ahmadmanga Picks #1 | Gaming and Short Stories

Focusing on two different niches Gaming/Fiction, bringing to you posts from all over steemit. This isn't a curation post.


Salam (Peace)

Here's my first ahmadmanga Picks. There are only few posts today because I spent some of the time writing The Announcement Post If you haven't read it before read it now. I explained there: Who are the intended audience of my Daily Picks. The rating system used here (Clarity/Novelty/Fun/Length) and some other info.

~ The Announcement Post ~

@ahmadmanga Daily Picks:

A Friend Is A Friend No Matter What

SnowCat & Rabbit.jpg
by @marxrab

Post NicheClarityNoveltyFunLength
#Fiction (Talking Animals)AAA~600wrds

This post have been tabbed in my browser for a while waiting to be read. It's my (not necessarily bad) habit to leave what I think the best waiting for my best mood. So sorry @marxrab for not reading this earlier.

This fable teaches accepting other cultures by following the story of a rabbit who is the best friend of some cats. Such unlikely but pure friendship is fun to read. The story was shorter than I first assumed and I loved that all the pictures are owned by the writer. The comment section is also heartwarming.

digiBLAST - Videogame History #48 - Retro Review

by @gabox

Post NicheClarityNoveltyFunLength
#Gaming ConsolesBSA~700wrds

I think I always put @gabox articles in my collections (just see here), but they ARE interesting. Here he talks about a gaming system I didn't know it existed.

digiBlast is a handheld gaming system in Europe released in 2005 aimed at child audience with games like Songebob, according to @gabox it's a failure that didn't last 2 years competing with Sony and Nintendo. In my opinion it's an achievement to last against them this long. Read the post for more about the system.

50 WORD FICTION | The Hive

by @naquoya

Post NicheClarityNoveltyFunLength
#Fiction fiftywordsASA(150+)50wrds

Written by one of the known writers on steemit @naquoya. He does book reviews and is important in writing communities. This story of him is interesting because it took the prompt "Bark" in a direction I never thought of (but since it's short I won't spoil anything.)

It's been a while since I tried to take part or read fiftywords initiative. So I'm glad I stumbled upon this while looking for something to put here.

Life Of A 9-Year-Old CEO & Game Developer

by @anonnews

Post NicheClarityNoveltyFunLength
#Gaming #Tech NewsAAA~850wrds

Ruben Paul, a 9-year-old, is already very knowledgeable about cyber security, so much so that last year Paul delivered a speech at DerbyCon about InfoSec, an institute that trains adults about cyber security and deals in various other subjects related to information technology.

Amazing!! Young children like him are doing great works, and I'm too lazy to write a simple post? After reading this I'm disappointed in myself. @anonnews does a great job explaining the boy's story and the post is very inspirational.

Honorable Mentions:


@frobanthesalop's "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC/SNES)"


@cleavor's "Superhero Strength." (Short Story)

~ Hope you liked today's Collection ~
I'd like it if you gave me your opinion about it.
What format do you like more, this or my previous Gaming Daily format?.

Cover image features edit version of @marxrab post's picture. All other images are taken from their respective posts.

Thanks for the mention. It's the first 50 word story attempt in awhile, so I'm glad you liked it. Longer stories are flowing a little less well just right now, so this was a fun exercise to get the creativity flowing again.

I think this does qualify as a curation post, even if it doesn't upvote chosen posts. More visibility is pretty rewarding.

The hive looks interesting, I'll give it a read.

I just resteemed this.

Thanks a lot... The best thing about "The Hive" that it's very short story, I read it three times and understood it differently each time.

I read it late night yesterday, and I thought it's pretty good too! It's so metaphorical at first, but then it descends into the realm of literal. Quite amusing.

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