You Should Be Offended

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

It may seem a tad ironic that, as someone who advocates a society based upon voluntary peaceful coexistence, I think it’s a good thing that some people are capable of being confrontational, argumentative bastards who don’t mind insulting and offending others. No, I’m not talking about obnoxious trolls who try to shock and offend just to get attention, or because they get some demented pleasure out of bothering others. I’m talking about people willing to tell the truth even when the truth is not popular, and even when telling the truth can earn one the scorn and hatred of the general public.

It is neither brave nor useful to go around loudly telling a truth that everyone already knows. What matters—what changes the world—is people telling the truth when the rest of the world doesn’t know it, and doesn’t want to hear it. Going around today and proclaiming, “Slavery is wrong!” doesn’t require any courage or fortitude. The time to proclaim that was back when much of the world still thought that slavery was proper and legitimate, even righteous. What needs saying today is whatever truths still make people uncomfortable.

And that brings up a sort of "conflict of interests" I notice when I write for Steemit—a conflict I resolve by choosing to be a stubborn, opinionated, argumentative bastard. Allow me to explain.

How much writers get paid for what they post on Steemit depends largely upon how much other people like and appreciate their work. In that sense, it’s a sort of “popularity contest.” There’s nothing inherently wrong with that. People who write books, make movies, record albums, etc., are rewarded, not based on how much they value their OWN stuff, or upon any objective worth of their material (if there is such a thing), but upon how much OTHER people like it. However, when it comes to philosophical opinions, that can tend to create an “echo chamber” effect, where people just say whatever their audience wants to hear.

In contrast, when I write articles or give talks, I intentionally set out to make people uncomfortable, not just for the sake of being a butthead, but because if I don’t challenge someone’s pre-existing assumptions and beliefs, then they are a lot less likely to get anything out of it. Sure, they might like me more and might feel better if I say whatever they already think, but what good does that do anyone? This is why I often go out of my way to remain a pugnacious ass (intellectually speaking), skipping over all the things we might agree on, and heading right for whatever disagreements might exist between myself and my audience.

(Incidentally, even if I’m wrong about something, it can still be better to try to find areas of disagreement. If nothing else, it gives the other person practice at explaining and arguing their position. I know that my own understanding of things has greatly benefited from having to articulate them, and logically support them, when arguing against others who had conflicting beliefs.)

Even in a free society, there will still be ways in which people are rewarded for speaking about “safe” topics that the majority will approve of, and punished for undermining people’s paradigms and going beyond their comfort zones. But if you want to see the nauseating results of what happens when someone tailors and waters down his message in the hopes of pleasing everyone—or as many people as possible—you need look no further than politics: a huge substance-free parade of empty suit puppets spewing whatever vague, meaningless, feel-good tripe might dupe the moronic majority into supporting them.

Many people have rightly pointed out that, despite having accumulated a somewhat significant audience that listens to what I say, I have been remarkably bad at monetizing my efforts and achieving financial success. I don’t pretend that this is the result of altruism or generosity on my part. Instead, it’s at least partly because I would rather tell the truth and be hated than tell a lie and be loved. (It's also because I'm just a crappy businessman.)

Having been an anarchist for twenty years now, I’ve had quite a bit of practice at saying things that make a lot of people despise me. (I still want a tee-shirt that says, “I was an anarchist before it was cool!”) Yes, I very much appreciate being appreciated. But if I have to change my message even one inch away from what I see as the truth in order to get that appreciation, then it’s not worth it.

Obviously I am not the only one who feels that way. There are a hell of a lot of people who have paid a higher price than I have for sticking by their principles, in both word and deed. I am extremely grateful such people exist. And if you, as a Steemit reader, are one of them, I would issue this invitation/challenge: think of something that you strongly believe in, but which you think most people will not want to hear… and then post an article about it—the best one you can write.

In the long run, there is an advantage to having such an outlook. Yeah, you may be broke, and possibly despised by everyone you know, but at least people will know that you are genuine, that you say what you think, and that your soul is not for sale. Now pardon me while I go try to compose a new article to make people existentially uncomfortable.


Larken, I've been following your work for some years now (under different pseudonyms that you may recognize) and while I've yet to totally disagree with, nor be offended by, anything you've said, all is not lost! Lol. I can say that you have taught, and continue to teach, me how to challenge my own thoughts, perceptions, and even habits. I understand your assholeishness and its purpose and I thank you for it all. Peace.

I used to live a lie. At some point I woke up. I forgave myself for living it, and decided not to do it anymore. I had to make that promise to myself. Once truth comes to rest inside of you, a love like no other is born. It's not always easy see, but once seen it cannot be unseen. Thank you, Larken, for discovering real objective truth, and loving her. Especially so for encouraging others to care for her as well. Now with this post I see that how you can be a mentor.

You are right, you just have to make yourself used to it and things will turn all right then.

When younger, and not yet having strong opinions or knowledge on issues yet, I used to take the more benign approach to arguing a topic by listening to radio talk shows. Id dial in a host I didn't particularly like, on a subject I sucked at. I would just listen to callers rants, the host response's, and attempted to figure out in my head what I would have said. Now, with the web, one can really go to town this way.

Same here, I am not expose to a great stream of knowledge and I dont have ideas on lots of things but with continuous reading and involvement I learn and understand few things.

I totally agree, l like banter even if it goes against my own views. Its healthy and sometimes as wrong as it may be i say things i know people just can't cope with just to get a response. It think its productive to talk, share and argue. I dont get emotional about it i just enjoy it and the older i get the more i speak my mind without caring about the repercussions. The key to it all i think is just to make sure you dont sell yourself out, especially for monetary/popularity gains. Respect and reputation is everything but self respect is more important. I dont get hung up on it too much though because it might take a life time to gain a reputation, but it can all be destroyed in a day.

I'm so glad Steemit has made it easy for principled content creators like Larken to make money. There's a lot of pent up good karma to be heaped on you, Larken.

However, I firmly believe that "being broke" or "being a bad businessman" are choices. Monetizing your platform is about serving your audience, not about compromising principles.

Besides, some believe that succeeding in the free market is a principle unto its own (See Atlas Shrugged).

Top 3 Protips for content creators: Build your email list. Build your email list. Build your email list.

Love your work, Larken! You deserve all your Steemit success and then some. I look forward to your Mirror project.

Incidentally, I totally agree. The fact that I'm still poor at this point is due more to a fault in my psyche than a virtue. I'm working on it. Steemit is helping.

I'll be happy to help you set up some of the tactical stuff if you want. Email me at contact@activistpost .com.

The problem for me is I think I understood your message awhile ago (long before steemit). So while I cannot articulate these thoughts as well as you do I am kind of an "echo" chamber. You didn't say anything on steemit that made me uncomfortable or shocked me. I suspect that is because I am already there, and I get it. Yet you are saying it the way you do also I suspect out of a sincere desire to make the world a better place. To do that you need to reach people other than those like me.

People like me will continue to support you due to your skill at delivering the message. If you want to make me uncomfortable with the message though you'll need to come up with some new material. If you suddenly became a Statist, that would make me uncomfortable.

Yeah, I've seen so many anarchists on steemit I've been increasingly compelled to write a long post called in defense of the state and knowing this is the wrong room for it only makes me want to do it more. I've been putting it off because it feels to me like arguing for the vertues of hydration.

I'd actually enjoy that very much, even if it's just in the comments. Don' t forget that voluntarists like diversity and dissent, unlike the collectivists one-size-fits-all-mindset ;-)

Well follow me then because I'm certain its coming, I just got all the maps I'll need! When I write it try and rip it apart in the comments, I'd enjoy that!

Oh come, ye friend of The State, and defend Her Greatness with me!

"Yeah, you may be broke, and possibly despised by everyone you know, but at least people will know that you are genuine, that you say what you think, and that your soul is not for sale."

I know the feeling about being despised. I can't tell you how many "friends" I've had over the years who believed I was the reincarnation of Jeffrey Dahmer simply because I didn't agree with their religious/political mythologies. No matter how civil any conversation could be, I was always the bad guy with the "crazy opinions." Even with my own family, if I come close to expressing my thoughts on the topics, I can see the cranks begin to turn, their eyelids peel back and their faces redden. So, naturally...I just don't talk to them much about anything important.

As I try to get my own business off the ground, I usually find myself with very little support from anyone that I know. Complete strangers are the ones who have offered me the most help in the past couple of years. It's sad, because I know where I could be if the people that I actually do know were willing to look past their own vile moral principles and just be a friend, or a brother, or a parent, and be proud of what I can do. It bothered me at first, but now I just think: "Well, less people to share my fortunes with when I make it big." I'll reward the strangers and those who will actually appreciate me and my morality. I won't let anyone drag me down because of their flawed outlook on life.

In any case - I appreciate what you do, even if you have a large opposition to the truths that you speak. I found you a few years ago and have thoroughly enjoyed your writing and videos. Most of the time, you espouse my own feelings on government and humanity - even down to the "profanity." So, thank you for being that voice and for taking some of the heat off of me in my own circles. (Now, I just refer people to you if they have any questions. Since doing that, my personal relations have improved very slightly over the last couple of years.)

I thank you for what you do. Great post. I'm glad to see you finally earning like this. In my opinion, it is certainly deserved.

Thank you Larken, word


Hence why I've debunked your Anarchist posts under the abuse of your fans.

And by "debunked," you mean, "Faithfully repeated the nonsensical authoritarian mythology I was taught without actually refuting or addressing any of the ways in which that mythology is provably false and insane." If you ever say anything of actual substance, I might take you seriously. So far, nope.

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