My Avatar got a Steemit Tattoo - Drawing

in #art7 years ago


My Avatar got a Steemit Tattoo and wanted to share with you all! :)


steemit adventure logo.jpg
Hope you enjoyed and please check out some of my other illustrations!
Ned is using my art on twitter
Magic Tree
Blade Runner
Steemit Trading Card 9


Your avatar looks a lot like the chick from gigantic

I am not familiar so will have to go look it up! thanks for taking the time to check out my blog and leave a comment, it keeps me motivated to continue posting.


Have you designed tattoos for anyone before? Something tells me your designs would work well on the human canvas.

Yes I have! I find them pretty stressful, I tend not to like my artwork after just a little while so the permanence of it freaks me out a some. They liked it so I suppose its all that matters lol

Precisely why I don't have any tattoos. Who wants to look at the same piece of art for the rest of their lives?

But as an artist - it should be flattering that someone has that level of enthusiasm for your work. (I'd be stressed about it too, though.)

lol nice :-) She is shamelessly showing off her Steemit pride.

Lol I dig her taste! thanks for taking the time to check it out. Now go post some more pics for me to look at :)

I imagine we might see a few of these on the beach when STEEM goes to the moon.

"The whale said he would upvote my blog if I tattooed a steem logo on my booty"

The next generation is advertising. I always figured with crypto people would just tattoo their wallet scanner code on themselves :)

lol awesomeeee

Glad you like it!! it was fun to draw.

That's one heck of a tattoo! Goes to show that perfection can make anything look good!

Glad you like! Appreciate you swinging by again and leaving a comment that reminds me I have to check out your blog.

I had a slow posting week this week. I try to post more, but my job has slowed me down a bit.

I'm also more of an observer on weekends since I don't have as much time to post while I'm spending more time with my wife and son :)

And you wonder why people think you are a woman and not a man. LOL Cool art work. But you already know I am a fan

Because she is good marketing? :) lol glad you enjoy my work and humbled you consistently comment and upvote. It really is one of those things where any success I have here is due to others taking the time when there are so many other choices out there.

body painting is a an artwork also.... It is popular in the world now....

It looks nice! I would necer thi k to put a tattoo on an avatar.

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