CONserve-Nation: CPAWS Wants 50% of Canada Locked Up In Conservation
Hello dear friends! “Oh, Canada! Our true north strong and free”. Well, for now that is. The UN arm of the elite is making moves to swallow up all the land in private or governmental land trusts. This is not to protect nature as much as it is to keep you out of it. Even though over 70% of Canada’s population lives in packed urban layouts.
This isn’t enough for the UN. Eliminating sprawl is high on their lists of global goals. So they make up scary sounding studies (you’ll never be able to verify yourself) to convince the sheep that conservations are for the good of species and the planet! With that said, check out this bullshit article by the CBC (Canadian Brainwashing Corporation).
“Nature emergency” right, because you say so! The only nature emergency that I can see is that not enough people are getting out into nature (especially children). They are far too busy consuming their entertainment mind control and being put in a constant state of fear and worry that the sky is falling down (climate change).
Canada is fucking huge! If you drive out of your tightly packed urban home and into the countryside. I guarantee you come back with a whole lot of stress off of your shoulders, because you won’t see all the fearmongering lies pushed on you via your television, computer, smartphone, whatever have you. You will be seeing nature unfiltered. The truth in plain sight.
Well actually, the study says nothing about Canada, not once does it even mention Canada. The study speaks in terms globally (mostly overseas), and even then their statistics reach all the way back as far as the 1600’s when talking about extinct or endangered animals. It’s rather pathetic.
Pathetic like when they were claiming that the polar bears were starving based on that one sick bear. Remember how the national geographic was all over that? Saying how “this is what climate change looks like” memba?
Ah, screw it! Here’s a reminder.
National Geographic admits "emaciated polar bear" was falsely used to push Climate Change

The Polar Bears Strike Back: The Climate Change Narrative Unravels
Obviously there are situations where a habitats need protection m, definitely! Let’s not confuse that with cutting off half of Canada for wildlife protection. That’s obviously ridiculous when you look at how much of Canada is untouched.
Oh, and whenever you see the 2030 date. That’s your cue to raise your middle fingers to the UN. That’s their Agenda 2030 sustainable development plan. It’s also possibly one of the most eventful dates of the future seeing as nearly everything is predicted to happen then.
By The Year 2030: The Use of "2030" in Mainstream Media
Does it really?
Most of Canada isn’t being exploited at all but, “muh global goals”. Its an UN sustainable development agenda for a global takeover. It has very little to do with protecting Canada’s wildlife biodiversity. That’s just the sheild they use to trick normies.
Wait, how does it provide food? Farm land provides the food, and even then not much. Most of the food consumed in Canada is imported (don’t ask me why?), about 80% of the food on grocery shelves is imported to Canada. So how locking up the land into conservations going to provide food?
Oh, I have a few ideas on how they will feed the urbanites in the future.

A Global Diet Is Coming.
BUGS: Agenda 2030 Diet Of The Future.
Oh, there’s the kicker! They use Canadian’s tax dollars to buy up the land! Poof! Just like that. Buy it and you ain’t never getting it.
There ya go, they are going to buy it up and set it on fire. Restore it! 😆
But the forests are not being cut down so we already have the air quality. Not sure what good soil quality is if you can’t grow on it, which means no food or medicine. How would you access it from protected land. This doesn’t make any sense. “Coral reefs, cyclones and tsunamis” What the hell? Damn, Canada’s climate has changed!
Translation: Take action now so that future generations will never know what it’s like to own land. The very concept of property will be eliminated if we allow the UN to have its way.
Excerpt from my post

Zombie Deer, Conservation, and Agenda 2030 OH MY!
Wildlands project for the US.
”Rural landowners who desire to use their own property are shocked when they learn new regulations increasingly restrict them from doing almost anything. These regulations ostensibly protect endangered species, viewsheds, open space, or a host of other reasons for limiting the owners rights to use their land. Although the environment and society allegedly benefit from the regulations, it is the landowner who pays the price through lowered property values. Rarely does the property owner receive just compensation for the societal benefit―as required by the U.S. Constitution and almost every state constitution. Rather the property owner is required to pay the entire cost, even though all of society supposedly benefits.”
”Property owners in America have always accepted the need for regulations. Common law since the time of the Magna Charta has always allowed the government to restrict property use that would otherwise cause problems of safety, health, harm or nuisance to the community or the property owner’s neighbors. However, the imposition of regulations to provide vague benefits to society or the environment is relatively new in America. This new process is called sustainable development. With sustainable development, no longer do property owners in the United States have unalienable property rights, as penned in the Declaration of Independence and protected in the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights. Instead, government imposes on property owners what are termed “usufructory rights.” Since unalienable property rights provide the foundation to liberty and wealth in America, sustainable development portends dire consequences to all Americans.“
”By definition, usufructory rights are the rights to use and enjoy the profits and advantages of something belonging to another, as long as the property is not damaged or altered in any way. Conceptually, it is similar to renting or leasing something within limits set by its true owner.“
The Link Between Sustainable Development and The Wildlands Project
”The usufruct principles of sustainable development first became public at the 1976 United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I) held in Vancouver. For instance, the Preamble of Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report states that:”
”Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable….”
”Throughout this UN document the socialist model for private property rights are set forth as the basis for future United Nations policy:”.
”Public ownership or effective control of land in the public interest is the single most important means of…achieving a more equitable distribution of the benefits of development…. Governments must maintain full jurisdiction and exercise complete sovereignty over such land…. Change in the use of land…should be subject to public control and regulation…of the common good.”
”Wildlands Project co-author Reed Noss explains that in the core, corridor and buffer areas, “The collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans.”1 The Wildlands Project is the master plan for both Agenda 21 and the Biodiversity Treaty, and represents a grandiose design to transform at least half the land area of the continental United States into an immense “eco-park” cleansed of modern industry and private property. Says Noss;”
”One half of the land area of the 48 conterminous [United] States be encompassed in core [wilderness] reserves and inner corridor zones (essentially extensions of core reserves) within the next few decades…. Half of a region in wilderness is a reasonable guess of what it will take to restore viable populations of large carnivores and natural disturbance regimes, assuming that most of the other 50 percent is managed intelligently as buffer zone… Eventually, a wilderness network would dominate a region and thus would itself constitute the matrix, with human habitations being the islands.”
NGO Environmental groups are the attack dogs of the UN. Going after innocent people’s land, and spreading plenty of fear propaganda onto the regular folks.
”The Wildlands concept is largely the work of Dave Foreman, the principal founder of the eco-terrorist group Earth First! and a former member of the board of the Sierra Club. Foreman describes the Wildlands Project as an effort to “tie the North American continent into a single Biodiversity Preserve.” Foreman summarizes Wildlands as “a bold attempt to grope our way back to 1492” — that is, to repeal a half-millennium of Western civilization, with its unique blessings of material prosperity, technological progress, private property and individual rights. Indeed, the vision statement of the Wildlands Project is stunning in scope;“
”Our vision is simple: we live for the day when Grizzlies in Chihuahua have an unbroken connection to Grizzlies in Alaska; when Gray Wolf populations are continues from New Mexico to Greenland; when vast unbroken forests and flowing plains again thrive and support pre-Columbian populations of plants and animals; when humans dwell with respect, harmony, and affection for the land”
”John Davis, editor of Wild Earth, acknowledges that the Wildlands Project seeks nothing less than “the end of industrial civilization…. Everything civilized must go”
Yes, Canada is a carbon sink. Yet, all of the climate change propaganda is focused on here and the US. When countries like China and India are by far some of the biggest polluters, and continue to build 100s of more coal burning plants. Think maybe the climate industrial complex are after more than just a greener planet?
“What is Sustainable Development”
“The Post-Carbon Energy Eugenics Explained”
Well I think I’ll be hitting the old dusty trail now. Perhaps through some protected habitat. Thanks for reading and until next time!
Reporting from the BRAVE NEW WORLD, I am...
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great article we need to get the UN out of north america and south america also if possible'
keep up the great info with the posts man