Blewitt’s SteemFest Photos & Stories Part 3steemCreated with Sketch.

in #backfromsteemfest6 years ago (edited)

This pic was at the tailend of the closing drinks. I had brought some “special comics” that I wanted to give away through some zany and wacky way. That didn’t happen so I just ended up passing them out to the fine folks that I happened to be talking with before heading out. @fredrikaa who I sadly only got to speak with a few minutes, the always flawless @llfarms, a super hammered looking @guyfawkes4-20, the ever so lovely @honeydue, a tired @abh12345 after running across the room for a prize I threw, and your favorite dried fruit loving maniac... @celestal. Amazing people that I am honored to call friends!

I think this will be my last detailed photo post on SteemFest. I took a ton of pics as you can see, and I wanted to try to write as much about the little experiences I shared with a bunch of you. You can check out the previous posts below if you wish.




Let’s just jump right into it...

The 14 year old girl in me was all sorts of giddy to snap a pic with the beautiful and fun @courscate and one half of the absolutely hysterical @steembirds, ladies and gentlemen...the one...the only... @dan-atstarlight.

image@honeydue and I are proudly showing off our pin “flare” while @evecab thinks she’s too good for that childish nonsense. In all honesty, these 2 are some of the most real people around. I had such great experiences with both of these clowns. Lots of laughs were shared and new friendships were formed, and for that...I am thankful.

I was able to share a beer with a fellow by the name of @jonching, just to find out we live an hour away from each other!!! Looking forward to when we can meet up brother! He is the brains behind the Q&A platform that we should all be using... @musing! Oh...and @guyfawkes4-20. That fucking “guy” shows up everywhere...I thought I saw him in my backyard last night peering through the curtains.

imageSay cheese! @raj808, @cryptogee, that fuckin guy again, a timid @honeydew, and fruit meister flex @celestal all taking the time out of their busy evening of drinking and yapping, just to appease the selfie whore in me. @cryptogee and I had a phenomenal night on Saturday where we talked for hours. We covered an insane range of topics and it was one of, if not the most interesting conversations I had with anyone at SteemFest. Step up yer game folks because this man is the gold standard of babble. You mix him with myself who already doesn’t shut the fuck up as is, and we will talk about dirt for an hour and be engaged on a level you couldn’t even begin to fathom.

imageI forget who it was, but someone told me they overheard people talking about the comic I popped into everyone’s bag and dragged one of those fine folks over to me. Low and behold it was Mrs. @blocktrades! She thanked me for the comic and I told her a bit about it. Such a lovely woman and I hope we get a chance to speak more next go around instead of finally meeting at the end of the event when I was 12 beers deep.

When @nomadicsoul isn’t busy pocketing hot hourderves to snack on later and to keep her warm, she’s busy...well...wrapping up pastries in napkins to munch on later like my grandma does at the dirty buffet. That’s pretty much her thing folks. Oh and wearing gross moist socks days on end. (Ripe!) Most importantly she’s making everyone around her smile as she’s by far the funniest person I’ve come across in ages. By the way...she snorts when she laughs and doesn’t even get embarrassed like most women do. Rock on mofo!

Then there’s @anomadsoul who is just the nicest and kindest guy you can imagine. He is also insane and loves to party!!! I had a blast hanging and bullshitting with him and am super grateful that he was so inviting towards me. He’s the life of the party and I know this is going to sound super fanboyish but...I was super excited and nervous to meet him and he couldn’t have been a cooler dude. Invited me to dinner with the gang shortly after meeting me in person for the first time and that helped open up a ton of other doorways. He is what we should all strive to be on this platform. Mexican!

@steemmatt and I had the pleasure of spending the commute home back to the states together. We bonded over mediocre airport Burger King in Budapest and discussed our personal lives a bit. I learned a lot about him and I’m honored that he opened up to a piece of shit like me. He even text me tonight to see how I was doing after a rocky week. Super caring dude that I’m glad to call a friend. Looking forward to getting together soon good sir. Also...I’m doing ok. Thanks.

imageDid you catch @roelandp beatboxing and spittin pure fire?!? Me neither...the only fire he was involved with was that smoking hot jumpsuit! Oh and the event which was pure 🔥!!!! Seriously brother, I cannot thank you enough. This was one of my best weeks in years and it boils down to the sacrifices you made to make this event a reality. Thank you to the moon and back bud. We all are super appreciative of the hard work you pumped into this. I hope you are recovering and taking some well needed time away from us maniacs because SF4 is just around the corner. What are you waiting for?!? Get cracking! 😜

imageWhat can I say about my dear @escapist that has not been said already??? She was super welcoming and was my sidekick throughout the trip. I don’t know what to do with myself as I’m still weirdly expecting you to check in with me when you get back home each night. You are amazing and I hope to come visit you someday in the land of bad hugs. Mr. @arcange was always fun to chat and take pics with...just make sure you wait those 2 minutes because he sure is! Thanks for the fun contest...great idea! Konichiwaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

imagebefore the last hurrah at the Salt Mines, I popped over across the street from where I was staying to a tasty BBQ place. While there I ran into the amazingly awesome @soyrosa who was also dining. She was meeting friends for some grub before the meetup and kindly asked if I would like to join. I politely declined as I had put off some responses here for days and needed to get to it but it was too kind of her. She’s insanely sweet and I hope we can dine together again next year and actually muck it up a bit. We did dinner together on the first night but we’re on opposite ends of the long ass Last Supper table we had going on so we didn’t get to chat much then either. See? She’s right next to Ron Weasley. Super jealous photoshop courtesy of @cryplectibles 😜


imageRolling into the evening of bowling during dinner, I still had no team. My self esteem was in the toilet and I had the smallest piece of chicken BY FAR at our dinner table (back me up @steemmatt?). Things could not be worse! I felt like the last kid picked in kickball in grade school. When all of a sudden, what sounded like angelic music rang through my ears (probably tinnitus) and a heavenly light (definitely a seizure) revealed a kind and gentle man by the name of @el-cr. He came up to me and told me he was the best bowler in all of Panama and he needed to even out the teams to make it somewhat fair for all the stupid non Panamanians. He simply said he was fishing for a useless and gross individual with zero bowling or life skills. I knew I finally found my place.

Ok, so maaaaaybe it didn’t go exactly like that but that’s how I’m going to tell the story of how I met my friend Carlos because the reality of him shouting from across the table “Yo, Who needs a team?” And me raising my weak ass arm up ending in both of us nodding at each other, just isn’t as exciting. This dude is a class act and I hope I get together with him and the lovely @evecab before SF4!...c’mon something.

imageI had the pleasure of chilling with @celestal a bunch during the trip. We shared a ton of stories and laughs and I loved being around the dude. By now I’m sure you all know about the dried fruit?!? If not, pop over to his page and give a look back for an explanation. Funny part is at the closing dinner at the Salt Mines, he got served a special dessert of sherbert because he’s a fancy man. What did they top it with?

imageDamn dirty dried fruit! It’s like the kitchen staff was mocking him without knowing. We had a laugh about it and he ate it. Along with polishing off my Brussels Sprouts a bit earlier. The dude is a human garbage disposal as @abh12345 mentioned in his SteemFest post. If you want to get in touch with @celestal, give him a follow here or just go behind any Gluten Free restaurants in Finland where you’ll likely find him dumpster diving for tasty leftover morsels. I did find it odd when he ordered a gin & garbage juice earlier in the evening...

imageThe night and the event itself were coming to a close here but 5 days of beer farts were in full effect as can be seen. They all tried to blame me due to my last name but I was having none of that. Nobody owned up to it but I have my suspicions. Who do YOU think it was folks?!?

imageYes... yes, the name @blewitt just screams guilt when said out loud and as the ol’ saying goes “Who Farted?!? Chris Blewitt!!!” But as you can see, I’m clearly disgusted and full of anguish.

imageHere we have @world-travel-pro. A class act...sure...but it looks as though he finds this...dare I say...humerous?!? I remember when I was 6 years old and laughed at fartsies too buddy...

image@llfarms is rocking her trademark “well this is peculiar” look. Is this just to throw us off...her scent?!?

imageI cant recall is @martibis is gasping for fresh air or screaming the famous last words of William Wallace in Mel Gibson’s Braveheart...Freeeeeeedoooooom!!! What were you so free of?!? Me wonders...

imageNext up is a surprised looking @gmuxx. I see you are toasting...what’s the big celebration my dear friend?!?

imageLast Up is the Ever so lovely and 5th place winner of the Meet the Steemians contest... @lizanomadsoul. Notice Lizzy is rockin a bit of a stink eye here? Is she just THAT GOOD, of an actress?!? She did tell me it was nice to meet me, and I KNOW she was lying through her teeth on that one. The plot thickens...

In all fairness, this stemmed from a real situation that @martibis and I were in a few days prior. There was a group of us chatting for a while and he and I excused ourselves to go outside for a moment. Upon the ride down the elevator, i mentioned how someone totally boofed not once but twice and he said he smelled it as well. We laughed all the way down like children.

Okey dokey folks. I appreciate you reading through my nonsense. I do have more photos that I’ll be posting along with everything I have in one mega post. I will not be doing play by play on that one as I think I have run out of stupid things to say. Please feel free to yank whatever pics you’d like to keep or repost or whatever er creepy shit you had in mind. You were all amazing and I honestly had one of the best weeks in years attending SteemFest with you all. You guys are all my family and my house is your house. If any of you ever find yourself in my neck of the woods in New Jersey, you have a place to crash. Keep in touch you crazy bastards!!!



Owwwww I thought I was over the post-Steemfest blues 😪😍 now here I go again...
I won't tell you again how much fun I had with you, dude, because it might go to your head :P
So much fun, in fact, I'll forgive you for misspelling my name :P okay, the truth is I just love being called lovely :))

Seriously, I was aaawww-ing throughout this post (well except for the part with that "guy" in your backyard which had me dying with laughter...seriously though, lock up your doors, man)

I love those badges. Seriously, we should start wearing a Steemfest uniform - badges (complete with pins because no one's too cool for 'em), scarves, shirt. Oh, and a heart tattoo that says HODL.

Also, is it wrong I'm craving some dried-fruit? :))

Lol. Fixed!!! I totally botched that one. Lol

Sorry to conjure up a new wave of emotions. You were amazing and I really enjoyed dinner in the Salt Mines. Sitting next to ya helped me learn a bit more about you and you were such an awesome soul. Looking forward to seeing ya at the next one and building a better friendship in the meantime. 😉

I still am amazing mwahahahah :D And yes, we're definitely keeping in touch - you ain't getting away from me that easy, man :P
Also, thank you for the pictures <3 I didn't take any of myself at SF so now I'm hunting them down from others :))

Correct. The amazingness of you dies not wash off. It’s a permanent fixture. 😜

I have a few more. I’m going to do one more as a photo dump only. No more witty stories. I’ve run that well dry. Lol

Well, it's a pretty cool fixture, so what can I do? I mean, I try to know, averagely amazing, but I just can't :P

Bring them on, I love going through SF pictures. It's like a sick obsession.

No more witty stories. I’ve run that well dry.

You? I don't believe that. You could never run out of witty things to say.

I’m all tapped out of silly nonsense. I need to refuel a bit. Lol.

Yeah I love seeing em all as well. I’m sure those that didn’t attend are exhausted of seeing them in their feeds. Fuck em. Lol. Go to SF4 folks.

I feel the same. I mean, I would probably be super upset too if I hadn't gone, but now that I did, it's all I want to talk about :))) And indeed, we're excellent publicity for SF4, so that has to be good.

Yeah, good point. We are next years marketing machine lol

I'm in Romania at the moment - come and get it!

No way! That's so cool! Did you get to George? :P

i have to start warning my friends...beware za man with za dried fruit :))

No way! That's so cool! Did you get to George? :P

Yeah, I'm now drinking with him and three other Romanians. Shit, should not drink and blockchain. Well, we were drinking wine so that's alright, right?

Still alcohol :P Well, wine is a form of dry fruit, I suppose, so that works :))

should not drink and blockchain.

No? God damn, that's me fucked :))) I thought that's why we had the blockchain...

Just take my 100% vote already. A most excellent presentation of embarrassing pictures delivered with just enough awkward humor to make people not feel so bad about them.

Tasty 100%ers!!! I eat that shit up!


Oh my god your posts always crack me up.. you are a comedic genius sir. 😂 loved all your selfies and hearing of your SF adventure!! Thanks for the lovely comments.. I’m glad to see the the threats and bribes are still working 🤗

Correct. I take Steem and SBD just Incase anyone else wants high praises. My prices are competitive. For a complete list of my Praise Services, just comment below...

ha you ARE funny! (those 100 people weren't lying). It's great to see so many familiar faces again, and again, and again...We can keep this Steemfest going for another few weeks...I haven't even shared half of my photos! And V-I-D-E-O!!! Full on Bohemians Rhapsodians we were. YUP! Shame we didn't get to talk much. But on the other hand, it's good, because it spared you my tears of having to say good-bye. :D

Awww. Thank you my dear! That’s super kind of you to say. I’m pretty much an idiot so don’t ever mind the nonsense I spew. Lol

Can’t wait to see what else ya pop up here. Get cracking!!!

I know. I think we only popped in each others circles a couple of quick times. We will remedy that at SF4!!! Only 50 weeks away! Lol

It was tremendously sad saying goodbye. I was definitely a bit testy eyed when the curtains were closing. 😞

Oh, I'm happy to hear I wasn't the only one! Ezzy kept saying: "I get it, I totally get it.' Which only made matters worse lol. YES!!! Only 50 weeks! I said the same thing last year, counting the days. Watched Roeland's every move like a hawk. Every post he made I was like: "That's the one." And then, when the moment finally came, I was like: Ohhh shit, now I have to get money for this, and that. But I made it, we all did, and that's what's important. But I will definitely start getting the money for it sooner this year.

No worries about being an idiot, I've refused to grow up ever since I can remember...After the walking and talking thing, I pretty much stopped haha.

I'm offended you didn't included any selfies with's like I wasn't even there or something.

Also, a gin and garbage water sounds refreshing right about now. I can garnish it with a shit ton of dried fruit that we have thanks to @celestal. Did you know that dried plums are just prunes?!?

First off it’s Gin & Garbage Juice. Gin & Garbage Water is for gross poor people.

We have dried fruit?!?

Omg, you two 😂

Lol. My wife is a butthole.

I just came home from work 😊 safe and sound! 😇

Yay!!! You weren’t abducted by weird Finnish folks!!! But are t you past your bedtime, young lady?!?

Yes, i was! What are you going to do about it😝

Give you a hug...

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We'll be up to 400 attendees in no time!

Great stories, can we keep this going til next November?

I’m one week in and think I’ve exhausted all my corny ass gags for the time being. Lol.

Maybe I’ll start a Steemfest Photoshop Challange to keep things fun?

Nice pics dude, but I am not a lier haha, it was really nice to meet you ;) Great pic by the way I laughed out loud seeing it, getting strange faces from not amused and hard working Parisians at the coffee house hahaha. Next time we will be there early too to have more time meeting everybody! I hope i have more time speaking to you then ;) See ya

😂. I hope they all stared at you while you giggled. Definitely Gotta spend a bit more time together next year. It’s so hard to get around to everyone but I guess that makes it fun. Glad you enjoyed the silly nonsense. ❤️

LOL! You're too funny. Next year we will MAKE SURE we dine together or at least sit next/opposite of each other at the super long Hogwarts Dining Table :') Every time I saw you you made me smile, you seem to be a huge ball of energy :D

Gosh, you know, I easily say 'next year we will...' because there is NO DOUBT in my mind we won't be there. What a calming feeling that is :-)

Much love! <3

Isn’t that a great feeling?? Knowing that most of the folks that ya clicked with will most likely he back?!? I test easier knowing that!

Definitely. We can sit next to each other at dinner instead of on opposite ends. Lol

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