''Let's Get To Know Each Other'' Challenge - @Botefarm ๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‡

in #alicequestions โ€ข 6 years ago


I was busy racking my brain on what to post for today, in the absence of none I check on challenges and that reminds me of the one made by @aauathespian which was interesting to read and funny. I got to know the challenge was instituted by @blog-fictions. Checked his blog and found out to be an amazing blogger.

The Rules Are Simple Though

  • Make a post to answer questions below and nominate two or more friends as I have done below.
  • Every post that will be created should contain the link to the Original Post
  • Use the main/first hashtag as #alicequestions.

Note: Nomination not compulsory for participation. Anyone can join.

So, here we go.

ยถIf you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?

I will gladly trade my life for those at the front line of humanitarian service, the NGOs at refugees camp, the doctors without borders, the Red Cross society volunteers, because am sure that lived is and was lived for the benefit of mankind, it's like delegating your steempower to #girlsfoundation and many charity group knowing fully well they are using it to better other lives somewhere. The world just celebrated the birthday of Kofi Anna the former Secretary to the United Nations, his humanitarian services stands the test of time and accord him all respect a man could have. The same goes for Mathai Mangari the tree ๐ŸŒฒ planter, Desmond Tutu the peace maker, Nelson Mandela the Nation builder, I will gladly trade my life for any man who has a track record of helping his fellow man.


ยถWhat would you do on Mars for fun?
There is no fun in Mars, I'll surely be there for serious business, am a physicist, so why take Mars a possible life after earth for fun. Rather I'll be busy thinking of innovative ways mankind can have multiple habitable planet, I'll develop suit, gadget, materials that are user friendly, made a trademark of my name for my lineage to be proud of.

ยถIf you could get yourself anything what would you get?
Looking at myself now, I'll say a Laptop,haha, but a deeper thought, I'll prefer a time machine or a fourth dimension kind of a wall that I can use to pass through time. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

ยถDescribe the perfect kiss in 3 words.
Practically there is no perfect kiss in this world, only the one in movies. Literally, I'll say I don't know, never had one.

ยถWhat is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?
Any time any day, it's her well of knowledge, smartness and wisdom. Then her cleavages and back side bumps, who wouldn't do that.

ยถIf you had access to a time machine where and when would you go?
There is nothing to correct in the past so I can't go back in time to correct things, not even the Adam and eve incident. I've let it go. I'll rather go to the farthest future, there are so many mathematical formulae, complex algorithms, inventions and ideas that doesn't have a solution presently, I'll go into the future to look for them and use them to better our lives here, who knows maybe Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have actually done this before. Who knows.

ยถWhat is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
The idea of scorpions coming into the house if some roughages of sugarcane were left on the ground. Even though we leave in an urban area I still can't figure out how that will occur.

ยถDo you believe in aliens and why?
Yes, aliens exist, in every facet of life they do. Religion acknowledged there existence, so is science and school of thoughts.

ยถTell me about something you really regret.
Opportunities not taken as at when due, it pains me alot.

ยถDo you feel any of the above questions did not make any sense?haha
They made a lot of sense, being that the constructor of the challenge might want to gather data from us all, or being a CIA/FBI/KGB agent trying to know our perception about aliens but hid it in challenges. Data gathering is a big thing you know.

And that is it for today, I hope you enjoyed this interrogation of mine with some pinch of fun. Comments are highly welcome. Thanks for @blog-fictions for bringing this up again.

Therefore, am nominating @hixsrael, @byn @felt.buzz and the freewrite community.

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Haha yes...I am about to gather all this data up and sell it to the aliens...I wonder if they would give me anything in return or abduct me haha...
Great answers loved reading it :)

Very funny, Hahahaha, you're free to submit my data to them too.

I would do that..I am not sparing anyone :)

Hahahahaaaa... You're so funny...
They'll abduct you and you sure won't live to spend the money...

Haha..I will go with them to their fairy lands :)

Hahahaaaa.. A fairyland of no return?
So long as paradise is sure
Heaven, a promise and
Love, unbreakable...
I think I'll like to tag along with you

These are fantastic responese. Especially the trading of life.

Am glad you love it.

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