MM Photography Series: "Street Gang"

This is such a pleasant picture caught in one of the local parks. Usual birds in amusing arrangement, like a gang with clear boss and minnows.

Main focus here is on birds, as well as main subject of the picture which fits with background and its consistent color through sharpness of grey and fogginess of green. Dynamics to this shot is given by main subject interacting with its surrounding and not being steady.

The more I look at this photo the more I see similarity in bird and human interaction with its own specie. I can understand that we have some same genes and instincts but I always assumed we have developed higher stage of consciousness; in the end it turns out we didn’t.


MM ExplorE Series:
--Palmetum (Tenerife)--Belfast--Nature from my balcony--
MM Photography Series:
MM Creative Series:
--Pyrography collection--Acrylic painting:“Tree of Life”--Ink Painting:"Landscape"--Ink Painting:”Mushrooms”--Ink Painting:”Swamp”--Pastel Painting:”Shrommie--”

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Have a great life!

Work presented on this page is original and authentic; made by me with little help from my wife and internet.
Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form from this page is prohibited without the permission of the copyright owner, in this case Milan M. (@psyceratopsb)

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All revenue will be used as funds for opening “MM Art Workshop Studio”.


One small sentence of gratitude to my wife Martina for all of Her support and inspiration!
You can check some of her work

© All Rights Reserved by @psyceratopsb 2018 ©


I never really associated street gang with birds but come to think of it, you're probably correct. Hahahha

We are not that different from animals though.

Birds can be fascinating to watch. A few weeks ago I saw some crows picking up bread crumbs, flying to small water puddles on the ground and using the bread to sop up water before they ate the crumbs.

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Yeah,them ones are really smart. I have seen them droping nuts on the road for the cars to run over them and crack them open, or they break when hit the ground.

This is such a beautiful shot and I absolutely love the title They definitely look like some ruffians up to no good!

thanks, yes they are up to no good, as they like to shit all over people..but hey..we all do..right

I would say the seagull is clearly the boss here :P

Yep, me too. Bad boy looks badass

Oh, the birds! The white one's set up to get his picture taken. I like it!!

Yep..daddy has some style...Seagull, right

You are absolutely right when I am closed to nature I feel that I am also one of them and they are trying to talk with me...But I can understand their feelings but they can't understand mine. Usually when I feel alone then, I go to the park sit alone and observe the nature.
Thank you :-)

Thanks for observation. I can confirm that nature always tends to calm you down. It may not understand you but somehow it sympathizes with you.

I definitely know who's the BOSS in this photo!! :D

The biggest the strongest..

Hahaha... yup!!

interesting picture! i don't really often see different species flocking together.

its common for two of them, as pigeons usually clean after seagulls..

Nice photo. Birds in action are always fun to watch!

Hmm..not sure about what action you are talking about :) , but I do agree

Observing animals not only shows similarity but there is so much to learn from them as well. Little things that we fail to notice at times some good traits in which they seem to do better than us.

Cant agree more.. sometimes we tend to overthink things instead of going with the instincts..

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