Color Energy Explained Part 1 - a forgotten gift of nature

in #art6 years ago (edited)



Some of my friends know already about my passion for colors and color energy. Since more than 20 years I work with the energy of colors, color plant extracts and more. @eveningart and others asked me to write about this aspect of my work, my studies, and researches. So I decided to start a series on color energy.

Actually, this is a very complex subject. Thus I thought to start with an overview and then get into more details. I will also write about the practical use of optical and plant extract remedies for improving health and mood.




People have always been fascinated by nature's color diversity. Since ever, we feel comfortable with certain colors, while others can evoke experiences like a feeling of anxiety.

Absorbing of color energy optically:

Through our physical body with the eye, which only recognizes three different colors: red, green and blue. Our brain mixes these into a gigantic palette of colors, returns the recognized values to the eye and lets us perceive blue not only as blue but as color in all its shades.

Within the limbic system, color impressions are recorded and transformed into a wide variety of emotions.

While European conventional medicine is still relatively skeptical if not even hostile towards color therapy, conventional medicine in the USA is open-minded and has already achieved considerable treatment success.

Absorbing color energy in plants
through the skin and the digestive system:

Yes, this is an important aspect of our daily use of color energy! Colors in plants have a huge impact not only on our physical body. A lot of people are not aware, that pure plant color in food, cosmetic products or even perfumes influences mood, feelings in general or even our health condition.


The discovery of colors - the history of color therapy. Very early civilizations knew sunlight as the only remedy and put their sick in the sun. Aztecs, Mayans, the ancient Chinese and Egyptians practized sun cults for a reason. Something divine was ascribed to the sun.

Later, colors were assigned to the different gods because it was recognized that colors also had specific effects. In ancient Greece, for example, green stood for Aphrodite, yellow for Apollo, and blue for Zeus. At that time priests were also healers, which is why they used colors painted directly to the skin for therapy.


In Egypt, sophisticated color temples were built in which each of the seven rooms was painted in a different color.
Depending on the nature of the symptoms, patients could now be brought to the various rooms to take a color bath.

The ancient Chinese painted the skin of intestinal patients with yellow and put them in a yellow room. Epileptics were placed on violet painted floors in violet rooms. Scarlet patients were wrapped completely in red cloths.

The Chinese also assigned the colors to different emotional impressions. Red was the color of joy, white the color of sorrow and black the color of fear.


In the Post-Christian Period, color therapy in Europe was almost completely forgotten. Only so-called "folk medicine" adhered to the old traditions of our ancestors.

In 1666 the mathematician and physicist Isaak Newton discovered the spectral colors and established the emission theory of light. He directed sunrays through a small opening into a darkened room. He now placed a prism of glass in the beam of rays and the sunbeam was deflected. The sunbeam now appeared as an elongated band that is red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue and purple.

Von Goethe was the first in European culture to study colors and their effect on the human psyche. He was very sceptical about Newton's findings and teachings. In 1810 he published his book on the theory of colors. He created his color circle. This color circle consists of the three primary colors blue, red and yellow as well as their associated mixed colors violet, orange and green.


If we assign these colors to the eastern symbolism, the bright, warm and active colors orange and yellow correspond to the yang, the plus side, the dark, cool and passive colors violet and blue to the yin area, the minus side.

Von Goethe called the colors on the plus side lively, active and ambitious. The colors on the negative side, on the other hand, arouse a calm, soft, yearning sensation; they thus appear more introverted. Red stands in between and can, depending on the intensity of coloring, belong to both areas. Green is a neutral color, which is to be regarded as a balancing, calm center of all colors. Goethe assigned different states of excitement to the two color groups; for example, he called violet the color of creative restlessness.

For him (and me), colors are very real energies.

Edwin D. Babbit is considered the founder of modern color therapy. In 1878 he wrote a work on "The Principles of Light and Color", in which he describes how and where colors can be used as therapeutic options. His method has been astonishingly successful, which is why the topic has gained popularity.


The broad interest in color therapy today is mainly due to the German alternative practitioner Heinz Schiegl, who published a book entitled "Color Therapy" in 1979. Schiegl not only described indications for self-treatment but also included color filters in his book, which can be attached to any desk or bedside lamp with little effort.

Peter Mandel, the founder of medical Kirlian photography, was also important for color therapy. He was inspired from Goethe's color circle and assigned three complementary color pairs to the three oscillation patterns of Kirlian.


This is the first part of a planned series on color energy explaining psychological as well as important energetic effects on us. I plan also to explain how we can use color energy derived from plants for changing our mood or support health in a very natural way.


Please give me feedback, if my research and studies on color energy is something you are interested in.

Thank you very much for reading!

To be continued in part 2 ...



Sources: freepik premium by SXC, Farbkreis by Goethe public domain,
artwork, writing & life @anutu


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Woww reallly it is amazing and unique. No doubt exposure to nature not only makes us feel better emotionally,

Yes, indeed. Green color energy is connected to the heart chakra and connected organ systems of the body, thus a walk in the woods is not only relaxing but also balances the physical body.

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WHat an excellent article. I enjoyed reading this very much. And the photos are just perfect! More power to your blog, @anutu... keep posting! Take care.

Thank you so much for your kind words @silversaver888. So good to know you liked it, so I can work on more posts on this series. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!

Thank you so much for this beautiful article @anutu - I can't wait to follow the rest of the series. It's fascinating stuff, and so interesting to read the historical context too.

When I was studying drama, we had a really interesting teacher who worked closely with the emotions, and she did an exercise with us where we had to dress head-to-toe in a specific different colour each day for about a week and record how it made us feel. Surprising what a powerful influence it could have on your day!

E x

I love so much writing about color energy @eveningart. This is a very interesting exercise, very cool. Yes, as color is absorbed to a high rate by eyes this truly makes a lot of sense.

I was for example always wondering why so many businessmen are wearing blue shirts when they go to a sales meeting. Blue color is connected to the throat chakra and connected organ systems. Beside it pushes and supports speaking. So getting into a meeting with a blue shirt means you sent blue color energy to the person in front of you, this provokes the person in front of you to speak to you more, than this person would without the blue color "influence".

heheheheh i love the psychology of it all - just think how these can be applied everywhere! :)

Yes, it can and it is a real eye opener and life changer ... I had so many cases, that the awareness of how to use colors wisely in life started a process of change. Maybe I should do much more on this. Wow, I really nearly forgot how I loved it ...

You're such a wealth of knowledge in so many areas! No matter what you share - we just keep soaking it up more and more! hehehehehe

Just keep sharing with us! :) we will be your little sponges hahahaha

Me as well, I am also a little sponge :) I learn so much from you all, this is something I was longing for, for a long time <3

So fascinating - when I go into my spa- I have light therapy on the top and my absolute favorite are the blue lights.... ohhhhhh it feels so nice in there when it's all light so blue and glowing!!!

I love the effect - this is really such a fascinating subject! no wonder we are supposed to "eat the rainbow!" LOL

Yes, it's so fascinating. Aha! I see! There we have a blue lover, very interesting life period. But absorbing lots of blue means at the same time you have to take care for yellow. The chakras and connected organ systems work always in pairs to balance the organ systems and thus your health and wellbeing. (this is no medical advice :)
If you consume more blue than yellow you create an imbalance ...
Yellow is important to sort your life, clear, clean, take decisions, so this means also, that you love blue ... but ... maybe are somehow not caring enough for yellow aspects in your life in case you absorb much more blue...

oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!! you are not going to believe this!!!!

or maybe you will!!! hahahahaha

but do you know when I get sick and - i am very anemic - my skin color looks more sallow and yellow. Not like jaundice. but more... depleted and ... hmmmm unlively. I dont' know how to describe it.

but maybe that's why I always crave blues??? to balance. I don't know - we'll talk more hehehehe i love these things! :)

This might be possible. For sure I believe you! Somehow may be also sour body says ... give me yellow give me yellow ... if you don't give me yellow to balance me with all this blue the just look at your body :)

This is an outstanding article thank you for posting this. By sharing these forgotten secrets people will start to understand the importance of appreciating the little things in life.

Thank you so much for your kind words, yes, I agree 100% this is so true. Tried my best to start with this first part. I have also quite some experience in practice so I would love to bring this series also to a stage at that I will share easy daily tips and the use of some techniques.

It's so important to embrace the little things in life!!!

Welcome to Steemit! :) I just went to visit your page, but you haven't started posting yet. Looking forward to seeing what you have to share :)

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Where I live--Damanhur--colortherapy is part of the three-year School for Spiritual Healers and is also a track to study on its own. There are several doctors and health-care professionals that incorporate it into their daily work. We also have a color for each day of the week, which people try to dress in. This harmonizes our frequencies with others and the day itself.

This is awesome. Unfortunately, professional color therapy and research on biophotons are still rare to find today. Thank you very much for your kind words. Have a great weekend.

For their therapeutic benefits, very rare. This is one of the areas Damanhur is doing research into. Our medical staff has traditional and alternative training, so we have the ability to blur the lines much more than others.

Thank you very much for sharing this.

I would love to put you in touch with one of our doctors at Damanhur that specializing in colortherapy, only that I know she has a billion projects in the works, and I fear her responses will be slow in coming. If you ever decide to take a trip to Italy to see Damanhur, let me know, and I will surely get you two together. We even have a special cabin where they do targeted chromotherapy that I think you would really enjoy. There used to be information on the website about it, but we rearranged things and it was taken down while we make updates. There may be a book for sale in English, but I would need to check.

Thank you very much for your kind offer. I am always open to exchanging experiences and the results of my own researches as I am also a certified alternative practitioner with the main focus on color therapy. Feel free to DM me.

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Great to hear! The next time I see her, I will see if she has some extra bandwidth. Blessings!

I think there is quite a bit of research on this sort of thing, so I'd be very interested in reading more about what you find.

I know from some of the research I've looked into, some people respond better to visual data, some audio, some kinaesthetic....

So right, definitely. When I started end of the 1990s it was hard to find anything, especially in Europe.
Yes, some people respond to visual or audio or kinaesthetics, at the end it is all frequency and thus the same source, it depends on the aware or unaware development of personal preferences and the overall development. Similar to food preferences. Finally, everything and everyone is light on a higher or lower frequency. May it be biophotons or photons ...


So the Chinese system is based on their system of correspondences relating to the 5-phase Theory.

In TCM, a shade of one of the colours (for example, in the complexion) indicates a problem in the corresponding organ-system or channel. Each of the affects (emotions) also were part of this system of correspondences.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes. When we concentrate on the seven main chakras and corresponding colors, I have learned, that the chakras and connected organ systems work in pairs to balance. If one side of the particular pair has less than usual energy ... thus missing the corresponding color energy, it indicates a problem in the corresponding organ system.

Our mitochondria sent out light particles every time they contract and relax. Those light particles in total are a part of our aura. This part of our aura is a kind of information print made in the particular moment. This information field is then used to control our body functions and emotions. This is one reason why color energy is so helpful to balance and regulate.

This post is beautiful, thanks for sharing this in PYPT cora peque.png

Thank you so much for dropping by and thanks to PYPT that brought me to your awesome posts!!grateful.png

Great post! That first photo is breathtaking! Thanks for sharing this on PYPT! 💛

Thank you so much! Yesterday I have put the picture as a desktop background on my computer ... hihi
Have an amazing Sunday!!!

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