Part 4a: MK Ultra Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor Series: Fiona BarnettsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art8 years ago

Oil on Paper Bag 16" x 20" approximately

Antony Kidman dies amid allegations of child abuse Antony Kidman was Fiona Barnett's "handler" in the "elite" pedophile ring which held her against her will until she was 15 years old.

this is a sketch of what I intend to do with the portraits for the show, mount them on butterfly wings.

Monarch Programming is another name for the MK Ultra progam that these women are subjected to. Why Monarch? So many reasons... one is that the elite bloodlines that perform this heinous practice, are part of the "monarch-y". Monarch butterflies are unique amongst butterflies in that they evolve generationally with changes to their environment. This is a main part of the eugenics plan of the elite - to adapt humans, generationally, to become non-human, by way of trauma-based mind-control, so that in several generations from now, humans will be just automatons with no free-will at all, having been abused from birth, they will be mulitple-personalities and under the control of their handlers.

Cathy O'brien & MK Ultra
Portraits of SRA Survivors Begun (Part 1, Cathy O'brien
Theresa from Australia
Theresa, Part 2
Cathy O'brien, Part 2
Theresa, Part 3
Fiona Barnett, Part 4

Artwork © 2016 Joanna Whitney


I know this story on how trauma can hack the mind and also alter our genetics via epigenetic pathways. I figured this out working on letting go of the sexual, psychological, and physical abuse I suffered from as a kid. We, as in humanity are hacked through trauma and betrayal conditioning to pass on this horrible conditioning to the next generation. I broke away and woke up, I'm glad to see you!

congratulations on your recovery! I too suffered trauma as a kid and have recovered from it. Sadly, this satanic ritual abuse is one of the tenets of the new world order - it's almost unbelieveable until I saw the videos about the hampstead coverup and theresa from australia, cathy o'brien and fiona barnett. I would never in a million years have guessed that the 1% (rothschilds, jesuits, and families) perpetrate this on their own children to carry out their dark design for the world but upon hearing from bryce taylor about how henry kissinger used her alter as a practically bionic slave to get secrets from other governments, I had to acquiese and relinquish my faith in all humanity- some that seem human - ARE NOT. Now everything makes sense - those who perpetrate such hainous acts care nothing for this world - hence we see bees going extinct, the dakotah pipeline, the great barrier reef dead - all at the hands of big business - it is amazing to live in these times... we must each raise our consciousness and live in LOVE to change the direction of our species or we will go extinct.

I worked with other adult survivors and many were ritually abused by their family, some said outright satanic rituals, others said their women in the family were witches, not Wicca, but older, handed down from mother to daughter. Part of their training was ritual sexual abuse.

I was hunted by older men in my town, I assume I'm not the only child that's been stalked and groomed. Most of the adult survivors I know came from homes that couldn't or weren't interested in protecting their children. Nice to know you are thriving, eyes open, no fear!

wow I am amazed to hear this - although I don't know why I should be. I am blessed. My path is hard but fortunately that part of it was not as hard as it is for some, I realize in retrospect. Other parts are hard. Maybe my purpose has more to do with being a helper and being a voice for those who don't have a voice.

Another friend said she worked with SRAs. A friend when I lived in NY said her 2 daughters were subject to SRA -they lived in CT and she could not get custody of them as their dad (the satanist abuser) had influence in the town. I did not "believe" her - it was 1996 and I had never heard of SRA before - it sounded like she was trying to make more out of it than it was.

I was so wrong. I tried to "help" her oldest daughter when she turned 21 as best I could - but at that time I was still very ill myself. I have no idea what happened to the kids. My friend died of cancer in 2000.

I feel connected to this project through that experience. The first person I heard talk about it being a family thing was Jay Parker - on the Mark Passio podcasts - - he talked of living in a town in PA that was completely overrun with "illuminati" - and that many children in that town went through that process - it was hard to comprehend but I believe Mark Passio so I believed Jay Parker.

Then another friend explained to me about Operation Paperclip and told me about the Franklin Coverup and Hollywood MK Ultra - she has read way more than I and told me that this is the NWO's agenda for humankind - starting with now- trying to mainstream pedo and transgender - en route to dehumanizing us all...

which explained Madonna's behaviors over the years - I went to school with Madonna in NY - and I never understood why she went the direction that she did with her performance - why she went to the lengths that she went. She seemed to have no moral compass. She was the one who blew the doors off the music industry and set the way for the rest of the beta sex kittens to follow - it is repulsive but accepted.

Then the other day I saw a vid of her on FB accepting some award or something w Anderson Cooper (who may be her handler - is a Vanderbilt and also CIA) and she was defending her "work" in addition to making an extremely overt sexual comment which totally embarrassed the crowd - Michelle O was there - blushing - putting her head down - and yet Madonna got praised for that-

that is mind-control of the audience - giving them 2 different shocks that don't make sense and forcing them through "group think" to "take it" - it's a form of deadening - and I saw it for what it was - it was mind blowing. I did not watch the whole thing - I could not. I have noticed they are doing that on mainstream tv shows too - like Scandal - I liked that show - for a while till the day they made the main character a psychopath and in order to continue watching that show I was going to have to "love" a psychopath, that was the day I stopped watching that - and mainstream tv for the most part.

But I knew Madonna is mind-controlled - and being forced to do that stuff. No person would be able to live those extremes and be able to show up and do stuff like what she does - big concerts - show up and accept awards - stand up and shock people like that - if they were "normal". It is horrifying.

I also saw a girl on youtube who was a Rothschild talk about being a sex-slave at the pentagon and being trained by Dr. Green who was the Nazi, Dr. Mengle himself. Once I read the article about the Rothschilds - - and then saw that girl talk I realized how the Rothschilds have passed on their "work" generationally. They and the other 12 families...

I guess the Khazars are satanists - mostly - and used Judaism as a religious assylum to continue their plans to take over the world. Yea - as an artist, I was bored - when i first started to listen to Mark Passio back in May 2016 - I knew some stuff because I had been trying to figure the whole thing out since 9-11 but I could not have put it together without the Dark Luciferianism and the satanism leading to the satanism in our culture - I work at a big box store 3 days a week - and the moral relativism of my co-workers is shocking - but as Mark said - that is what those in the know have leaked to the sheeple -

I even don't like to call them sheeple or them - but i try to without being morally superior - the unbegun - that's what Mark says the 1% call us. I am on a spiritual path. I do try to follow natural law priniciples. If I did not consciencously try to do that, I would not be able to survive the "treatment" those in the "know" are giving us - without falling into deeper immorality ... it's such a struggle. I hope, one day, to make a living through something other than working in the thick of the "unbegun" - it is tough. Blessings!

There is a percentage of humans that cannot be broken and reshaped to fit the abusers mold, I'm one of them and so are you, if we get any kind of celebrity or power we will be killed, so be careful...if you present your astounding findings, the authority we hold in respect and trust, act just like common abusers and pedophiles I grew up with, most people will be able to process the monarch, paper clip, MK-ultra agenda.

It's all about profiting from others suffering on the micro and macro scale...

I had a dream, but more like a conversation with myself about why masterbation has been viewed as harmful throughout human history (I read a friggen article about masterbation before bed, my bad lololol).

Sexual energy generated by masterbation coupled with a negative mind state opens a doorway into an individual's psyche for those who feed off of gross or coarse energy, which also causes mental and physical illness, which the allopathic and psychological institutions feed off and manage like we manage fields of grain. Masterbation and sexual energy are neither bad or good, however the intent behind the energy gives shape to the energy (karma) that's produced from the intent and action.

This is why we have seen our entertainment and education systems go from elevating and educating the mind to traumatizing and betraying the human mind. We humans are producing huge amounts of coarse energy this system needs to sustain itself.

We are capable of transforming coarse into subtle and transcending their grid, it's happening right now and the demons/psychopaths/aliens ...what ever you wanna call them are working hard to contain and prevent their food from flying away!

So really, you think that if I show these paintings, I place myself at risk? The point of making these paintings was to show them... I do live in Denver which is the epicenter of the new world order - we do have satanic ritual baby killings on the solstice here - - and we have Zionist satanic presence here - Larry Mizel, Leonard Millman... we have the CIA out at the airport... but I felt the need to make these paintings... and have a show somewhere. I have many more paintings to do before the show will be ready... and we were going to try to get a space for it, but if not just rent a truck and do the show that way... but it is a long way off... We shall see... let me know your thoughts. I thought I would be shunned for the material but I did not think I was placing myself in the spotlight - I figured they would just ignore me.

Yeah, I feel you will be in danger, but what else can you do? This is your quest, I've read to many books on history so I get paranoid, take care ❤️

Very nice! ☆☆☆☆☆😎

thank you Michael!

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