Two Years a Minnow

in #anniversary6 years ago

Same shirt. Different attitude.

A year older, a year wiser. Or, so they say. As to who "they" are, the hell should I know. Why do people keep asking me as if I should know the answer?

Things don't always go as planned, and my Steemit journey is a testament to that. A year ago, I took a trip down memory lane, but this year... This year would be different. See, this year would be bolder and more ambitious. Put simply, if last year was a thud, this year would be da bomb [dot] com! This year, we'll (and by "we" I mean I'm forcing you to join me) be taking... wait for it, but don't hold your breath because this is going to be a long one... a light stroll in the outskirts of memory lane. And the crowd goes wild! Aaaaahhhhh!!

If you would tell me two years ago that I would still be a minnow after two freaking years, I would think that you're certifiably insane. But, if you would tell me that a year ago, I wouldn't be surprised. Not one bit.



That's how many posts (including this one) I've written during the course of my entire Steemit experience. It's not as high as I planned it to be, but I recently got married and my honeymoon hiatus prevented me from posting a planned weekly series and a new book (oops! Spoiler alert!). I had planned that the number would be around 300 so I could go aroo aroo with a Spartan-themed anniversary post, but as I mentioned, plans change. And that's perfectly alright.

There's no grand retelling here, no huge revelation, unlike last year's post. Instead, this will just be a brief, cathartic exposition. I still owe my perspective shift to the awesome @lukestokes, and it has served me quite well here and in the real world. If it weren't for him, I would be off somewhere else bitching about all the things I feel I'm entitled to. So, this is the part where I thank the man himself for the helping hand. Vote for his witness @lukestoke.mhth and help keep Steemit running like a well-oiled machine!

Now, I'm just thankful that I even had the chance to post 243 blog entries and made even a cent more than I would make elsewhere! Steemit is truly a wonderful place, and no matter where STEEM is in a year or a decade from now, it will always have that lasting legacy of empowering people to express their true selves online.

Steemit Years. Who's counting?


I'm a stats junkie, I measure everything all the time. While it's useful in some occassions, I almost always end up disappointed. I won't get into too much detail because I've discussed it many times in past posts, but it's one of the things Luke helped me walk through. Matching expectations is a delicate balance. So, when it comes to Steemit, cryptos and life in general, I've learned to practice a somewhat carefree outlook. The way I've been handling situations have been the best it has ever been.

It used to be that I always kept track the upvotes, the earnings, the comments and the people who comment on my posts, but now, I barely even notice any of them and I've never been happier here. I guess it comes with age as well. And by age, I mean my age here on Steemit.

Steemit years is like dog years, but arguably faster and more fleeting. Once you get too caught up with all the politics and the issues, you're going to miss out on all the fun you could have here. Don't mind what's trending or try to post what you think most people would vote on. Just do what you do, post what excites you, and take everything in. Everything is a gift, I remember @lukestokes mention that multiple times in the past, and it holds true to this day.

Me? Even though I used to complain in the early days, I have never sold out and posted things that I had no authority to talk about. I'm just happy that I got to where I am without stepping on other people's toes. Now, I'm not saying other people are doing the wrong thing. Heck, there really isn't a right way of doing things. What I'm saying is that I implore everyone who have read up to this part to just be true to yourselves and have fun!

Of course, I wouldn't be here without a little help from my friends, and I've amassed quite a lot over the past year so I won't attempt to name everyone in this post (I'll leave it for a different one). I'm just thankful for all my wonderful booming friends who I never ever dreemed I would be lucky enough to have! If I never receive any new votes from other people from here on out, I'm perfectly fyn with that :D

I'm done. It's shocking how short this is. Now, go on and pop open that champagne! Drinks are on the house! And by house, I mean Steemit, so thank you Steemit! Thank you for everything you've given us :D



I can't help but notice that nobody has guessed the title reference for last year's post yet. 1 SBD goes to the correct guesser! The title reference for this one is too obvious, so no price for now.

Solidify @lukestokes.mhth in the Top 10 STEEM witnesses! For the love of EOS, please tell me you're convinced.

Join me in my Year of Resilience!


It's really encouraging to see your positive outlook on life here on Steemit and how it has benefitted you so much. As you say, life truly is a gift and when we appreciate it for what it is, we benefit ourselves and everyone around us.

I can't help but notice that nobody has guessed the title reference for last year's post yet.

"A Widow for One Year"?

(I used Google)

Man, I can't thank you enough for that, Luke! It will never be forgotten and merits at least a yearly mention!

Also... damn you Google! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! To the winner goes the spoils :D Mr. Stokes is an SBD richer!

Well @lukestokes what can I say he's been instrumental to your journey, totally amazing sometimes we could use words more sweeter than thank you if they really existed, 😀😀😀

It truly is!

Booming and dreeming hehehe!!

Solid advice in there and a happy anniversary to you! I didnt realise we were so close in siging upness. I got my two year anniversary on Friday I think.

It seems su h a long time ago doesnt it? Well especially for you you old married dog.

Loved the gif!!

Whew! For a moment there I was worried it was too liquid! I do hope you learn from it and apply it to your own post, bro-pernicus. I mean, EOS knows that you surely need it!

Indeed we are! Why I remember that day when the fates aligned and the clouds parted in the sky. I was supposed to sign up the same time as you, but I wanted to add in some wrinkle and suspense! Especially for me? You're one to talk, you macho twice father you!

And the GIF loves you. Oh wait... Thanks for making my stay here somewhat slightly subtly bearable, Boom diggity!!

If I can make something even slightly bracelet then my job is done!

I am glad I stopped by was I do now and then to check up on you as I hate missing these things.

It's quite wild though eh? Two years, what will it be like in 3... Or five!?!

Three will be seeing us rise through our station in life. Five will be seeing us sipping the fruits of our transcontinental brewery on the surface of the moon whilst thinking about expanding the business to interplanetary levels!

Hee hee, that made me grin too :)

Happy steemiversary matey :D And I laughed so hard at the second last paragraph, nearly choked because it's late and I'm meant to be quiet as the sprogs are asleep, fortunately everyone is used to my insanity XD

Then I choked again on the signoff gif, it reminded me of when I had a meetup with some old friends from school once, and we took a few group selfies, and one of the guys playfully asked why we weren't pulling poses like that in the shots, to which one of the other guys who has always been known for his wit and humour responded without skipping a beat, responded that it was because we weren't 17 XD

Hope we're all around for a few...well...steem millenia by the way steem years seem to roll!

Thanks a bunch, chopper! You've been a fervent supporter during ups and downs and you're one of the few I could call a dependable foundation for my journey here. I'm glad you liked the reference, but it would've been better if you woke up the entire house due to your insane cackling hahaha!

I always get scolded for that flat affect pose I do, so I might as well let it fly here where there's no authority to judge me hahaha!

Trippy gif ;) tipuvote!

Thank you kindly! And, I tip my hat to you for your wonderful tip!

Congratulations old timer! You're older than me! I guess when I started here, I was so busy creating new stories and typing (slowly) that I missed out on all the stats and what was trending and all that, but I was also missing out on the social aspect. It's ok though, the handful of friends that I've made here since starting is similar to my real life; a few select, special people that I keep in my heart is more satisfying than having tons of acquaintances kept in my sight.
I still don't know how to use this place-- I don't know how to find out if I'm a minnow, or how many posts I've made since I've been here. I'm busy!

I am, I am! Thank you kindly, young buck! It says right here that you're already a flaming dolphin, you champion! You should be proud of yourself! Be proud!

I do 99.98% agree with you on that though, brother. Keeping special relationships are more fulfilling than having a thousand randos pass by. That's why I keep you guys close to my vest! Now, don't you go running off too far, y'hear?

I'll be splashing around nearby, no worries!

Don't splash too near, you big ol' PAUL-poise! My frail minnow body can't take the waves!

Happy anniversary Jed! :) Looks like you have been enjoying your Steemit ride for the most part and I am always happy to hear that :) All the best for the months and years to come!

Thanks, Petr! I truly am, more so than ever :D I appreciate the well wishes, brother!

Wow my friend what can I say? It's barely 10 months for me here, and how can I miss your two years anniversary as well. You really do have an amazing story. You know steemit is an amazing place just like you said really, even a cent to blog is worth it my friend no place offers better really.
I'm really please to see how far you've come.

Thank you, my friend! And I'm happy that we stumbled upon each other when we did. I'm excited to see all the milestones that we both would be able to witness moving forward!

Congrats on the milestone! I had never run into your post before but it was great and inspirational to read through. I agree that this a journey we should enjoy and not think about the outcome from doing it. Thanks!

Woohoo! I'm glad that we share the same sentiment! Thank you for the greeting and I'm happy that I was able to provide inspiration :D

boomitau 4eva! Of course your references made me super smiley like, but I think seeing your face made me grin the most! What a wild ride we've been on my brotha from anotha!!

BOOMITAU FOREVA! Said ride wouldn't have been possible without STEEM! All hail STEEM! It seems you and I have been nominated by anotha brotha to do some comedic stylings so you'll be seeing my mug plastered all over a post in the near future, SIS-quatch!

Love the attitude! After checkin' out your wallet it looks like you're doing pretty good, even in these down times my friend! You are succeeding post by post! Keep on keepin' on!

If you only knew the uber whales I came up with as fellow minnows, you would think twice about my measure of success hahaha! Thank you for the encouragement though. I'm just trying to keep my head above water. I appreciate all the support I get.

Well, I can see where that could make you feel badly or wishing you'd done things differently but it is what it is right? We all choose our own path and in essence act out our own film called life creating our realities. Haha deep sHiT I know! Hell my goal when I started was just to gain 500 steem and that goal has recently been fulfilled so I'm off to set and accomplish another. I have to say though that finding steemit and using it is so much more than the CrYpTo itself. I know you know this but some don't realize this yet and only think of whale-ish-ness. Meeting peeps like you and many others is the real deal here on this platform. All else are just bonuses in my book! Take care brother!

That's a great way of looking at it! The old me would most likely think that way, but the old minnow me wouldn't even have the thought cross my mind. Glad to hear you have a good head on your shoulders, brother!

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