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RE: Conclusion of THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY / Episode 14 / Every door that's been opened will be closed

in #art7 years ago

Words can not express how I feel as the JuJu comes to its bittersweet ending. This has been a total joy. Vache and K-ponz you are beyond inspirational. Your world has blown mine apart. Your characters have surprised me and entertained me in whole new ways. The soundscapes have arrested my ears and imprisoned them in a distopian heaven. My eyes are gone now, they are no longer here, there is only a vision of JuJu left in my mind. My senses are crackling like electrical wires passing through a vinegar molotov. I think I have passed out. But I am still typing. My fried sense of perception leads me further and further down a brightly lit tunnel, yum yum juju gum, the sirens call, the elephants stampede, the church bells ring, the clouds thunder, the locusts are singing from the treetops. I will never return. Cedric and Monica. Those two pillars of my heart. They made it. They survived. They barely changed, but Lord in Heaven, let it be known, they have FOOD NOW. Perhaps their lives have become every so fractionally more precious to them. Perhaps their love has edged ever so much closer to the permanence that they deserve. This is their adventure now. They can take it wherever they like. Cameras, Laptops, Salads, Juju, they can have it all. I wish them the absolute best in their lives and loves, no two heroes could have fared this trauma better.
Thankyou guys so much for this intimate and insanely creative portrayal of a town under siege from dark-side mind-benders. It has been a unique privilege to be here with you during this birthing. I feel like one of many honoured Godparents to your beautiful ugly baby. HUGE HUGE love to the both of you and to your entire cast. You have all absolutely smashed this project home and into the macrocosmic wondersphere. x If there is ever more, I will be the first to be chewing. Basil
p.s. I want to go on.....but I wont, but I will.......just a little. That soul-altering scene with the doc was beyond comprehension......his words echo through the chasm of my spirit like gigantic marbles made of diamond and cotton wool, bouncing off of every surface of my subconcious outstretching faith strands, sweet heavenly light your fears are melting away and being replaced by recognition of truth, the world of mind controlling advertisement wielding behemoths of greed has been turned on its head and now our tissue memories can be filled with the love and light of a TRUE JuJu master. Thankyou for this ;) I will be quiet now


Wooohoooo I'm so glad you made it to the end, I am in awe of your comment and not even sure how to respond :p Me and @vachemorte were talking the other day about how we would love to have you in our next film, if we can find some way to make it happen that would be amazing, i feel like your verbal improvisational skills are most likely top notch! I hope Dr. Sabrozi managed to clear all the negativity and lies from your subconscious so you can see clearly again, thanks you a million times for joining us in our madness :D <3 <3 <3

Please never be quiet you beautiful Basil... This is the last thing I wish. Your comment alone could fully justify 5 years of work and I am not even kidding. Because english is my second language I am doubting my skills at the moment to answer such a masterpiece of a review like yours. I will keep it simple. I love you and how could it be otherwise. I am really happy you are one of the first person in the whole world to see this project. My totally insane idea to release the film here and now, might have been the smartest thing I've could have done? The way you describe the Cedric and Monica conclusion scene is actually almost word for word how I first describe it to Julia before we wrote it. Spooky...
"They survived. They barely changed. Perhaps their lives have become every so fractionally more precious to them." the meaning of it all is on point.
You get it. How could you not? You are a brilliant fucking shinning star in the steemiverse!
I will stop here before I start crying and I will totally sample some of this for my closing thoughts post.
Never be quiet...

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