New Painting: Alchemy Dragon Mermaid with Sigil, Part 6steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

oil on canvas, 19" x 30" work-in-progress"

No, I am not done yet. The progress of the painting is listed at the end of this post...I am adding the details...I added some heat reflection to her face and arm because of the fire that the dragon is blowing up to the sun. I am going to make the sky near the sun lighter with no stars ... the stars will fade into the sunlight...


I am adding the stars in the sky and phosphorus on the waves. I changed the mermaid scales too.


I decided to take out the "named" planets, and put in more stars and then I decided to paint a starry sky I saw once, when I was staying at this cabin in Blue River, CO - one night when I got up in the middle of the night and went outside - I saw a billion gazillion stars that seemed to be within touching distance - and I have never seen that since.

I was at about 9500 feet in a desolate spot in Colorado - in a ravine between Hoosier Peak and Quandary Peak called Monte Christo Gulch in an old mining cabin called The Ace in the Hole, a few hundred feet below Hoosier Peak, above tree-line, in the dead of winter. Winds were gusting to frigid temperatures. We relied on an old woodstove, blankets, and body-heat for warmth.


I also decided to add a UFO craft, because I have been listening to Mark Passio's extended Cosmic Abandonment presentation - from podcast #162 - through however long it goes - I am on #168, and it's not over. I have read the Zacharia Sitchin books a long time ago and felt this is true, the Interference Theory of Human Origins, is my point-of-view on things - and it makes perfect sense, as to where we are now. Revisiting it now with Mark, it's getting more into my bone marrow ... and I am walking around seeing "us" as Cosmically Abandoned Children and how we behave makes sense.

Interference Theory of Human Origins

I don't like it, but it make sense. How we treat the Mother Earth, and each other, makes sense with this theory of Human Origins. We are having a tantrum and destroying our room because mommy and daddy, Enlil and Enki Annunaki abandoned us and left the Nephilum hybrid bloodlines behind to "rule" us. We are acting like slaves and demanding that they take care of us. We were happy hominids with our own evolutionary progression - and they interrupted it and made us into these "humans" who act like them, self-righteously destroying ourselves like 2-year-olds.

We treat our animal brothers and sisters as we were treated by them...experiment on them, torture them, hurt them, and love them, but we rule them - we take what a crazy nutjob "god" says in a book that was written by a bunch of people with unknown agendas a few thousand years ago, "The Old Testament" - that "we" have "dominion" over the animals - and we run with that - even though it is preposterous that we who cannot give life, have dominion over life ... we are victims, so that gives us the right to bully others. It makes sense to me (as a former childhood bully and bullied child) - so I added the UFO craft into the sky, because it needs to be there - because they are here with us - I have seen them, more than once.

I saw these in Las Vegas, New Mexico, in 1991. We were up on Rose Mountain, at 8000 feet. We had had to get up there by traveling in a 4-wheeler for several hours. My tentmate and I awoke in the middle of the night to these shadows on our tent-wall - and a bright light casting the shadows... these beings were moving back and forth in a sort of a dance - swaying. I elbowed my tentmate and we both agreed that we saw them and then... unlike anything I would ever do - we went back to sleep or were abducted - I don't know. So, I know they are "real" and they visit us. It's time to start putting that in paintings - along with chemtrails.

In addition to that, the Annunaki were portrayed by the ancients as bird "gods" and fish "gods", hence the mermaid...

Fish Gods from Ancient Times


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Sublime, plenty of Jungian imagery channelled from your subconsciousness. Interesting the male dragon that the Goddess Virgo/Pisces is lying with has a phallic rose growing from it, that the Goddess seems to have pricked her finger on. The Male dragon is breathing solar fire which the Goddess did not identify with and allowed it to pass by without harm to her to its opposite pole after generation in the Merkabah. A symbol of the raising of the purifying/trans-mutative Kundalini fire through the tantric intertwining of polar tetrahedrons. All four elements represented. Very good at least you didn't sit in front of TV eating ice cream you channelled it into a work of art. Love it.

I love this - it sounds like Robert Hunter lyrics... thank you! Actually, it's a sigil I made... into the dragons head
and then I am using some alchemical imagery in my own way... but I like your interpretation...

this post is so amazing, I'm so inspired to keep working hard art work. Thank you

thanks @dexterlove - what inspires you about it?

Nice pic, may I kaleidoscoped it?

what does that mean? yea go ahead but let me know what it means ok?

It's something like this: Fish Artwork kaleidoscoped I done for some Steemit users

yea go for it - that's COOL!!! please send me a link when you do. Thanks!!

THIS IS TOTALLY AMAZING - I want to take one of the images and collab with you a little bit - ok?

Just use what you want. When you agree, all pics are public domain :)

Interesting stuff, nice one. Cheer$;)


as a little fish everyone thinks just like you when you were new at the time and the advantages and disadvantages you describe as in the past no upvote bots add one more point nor do too many supporters of the elderly like you and agree.

hmmm....thanks for resteeming!

very nice post my friends love it very much

pretty flowers!!!

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Oh yes, I remember now -- you did tell me about your UFO experience. I'm glad I asked, though, because the picture makes it more real and very creepy. I don't see how anyone could fall asleep after that without "help."

I am pretty sure I was abducted now that I know they like type O negative bloodsters

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