Next pages of my comic, written and drawn by me,
Lisa is still on the run in Hong Kong, still at large... but for how long? Where can she go? What can she do?
Page 87:
Page 88:
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I like it how there's a gradient of details over these 2 pages.
The first frame is the simple and transmits a fun feeling. Then there's details of the characters on frames 2, 3 and 4 of the same page... and finally, the details on page 88 are out of this world!
Was this intentional... or did you just happened to draw it like so?
Thanks a lot for another "episode" in this great story.
I think I see what you mean, there's an increase in realistic shading from top to bottom... no that aspect wasn't planned. :) The first image just took so long drawing it, I spent less time on colorizing.
Ah, I see. It's a nice effect, even if it was by accident. :-D
You're a genius, Steven!woow this is a drawing or a picture ???!!!!
I don't know if I just missed or overlooked the links, but now I can go read page one, thanks.
"dassa damn cool acular", i like this local language 😂 😂
btw, beautiful paint the last one 😊
Thank you!
Aha! Of course it had to be the name of an android shop.
Roboutique ha .. That's quite subtle I must say :)
Wooooow! Love that painting @stahlberg! The lighting is soooo spot on, really has the right mood for the narrative. I can hear the buzz from the lights, and a dog in a far away alley barking.
Thank you! You have a great imagination! :)
The android shop is great!
The way you brought the action here is again excellent, the two characters asking her about the ocular add a sense from the place while acting as a good transition to the next panel.
The last panel is pretty much of a cyberpunk trope but it works great! I can hear GITS or bladerunner-like music. And how it's painted without outlines somehow enhance the drama.
Well done!
really good arte !
Although she managed to escape from the army, she was still in trouble! Everyone is Looking for