''Let's Get To Know Each Other'' Challenge ~ @byn

in #alicequestions6 years ago


I was challenged by @botefarm in this postThis challenge was instituted by @blog-fictions.

The Rules Are Simple Though

  • Make a post to answer questions below and nominate two or more friends as I have done below.
  • Every post that will be created should contain the link to the Original Post
  • Use the main/first hashtag as #alicequestions.
  • Note: Nomination not compulsory for participation. Anyone can join.

So, here we go.

  • If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?
    You don't want to know. I'm afraid my answer would be weirdly controversial or offensive, so I'll just keep it to myself.

  • What would you do on Mars for fun?
    Like most things I do when I travel, I'd take photos and video for future memories, story fodder, article illustrations, etc. I mean, not everyone gets to Mars, so I'm assuming those photos and video would be worth some BANK. Even if not, I'd enjoy looking through them and using them as story prompts/inspiration... just like I do with my regular life photos.

  • If you could get yourself anything what would you get?
    A custom built cabin on 60+ acres in the mountains somewhere relatively safe where my kids could also build houses and live happy lives. I wrote about it in my What Would You Do With One Million Dollars Post.

  • Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words.
    Emotionally, passionately connected.

  • What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?
    If they have a sexy voice or an uncommon (for here) accent, I'd probably notice that. If I talked to people, which I generally don't. I generally DON'T really notice much about men as far as physical traits (Which is what I'm assuming this question is referring to?). Unless there is something really strange about them that stands out. Although I'm married to a man, I rarely find men in general attractive/striking/noticeable... WOMEN, however, women are gorgeous and I probably notice nice legs or strong arms first.

  • If you had access to a time machine where and when would you go?
    Good lord, I don't even know. Either back 5 years to give myself some advice about money, marriage and finances, or to the future to see what happens next, assuming that I can then come back here and hopefully make good choices.

  • What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
    Well, hmmmm... this is a loaded question for me. Too much childhood unpleasantness. Let's just say I was an adult before I realized how many of my "oh that's just a normal thing for a child to do/think" were most decidedly NOT normal/healthy, etc. I still don't have a whole lot of memories of childhood anyway.

  • Do you believe in aliens and why?
    Yep. Because why the hell not? It just seems impossible to think that the world only consists of the things we have seen/known thus far. Plus, some of those alien conspiracy theories with the pyramids and shit... those are pretty cool to me. I'd rather believe that than not. It just seems more interesting that way.

  • Tell me about something you really regret.
    So many things. I regret not speaking up when the funeral home director sold my mom on the top of the line casket that she couldn't afford when my brother committed suicide. I knew he was pushing her into something she didn't need and couldn't afford, but I didn't want to be insulting to my brother's memory, so I stayed silent. She was paying that off for YEARS and in such horrible debt for many reasons, but that dragged out a bad memory in a way that was just awful through and through.

  • Do you feel any of the above questions did not make any sense?
    They all seemed to make perfect sense to me!

I am nominating @janton because I really want to see what he does with these questions!


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I'm BAAAACK After a Much needed vacation



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Photos are mine except where they are credited to their source under the photos (Or in the case of linked thumbnail cover photos in the sig, they are sourced at the original post).


Really sorry to hear about your mom being tricked by that guy..really not nice..
I hope he pays for his deeds one day...

Yeah, in hindsight, I so should have said something, but it was so unexpected. I just find his actions abhorrent.

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❤ MWAH!!! ❤

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Never knew you'll take up the challenge, am so touched by your story.
You've truly being there and done all that.

Thanks! I've definitely lived a lot of life in my 47 years thus far!

hahaha! "tell me something you really regret!" ha! no way I'd do that questionaire so more power to you, you're much braver than I am. I'd have to take the 5th on every one of them!

Lol, it was really hard to answer some of them. At least I could choose WHICH things to answer with. And I never figured you to be the cowardly type ;)

ha! no not really cowardly just intensely private.. I've been named or challenged or whatever to do this thing several times and I just laugh it off.
so I salute you for actually doing it!

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