Lovecraft and Gravitons (includes Fractals!)

in #art7 years ago (edited)

The latest news about neutron stars merging and gravitational waves are heralding a new era for astronomy and physics in general. Scientists were able to examine waves that were created 130 MILLIONS years ago, in a distant part of the universe, many galaxies away from us. The forces involved in the eruption of a super nova after the merger are beyond comprehension and are able to tear away planets, stars and solar systems, like we remove dust from a surface; forces so huge that space and time are both skewed in their vicinity. The Laws of Physics we learn in schools do not apply there, these forces obey a whole different set of rules which we know nothing about (perhaps, we will start to, now!). Humanity and Earth is just a speck of dust in the scale of such cataclysmic events.

I guess there can never be a more suitable metaphor for such terrible forces, than the Lovecraftian Universe has to offer. Lovecraft's cosmology and themes involve supernatural forces manifested as the Great Old Ones, deities that exist beyond space and time. Human cults used to worship them, but they were never able to understand them; these cultists acted as they thought was proper: they reveled in madness, chaos and violence with total disregard for pain, life and consequences.

Beings like Azathoth, the Blind Idiot God, that slumbers at the edge of the universe, not even aware of his own existence; should he wake up and start to consciously think, his thoughts would make galaxies crumble at the blink of an eye. Yog-Sothoth, the All-in-One and One-in-All, who exists in all time simultaneously and resides outside of our Universe. Such cosmic forces are beyond humanity's capacity to understand them, and madness claims all Lovecraft protagonists who dare to ponder too much about "things man was not meant to know".

For me, the correlation of Lovecraft's Pantheon to the Cosmic Forces recently discovered is terribly obvious. Do you see the connections?

I've taken the liberty to render some images of what a Neutron Star merger would look like, a bit artistic and abstract. Do not expect realism in the pictures below, they are fractals made and colored by me and they seemed very fitting to what I wrote above...

all pictures are fractals created by me in JWildFire

I also wrote some abstract prose, used to present more fractal pictures:

The Shoggoth Cycle:

#1 - The Hunt for the Shoggoth is Over
#2 - Discovery of the Living Fire
#3- Infusing the Fire Agent to Shoggoth Matter
#4 - The Evil Church
#5 - Empowering the Fiery Agent


These are great! Thanks for telling me about this post. It kinda reminds me of the Rick and Morty quote about how sometimes science is more art than science haha.

So cool that we are able to learn about these strange cosmic happenings. It reminds me of a Kurtzegat video about how humans how come into existence at the exact perfect time in cosmic history to actually be able to see other galaxies and discover the Big Bang.

Calling @originalworks :)
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