Conclusion of THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY / Episode 14 / Every door that's been opened will be closed

in #art7 years ago


Welcome to the last episode and conclusion of THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY.
By coming to my humble page right now you are witnessing the end of the first ever full length feature film with a status of world premiere, released peer to peer on Steemit and "arguably" on the Blockchain at large...

I take pride in having been a disruptive creator for years and often led the path throughout my life for original artists and content creators. Today is no exception because, I guarantee you, many will follow.

Pay attention to the credits, beside my name there is only one other name related to the production and creation of this thing: @juliakponsford. She is the co-everything on this and without her, there would be no JUJU. I fell in love with her 18 years ago and to say that this film is our ugly little bastard child couldn't be more true. I can't pay enough hommage as well to the beautiful 80 actors and extras that were so generous with their time, their performances and their patience as we sat on the project for almost a full year after completion.
I hope some of them are reading these lines and enjoyed the film as much as I enjoyed working with them.

We are blessed by the support we got from the steemit community, not counted in rewards but by the amazing comments, reviews and overall love we received.
We never met you but we consider you our close friends forever.

@vachemorte and @juliakponsford

If you just joined us please start with EPISODE 01


Episode 14: Every door that's been opened will be closed

This post completes our exclusive Steemit WORLD PREMIERE, the last of this 14 original episode series. We will keep the video links active until February 8th. This week I will also share my thoughts on this first of this kind premiere of a feature film on the blockchain and the full soundtrack from the film as well.

*Disclaimer: Some people have had changes in behavior such as agitation, hostility, depression, anxiety, panic, aggression, anger, mania, abnormal sensations, hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion while chewing JUJU GUM. If you notice some of these changes continue chewing JUJU GUM and get medical attention at some point but no need to rush.

Behind the scenes series posts by co-creator @juliakponsford:
the script / the casting / making the props / locations / outside promotion

Our interview with INFAMOUSLY FAMOUS MAGAZINE about this first ever feature film WORLD PREMIERE on STEEMIT.


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This post has been voted on from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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Words can not express how I feel as the JuJu comes to its bittersweet ending. This has been a total joy. Vache and K-ponz you are beyond inspirational. Your world has blown mine apart. Your characters have surprised me and entertained me in whole new ways. The soundscapes have arrested my ears and imprisoned them in a distopian heaven. My eyes are gone now, they are no longer here, there is only a vision of JuJu left in my mind. My senses are crackling like electrical wires passing through a vinegar molotov. I think I have passed out. But I am still typing. My fried sense of perception leads me further and further down a brightly lit tunnel, yum yum juju gum, the sirens call, the elephants stampede, the church bells ring, the clouds thunder, the locusts are singing from the treetops. I will never return. Cedric and Monica. Those two pillars of my heart. They made it. They survived. They barely changed, but Lord in Heaven, let it be known, they have FOOD NOW. Perhaps their lives have become every so fractionally more precious to them. Perhaps their love has edged ever so much closer to the permanence that they deserve. This is their adventure now. They can take it wherever they like. Cameras, Laptops, Salads, Juju, they can have it all. I wish them the absolute best in their lives and loves, no two heroes could have fared this trauma better.
Thankyou guys so much for this intimate and insanely creative portrayal of a town under siege from dark-side mind-benders. It has been a unique privilege to be here with you during this birthing. I feel like one of many honoured Godparents to your beautiful ugly baby. HUGE HUGE love to the both of you and to your entire cast. You have all absolutely smashed this project home and into the macrocosmic wondersphere. x If there is ever more, I will be the first to be chewing. Basil
p.s. I want to go on.....but I wont, but I will.......just a little. That soul-altering scene with the doc was beyond comprehension......his words echo through the chasm of my spirit like gigantic marbles made of diamond and cotton wool, bouncing off of every surface of my subconcious outstretching faith strands, sweet heavenly light your fears are melting away and being replaced by recognition of truth, the world of mind controlling advertisement wielding behemoths of greed has been turned on its head and now our tissue memories can be filled with the love and light of a TRUE JuJu master. Thankyou for this ;) I will be quiet now

Wooohoooo I'm so glad you made it to the end, I am in awe of your comment and not even sure how to respond :p Me and @vachemorte were talking the other day about how we would love to have you in our next film, if we can find some way to make it happen that would be amazing, i feel like your verbal improvisational skills are most likely top notch! I hope Dr. Sabrozi managed to clear all the negativity and lies from your subconscious so you can see clearly again, thanks you a million times for joining us in our madness :D <3 <3 <3

Please never be quiet you beautiful Basil... This is the last thing I wish. Your comment alone could fully justify 5 years of work and I am not even kidding. Because english is my second language I am doubting my skills at the moment to answer such a masterpiece of a review like yours. I will keep it simple. I love you and how could it be otherwise. I am really happy you are one of the first person in the whole world to see this project. My totally insane idea to release the film here and now, might have been the smartest thing I've could have done? The way you describe the Cedric and Monica conclusion scene is actually almost word for word how I first describe it to Julia before we wrote it. Spooky...
"They survived. They barely changed. Perhaps their lives have become every so fractionally more precious to them." the meaning of it all is on point.
You get it. How could you not? You are a brilliant fucking shinning star in the steemiverse!
I will stop here before I start crying and I will totally sample some of this for my closing thoughts post.
Never be quiet...

Again I am tongue-tied in the glory of your achievement. And Basil, how can any other comment compare?! All this awesomeness has rendered me speechless. I am just so glad to be a witness and to feel in my heart the way I do about you all. I recognize the nearly-impossible vision of making film, and that you made it possible is truly an acomplishment. It looks like your bastard-child-project has reached adulthood, and how GLORIOUS it has become! Freakin well done you sweet pair of Masterful Hooligan Art Bandits ! xoxoxo
Also I did not predict the films ending at all! It kept me guessing all the way til the end. xo

Our little baby has left the nest and it's out in the world now, it makes me so ridiculously happy that people are watching it, I don't think anyone could have predicted the end, at least I hope lol! We are super excited now that we have made this step to start working on other projects, all the wonderful comments we have received have been so inspiring! Thank you sooooo much for watching :D

There's light, there's love, there's truth <3

:-D Yaay! The absolute best from the nest! Im still feelin the glow of your film and everything you all made happen. And I also keep singing badly 'ziziphuuus, ziziphuuus...' it makes me laugh xo

Thank you my friend. I agree that with Basil comment there is now 2 art pieces on this page... We have equal love for you, even if we just encounter, because you make this release a success through our lenses. We wanted to present this film first to a selected elite that could "get it". You are part of this elite and now our friend forever. It's hard for me as the creator to not see all the flaws and short coming of this movie can have, but we indeed gave birth to a nearly-impossible vision... and I would be lying if I said that I am not proud that we manage to make a self-finance/no crew/ full feature film. For hours I was alone in my office putting this insanity together, laughing, crying, laughing again, being hysterical when I completed a scene. Thinking someday, someone will watch this and actually enjoy it. Dreams do come true, you just have to be ready to fight for it everyday and sometime for a really long time....♡♡♡♡

I fell behind in the show but I'm giving this 100% and a resteem and I'll catch up on my next day off. Frig I may just go watch em all again!

Somehow we always thought that this is how you roll as a curator... :P
Thank you brother. Julia and I really think that this last episode have way more impact If you see a few prior in the same sitting.

Yes, on your next day off smoke a doob and shotgun these, there's even a little surprise for you if you watch all the way to the end of the credits :) Let us know what you think when all is said and done!

Congrats on the premier I loved every minute of it! This episode had every emotion I was feeling sad, touched /happy and then I laughed! Love the little surprise at the end with your landlord too, amazing! Can't wait to see your next film!

Really glad you saw our film first my friend that's exactly why we choose to present here :) We love you and are really happy that you are in our circle. Next film? I have plenty of ideas actually.....

You found the little easter egg with John, haha, nice! Thank you so much for watching, the last episode is definitely a roller coaster, stay tuned for the next film, it's coming :p

Man this was awesome and I am glad that I caught them all. You and Julia are a dynamic duo for sure. Great job.

Until we meet in person, this film was the biggest hug that we could give you. Thank you for opening your arms to it and letting us rest our heads against your chest of giant..

Thanks you so much for all your support along the way Clay, it means a lot to us, mega hugs, light, love and truth :)

Quite the journey from start to finish. Looks like SOFIA involved the wrong type of people through Margo, who was just bat shit insane from the beginning.

I wonder when she lost her mind over the power she had.

I mean she locked up the doctor and kept him prisoner for how long?

I hope he reboots the program for a sequal, I just wonder what kind of conflict there could be with Margo gone away mentally.

It's like she was lobotomized with the green liquid.

Great work everyone, the idea was well received ;) and executed.

I couldn't have done it better myself. ;)


Thank you @hypexals-spiral
The answer is not written in the script like for example "and this is why Margo ....."
So it is open to interpretation even for me. Here's what I think happen. Dr. Sabrozi had a legitimate but secretive research lab. Margo was his assistant or a patient possibly. She managed to take control of his mind and keep him captive (we never specified the duration of his captivity). then she go mental and she became corrupted with power (Paul or father and Son murder scene come to mind) Remember also a scene where she ask for "password to continue with my work" I think there is a clue there... Anyway why those directors have to be so cryptic???
Those questions you ask are all legit, because I have ponder them as well.
Glad you enjoyed the ride we were happy to show our JUJU to you. I wish I have more episode ready to go right now but they are super hard to do..

Those are all good questions but probably better left unanswered :) We tossed around the idea of doing a prequel of how all this came to be, maybe one day! Thanks for watching hypexal!

What an epic ending! Totally unexpected yet totally perfect! Thank you guys for giving us the opportunity to be the first ones to see this incredible piece of work, it is a privilege to be here to witness two great artists unleash their vision to the world, this is a special moment! We're just so proud of you, big round of applause for you and the actors!

Super happy you enjoyed. I could write a long comment now that would probably be super smart and clever but I won't. Instead let's have a beer this week-end, light a zatosh and we can accomplish way more this way !!!

Thanks so much you guys, see you soon for that beer :)

Yes, it's a date! It will be cool to see you guys again and have a drink to celebrate this great moment in steemit history together!

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