Zombie Deer, Conservation, and Agenda 2030 OH MY!

in #agenda20306 years ago




Are you scared yet?

To sum it up: They are preparing us for a future outbreak and vaccine pitch. Calling it “Zombie Deer Disease” plays into all your Zombie themed television/movie programming. For an added dose of fear for what is in reality a 59 year old animal disease that only now being treated as a “public health issue”.

This is just more fear mongering to keep you feeling unsafe, particularly with regards to nature. Stay away from the woods, there’s ticks and cougars and zombie deer OH MY!

In addition we are constantly fed a continuous stream of doom and gloom over environmental and habitat destruction, endangered species lists and massive die offs. All the blame and guilt firmly placed on humanity as a whole.

I wonder how much of these reports are real? How many reports are exaggerated or completely made up? How would you know, lest you go out and start counting these animals yourself.

National Geographic admits "emaciated polar bear" was falsely used to push Climate Change

The Polar Bears Strike Back: The Climate Change Narrative Unravels

One thing I’m sure of, the harm (accurate or not) is due to the actions of government/corporation cooperation in pursuit of profit and furthering their goals of land acquisition and control.

Who would see humanity completely separate from nature altogether. Under the directive of the new world order a nefarious plan was laid out (a long time ago) to reshape the world. Through the UN came Agenda 21, now known as Agenda 2030.

Agenda 2030 is consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All of which are made to sound like really good and positive things on the surface. However, one needs only to scratch that surface and it will reveal a much more sinister objective.

”In 2008, for the first time in history, the global urban population outnumbered the rural population. This milestone marked the advent of a new ‘urban millennium’ and, by 2050, it is expected that two-thirds of the world population will be living in urban areas.“


Wildlands project for the US.


”Rural landowners who desire to use their own property are shocked when they learn new regulations increasingly restrict them from doing almost anything. These regulations ostensibly protect endangered species, viewsheds, open space, or a host of other reasons for limiting the owners rights to use their land. Although the environment and society allegedly benefit from the regulations, it is the landowner who pays the price through lowered property values. Rarely does the property owner receive just compensation for the societal benefit―as required by the U.S. Constitution and almost every state constitution. Rather the property owner is required to pay the entire cost, even though all of society supposedly benefits.”

”Property owners in America have always accepted the need for regulations. Common law since the time of the Magna Charta has always allowed the government to restrict property use that would otherwise cause problems of safety, health, harm or nuisance to the community or the property owner’s neighbors. However, the imposition of regulations to provide vague benefits to society or the environment is relatively new in America. This new process is called sustainable development. With sustainable development, no longer do property owners in the United States have unalienable property rights, as penned in the Declaration of Independence and protected in the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights. Instead, government imposes on property owners what are termed “usufructory rights.” Since unalienable property rights provide the foundation to liberty and wealth in America, sustainable development portends dire consequences to all Americans.“

”By definition, usufructory rights are the rights to use and enjoy the profits and advantages of something belonging to another, as long as the property is not damaged or altered in any way. Conceptually, it is similar to renting or leasing something within limits set by its true owner.“

The Link Between Sustainable Development and The Wildlands Project

”The usufruct principles of sustainable development first became public at the 1976 United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I) held in Vancouver. For instance, the Preamble of Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report states that:”

”Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable….”


”Throughout this UN document the socialist model for private property rights are set forth as the basis for future United Nations policy:”.

”Public ownership or effective control of land in the public interest is the single most important means of…achieving a more equitable distribution of the benefits of development…. Governments must maintain full jurisdiction and exercise complete sovereignty over such land…. Change in the use of land…should be subject to public control and regulation…of the common good.”

”Wildlands Project co-author Reed Noss explains that in the core, corridor and buffer areas, “The collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans.”1 The Wildlands Project is the master plan for both Agenda 21 and the Biodiversity Treaty, and represents a grandiose design to transform at least half the land area of the continental United States into an immense “eco-park” cleansed of modern industry and private property. Says Noss;”

”One half of the land area of the 48 conterminous [United] States be encompassed in core [wilderness] reserves and inner corridor zones (essentially extensions of core reserves) within the next few decades…. Half of a region in wilderness is a reasonable guess of what it will take to restore viable populations of large carnivores and natural disturbance regimes, assuming that most of the other 50 percent is managed intelligently as buffer zone… Eventually, a wilderness network would dominate a region and thus would itself constitute the matrix, with human habitations being the islands.”


NGO Environmental groups are the attack dogs of the UN. Going after innocent people’s land, and spreading plenty of fear propaganda onto the regular folks.


”The Wildlands concept is largely the work of Dave Foreman, the principal founder of the eco-terrorist group Earth First! and a former member of the board of the Sierra Club. Foreman describes the Wildlands Project as an effort to “tie the North American continent into a single Biodiversity Preserve.” Foreman summarizes Wildlands as “a bold attempt to grope our way back to 1492” — that is, to repeal a half-millennium of Western civilization, with its unique blessings of material prosperity, technological progress, private property and individual rights. Indeed, the vision statement of the Wildlands Project is stunning in scope;“

”Our vision is simple: we live for the day when Grizzlies in Chihuahua have an unbroken connection to Grizzlies in Alaska; when Gray Wolf populations are continues from New Mexico to Greenland; when vast unbroken forests and flowing plains again thrive and support pre-Columbian populations of plants and animals; when humans dwell with respect, harmony, and affection for the land”

”John Davis, editor of Wild Earth, acknowledges that the Wildlands Project seeks nothing less than “the end of industrial civilization…. Everything civilized must go”


Short story about an Environmental group “The Nature Conservancy”.

One time for Christmas my wife (fiancé at the time) and I decided that instead of buying a gift for her two nieces. We make a donation in their name to the nature conservancy.

Well I’ll tell ya, these mother fuckers have stalked me ever since! It’s been like 10 years, several moves (without updating our address information with them), and I’ve called them more than one and told them to remove my name from their mailing list.

No way will they do it. They just mail out shit to us every few months. I don’t even know how many trees have perished so that these bastards can harass us, but it’s probably enough to provide a habitat for a field of titmice. Insane pricks!

Sorry for the language, but they piss me off!

America 2050

About America 2050

”America 2050 is Regional Plan Association's national infrastructure planning and policy program, providing leadership on a broad range of transportation, sustainability, and economic-development issues impacting America's growth in the 21st century. A major focus of America 2050 is the emergence of megaregions - large networks of metropolitan areas, where most of the population growth by mid-century will take place. Examples of megaregions are the Northeast Megaregion, from Boston to Washington, or Southern California, from Los Angeles to Tijuana, Mexico. Megaregions comprise multiple, adjacent metropolitan areas connected by overlapping commuting patterns, business travel, environmental landscapes and watersheds, linked economies, and social networks. America 2050 has identified 11 megaregions in the United States”

U.S. Megaregions

U.S. Megaregions in Google Earth



“The nonprofit North Florida Land Trust celebrated a record year for land conservation — spending about $18 million to preserve more than 6,100 acres of natural land essential to wildlife and watershed throughout the region.“


“Florida Forever has been preserving natural Florida for more than two decades. Since 1990, more than 2.4 million acres of land have been preserved throughout the state by Preservation 2000 and the Florida Forever Programs. More than a million acres of sensitive land and water are still in desperate need of protection.“

How much land is developed in the United States?


“Short Answer: 167,614 Square Miles (As of 2002) which represents approx. 4.66% of the Land Area in the United States. To put this into perspective, I have mapped out and overlaid this same area on a Google Map of the United States. This figure includes 93,750 Square Miles of Developed Structures plus 73,864 Square Miles of Public Roads.

Why is this information important? This information is important because eco-freaks would have you believe that urban sprawl is devastating our natural resources and that we must all crowd into densely populated areas in order to reduce our greenhouse footprint (by reducing transportation).”

You might think to yourself. Won’t most people miss all that nature, being crammed into one of their megacities smart grids?

Have you noticed any changes in your city lately? More green spaces? An emphasis of park spaces and the growth of community garden and even urban farming? Though innocent and even practical these changes in design are not so innocent. These are changes for the purpose of filling that need for nature, that need for green space and gardening. In my city they even have urban chicken coop and beekeeping pilot projects in place. These are all ostensibly good things being used to keep you satisfied just enough not to move out of the city.

Also understand that a large portion of the population isn’t even interested where their food comes from, or how it was produced. They’d much rather have the latest iPhone with access to WI-FI, so they can get their toxic Zionist programming anywhere in the grid.

There’s an agenda 2030 (sometimes called 2040) plan in every major city. I highly recommend you look for it i your city. It will be on their webpage.

Take city for example: Edmonton

The way we grow video

Just listen close to what they are saying in this video. Compact, transit oriented (dominant) growth.

Here’s a recent fb post by my city. That’s 100% Agenda 2030 propaganda.


Matter of fact, I wrote a post covering my cities obnoxious push to a driverless future.

Edmonton-Opolis: The Driverless Agenda/Agenda 2030 Unfolds In My City

From Edmonton city councillor Andrew Knack.

7C8CE0C8-2950-4090-A757-58A8412E4735.jpeg - source

What does transportation have to do with the agenda of locking up all the land in nature reserves. A lot! In fact controlling how people get around means controlling where they can travel to. So if you have a city where no one owns their own vehicle, and the only vehicles left are carshares and autonomous vehicles. That of which will be programmed to only take you to city approved locations. Well it becomes quite clear doesn’t it?

Alright well, this post is getting pretty long for an on the fly decision to write it. Normally when a post of mine is long, it’s because I have thought about writing it for a while.

Yet, there’s still tons more information about this agenda 2030. I suggest you really take a deep look into it.

I thank you for stopping by, please check out the links and videos below.

Videos to watch

“What Is Sustainable Development?”

“Behind the Green Mask Agenda 21 Rosa Koire”

“Planned-opolis and 3 other senarios (Agenda 2030 programming)”

A Global Diet Is Coming.

BUGS: Agenda 2030 Diet Of The Future.

By The Year 2030: The Use of "2030" in Mainstream Media


'Pedaling' an Agenda: How all bike lanes lead to Agenda 2030


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This zombie deer thing sounds a lot like rabies.

Do not eat sick looking deer... or cows for that matter.
But they don't allow you to look at your cow before butchering, so you will just have to rely on the FDA to do that for you.

Of course the FDA trusts big corporations like Tyson to hire their own inspectors.

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I hate bike lanes and shutting down main roads so bikers can have fun...
But the zombie things sounds fun... Luckily I watch The Walking Dead, I'll survive without the vaccine :)

I noticed you don't post on whaleshares any longer?

Ah Shit yeah I’ve been meaning to post all my latest steemit posts there plus some whaleshares exclusives. I’ll get on that, Thabks for the reminder!

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