️❤️❤️

Amazing behind the curtain and thank you for the nomination. I will do mine today 😜 a little late but I always use my phone so I'm never in one spot I'm kind of all over the place 😂😂
That's the beauty with the phone. I can work at home or outside, at my parents house or in the couch at home or the garden or beach... I can go one... Lol
I will do my best to get something together.
Have a wonderful weekend my sweet friend. Cheers! 🤗💙💜💚

thank you!! You do all that formatting on the phone! Amazing. I have a really hard time getting anything done on the phone :( uses his phone as well and he did a video :)

Yes I do all on my phone and I guess after this long time I have learn a little 😁😁lol
OK I have to check that out then. BTW I just did my #behindthecurtain post 😊

good for you on all counts :)

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