It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living -- Issue #11

in #astrology6 years ago (edited)

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Changing Times / Changing Signs

There have been a lot of sign changes in the past few days. The Sun moved into Gemini -- so a big Happy Birthday to all the Geminis among us. Mercury moved from Aries to Taurus after retrograding for a couple of months -- but it changes sign again to Gemini on May 29 -- so enjoy the stability while it lasts.

Mars moved from somber Capricorn into feisty Aquarius last week, while Uranus ended a seven year trip through Aries ... and moved into Taurus for another seven year tour. Over the week-end, Venus left Gemini and stepped into Cancer. So the changes we've all been waiting
for are well underway. Not one moment too soon if you ask me. Last month was an emotional mess.


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Some move quickly, some don't.

So, let's talk in this post and the next one about the cycles that bring fast changes -- and then move on to the ones that will hang on a while. First up, we'll consider aspects of The Sun as he makes his way across a new slice of the sky.

For the last 4+ weeks, The Sun in Taurus focused attention on practical matters. Concerns about money, budgets, sources of income, possessions, major purchases, spending habits -- all things that required decisions and maybe adjustment suddenly landed on everyone's agenda.


Yellow is a Gemini color.
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It's Gemini's turn.

Now it's time to widen the lens -- and remember that life has a fun side, a lighter side, and lots to offer where money isn't such a constant concern. It's Gemini's job to bring those things forward -- so the next four weeks will be interesting in different ways, a little more varied and hectic -- and will contain a lot to enjoy.

Ordinarily Sun aspects take about two weeks to really connect and play out -- but the effects can last much longer, depending on how you make use of them and what you decide to work on. Keep that in mind as we sketch out the next month's appointments.


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The Sun in Gemini trine Mars in Aquarius

The Sun has been chasing Mars for quite a while, trying to form this trine. It almost managed it in the Earth signs (Sun in Taurus / Mars in Capricorn) ... but not quite. It finally hit the mark late on Wednesday -- May 23, 8:39 PM (Mountain Time.) This is the departing trine between The Sun in Gemini and Mars in Aquarius. Here's what it looks like to an Astrologer.


Departing trines invite you to use your creativity, indulge your artistic desires, develop your talents and attract attention with them!!


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What are the energies involved?

The energy of Gemini loves every intellectual facet of communication and thought.

The Sun in Gemini = your basic essence and ambitions are involved with generating ideas, learning new things, sharing what you know

  • Brings an atmosphere that is socially energized, brisk and lively
  • Introduces new fascinations and novelty -- new things to learn and explore
  • Loves diversity and change -- is adaptable and clever

The energy of Aquarius loves independence and individual effort.

Mars in Aquarius = combines the momentum of the most dynamic, active planet with the most original and progressive sign

  • Acts on unusual ideas and goes about things in a highly original way
  • Takes up extremely idealistic causes based on its vision of how things could be
  • Revels in its own eccentricity -- loves to experiment and surprise people


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What does this combination forecast?

  • Your ambition returns -- or revives with a surprising amount of force and energy behind it.

  • You see life and its problems from a different, wider perspective ... and this shows you options, solutions and possibilities you didn't know existed -- or weren't willing to try until now.

  • You attack obstacles, solve problems and move forward in unconventional ways -- with an attitude of "let's try this and see what happens."

  • Your own creativity and self-confidence will surprise you. So will the results you get ... just by trying something different for a change.

  • Traditional ideas and "the way we've always done things" doesn't appeal to you at all. You want something new, unorthodox or even off-the-wall with your special style all over it ... and done totally your way!!

This is a constructive, highly resourceful energy ... self-assured, enterprising and shot full of ingenuity. Experiment. Improvise. Innovate and invent. You'll be astonished at how much progress you'll make if you do.

This energy will be around for the next two weeks or so ... longer, depending on what you do with it. Mars retrogrades in Aquarius this year, starting June 26. Look for more on that soon.


Thank you for stopping by!

If you've always known there was more to Astrology than Sun Sign material and the three line daily horoscope in the newspaper, climb aboard and follow this blog. You'll find a world of wisdom detailing how you were designed to work with life ... and why you are the way you are -- all in quick-to-read, easy-to-digest-and-remember, written-in-plain-English essays that offer plenty of food for thought.

Little by little, I'm doing a set of articles that talks about all the elements in your horoscope and what they have to say about you. If you "know something" about Astrology -- or know something about your chart placements, that will help you get more from this material.

If you don't ... well, this is one place you can learn. We all have to start somewhere ... because we aren't born knowing this stuff. Meanwhile, if you've never seen your horoscope ... and don't have a clue how to work with it, maybe it's time to find out. There are lots of "chart services" on the internet -- some of whom produce decent, readable charts "for free" and some are so awful and confusing that even I can't read them easily -- and I've worked with charts for decades.

One extremely user-friendly chart site is here: AstroLabe. I recommend them if you want a simple, easy-to-read chart. I think they even give a reasonable little interpretive reading of your horoscope as part of the package. You'll need to know your birth information -- day, month, year, time and geographical place. Without all that your chart will have limited accuracy.

Or, if you want to get serious and really talk about this, upvote this post and start a conversation in the comments section sometime in the next six days from the time of publication. We'll go from there depending on what you want to know.


Questions about any of this? -- Upvote this post and talk to me in comments. It's a terrific way to build value for yourself and the community ... and it will give me ideas of what to write about in future posts. Believe me there is lots to say about the way The Sun, The Moon -- and all the other elements in a horoscope, all the other components of Astrology -- work together to interpret you and your story -- and what it all means to the person you've become.

This is who I am.


About the art in our visual essays ...

Although sometimes the background pictures in our visual essays support the topic and text, they don't always. Sometimes the connection is clear. Sometimes it's symbolic and subtle. Sometimes, there's no connection at all.

The scenes depict landscapes and natural features, buildings and wildlife. They were chosen because they show something lovely or interesting ... or simply because the photo appealed to me.

Our spectacular and remarkable planet is changing at astonishing speed. Rarely are these changes for the better. Few people seem to know ... or care ... or have the will and power to do anything about this. It may not be long before the world humans have known and lived in for centuries is forever lost. We certainly won't be able to make repairs as fast as we destroyed it.

So a few years ago I began collecting pictures of the way things were ... and still are for now, a record of the beauty we have while it is still ours to love and honor.

The photos here are part of that collection, with sincere thanks to the artists who saw these moments ... and with their cameras ... preserved them. All of us at Enchanted Spirit are profoundly grateful to them for their generosity and skill ... and for the added grace, depth and dimension their art brings to ours.

Original images used under this Creative Commons license or this Creative Commons license and modified by added text.




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I enjoy reading your astrological insights. You are great at it. I had an astrology program that would do the charts but lost it when my old desktop crashed.

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