By The Year 2030: The Use of "2030" in Mainstream Media

in #agenda20306 years ago


A while back I wrote a post about the use of 33 in msm articles

This time I'm covering the use of the year 2030 in the mainstream media. With little effort I'll show you the disproportionate use of this year in an array of news stories, projections and predictions.

I start with a quick web search. Search term "2030", category "News". I looked through the results for about 10 minutes or so.











Just to make it clear, Kanye is not awake, he's not a truther. They were just using him to promote their agendas. While at the same time discrediting people like myself, who talk about the things they don't want us talking about. Like the subject I am writing about right now.



















Here's some other search results, plus stuff I've seen previously while working on other posts.


Just look at that "A" in that publication's name "Planetizen"

photo cred

Look familiar? lol

"With a current world population of 7.2 billion, the United Nations is projecting an increase of 1 billion people over the next 12 years, and 9.6 billion by 2050. To meet the population’s needs, our food system is in transition. We need to produce, transport, sell and prepare more food, more efficiently. But which foods, and what kind of transportation?"


What's 2018+12yrs= Hmm?


"It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service. We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much." - Ida Auken


Got this one from my friend @perceptualflaws' post

"When the futurist and Google executive Ray Kurzwell spoke in 2015 he proclaimed that “human brains could be connected to the cloud by 2030”. It was also Kurzwell that said “Our thoughts will be a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking”. Personally I believe this is just a stepping stone, in reality this is about hijacking the human mind. Our brains hijacked to the point that we are devoid of any original thought and indeed humanity."


"Since the citizens of China are living longer and having fewer children, the growth of the population imbalance is expected to continue, as reported by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation which referred to a United Nations projections forecast that "China will lose 67 million working-age people by 2030, while simultaneously doubling the number of elderly. That could put immense pressure on the economy and government resources."[13] The longer term outlook is also pessimistic, based on an estimate by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, revealed by Cai Fang, deputy director. "By 2050, one-third of the country will be aged 60 years or older, and there will be fewer workers supporting each retired person."[55]



33? Must just be a coincidence huh? Fml 😂

The world will need at least 50 percent more food, 45 percent more energy and 30 percent more water than it did in 2012, according to United Nations High Level Panel on Global Sustainability estimates.[1]

India will surpass China as the most populous country this year or earlier.[2]

According to projections by the United Nations, the world population of humans is estimated to be between approximately 7,800,000,000 (7.8 billion) and 8,500,000,000 (8.5 billion) people.

A study estimated that due to continued economic growth in Africa, most impoverished Sub-Saharan African countries will graduate from low to middle-income status by 2030.[3]

It is estimated that the global middle class will number about 4.9 billion people, about 66% of whom will live in Asia,[4]and 80% living in what in 2015 is considered the developing world.[5]

Overall, middle classes will be the most important economic and social sector, and a majority of the world's population will be out of poverty.[6]

Of the world's population, 60% will live in urban areas due to rapid urbanization.[7]

It is also estimated that there will be 41 megacities that will collectively contain 9% of the world's population.[8]

All but one will be in Asia or Africa due to rapid urbanization on those continents.[9]

The international community, including the United Nations, World Bank, and United States, have set the goal of completely eradicating extreme poverty by 2030.[10]

Noting a significant decline in extreme poverty since 1990, the World Bank has noted that the end of extreme poverty is in sight and pledged to cut it down to at most 3% of the world's population by this time.[11]

The World Health Organization and UNICEF have set a goal for universal access to basic sanitation by 2030.[12]

The United Nations has made it a goal that Internet access and literacy will be universal by 2030.[13][14]

French demographist Emmanuel Todd forecasted that the global literacy rates will be almost 100% by this year.[15]

The World Bank has called for all countries to implement universal health care by this time.[16]

According to a report by all 16 US intelligence agencies done in cooperation with academics, research institutes, corporations, and politicians from the European Union and 14 individual countries, the unipolar world order in which the United States dominates will have declined, as China will have surpassed the United States economically and regional powers will have grown in strength, although the United States will probably remain a "first among equals".[17]

Desalination will have greatly increased in use.[18]

Tidal power may provide 15% of the United States' electricity.[19]

Architectural advances will see taller and taller skyscrapers appear, including new "megatall" buildings, with the possibility of a kilometer-tall tower by this time.[20]

3D printing will have grown dramatically in usage, and even buildings and human organs will be printed.[21][22]

Healthcare will become largely automated, with machines replacing 80% of doctors.[23]

In addition, new advances in medical technology will greatly improve human health, particularly nanobots, which will be implanted in the human body to augment the immune system. Ray Kurzweil argues that most diseases will have been wiped out by this time.[24]

Some researchers are aiming for the ability to regenerate human limbs to be achieved by this time.[25]

Self-driving vehicles will dominate the roads, and Elon Musk has projected that operating a non-self-driving vehicle on public roads may even be illegal by this time.[26][27]

Cars being built during this time, which will be smaller than the vehicles of previous decades, will all be plug-in electrics or hybrids.[18]

Due to the ability to order products on the Internet and a massive growth in 3D printing, about half of the shopping malls in the United States will have closed down.[28]

Hypersonic passenger airliners may be in use.[29]

Ships may be fully capable of running themselves and running on different types of fuel, will require less maintenance due to sensors and robots locating and repairing problems, while construction using advanced materials will make them lighter.[30]

Commercial delivery drones will be in widespread use, and the Federal Aviation Administration has estimated that there may be as many as 30,000 of them regularly operating in American airspace by 2030.[31]

Advances in robotics will replace many jobs done by humans, and the growing capabilities of artificial intelligence will mean that white-collar jobs will also be increasingly automated.[32]

In particular, Ray Kurzweil estimates that artificial intelligence will match human intelligence by this time, and that furthermore, humans will become hybrids with technology by 2030, due to human brains being able connect with computers and being fed information.[33][34]

According to US Army General Robert W. Cone, robots may replace one quarter of US soldiers by 2030.[35]

A quantum computer trillions of times faster than a supercomputer may have been developed.[36]

Smart cities will be increasingly common, with over a trillion sensors installed worldwide.[37]

A Japanese construction firm, the Shimizu Corporation, in concert with many research firms and government agencies, has plans for an underwater city of 5,000 people called the "ocean spiral" 2.8 miles off the Japanese coast, which will consist of a giant sphere containing homes and businesses situated just below the surface, held up by a nine-mile spiral descending to the seabed, where there will be a submarine port and a factory powering the city by using microorganisms that turn carbon dioxide into methane. The Shimizu Corporation plans to start construction in 2025.[38][39]

According to the Discovery Channel documentary, Extreme Engineering, construction of another Shimizu-proposed project, the Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid could be underway by the 2030s.[40]

DNA profiling technology will have advanced to the point where the equivalent of the entire Human Genome Project can be performed in seconds using special touch-sensitive gloves.[41]

Integrated smart grids, or grids which will use sensors and monitoring devices to determine how much energy to direct to any particular building, based on its individual need, will be in widespread use throughout the developed world. Furthermore, energy production will become more decentralized due to widespread use of solar panels and fuel cells by individual businesses and residences, and these grids will be able redirect surplus electricity to other buildings their area through power lines.[42]

China is expected to have the world's largest population of Christians surpassing the United States.

Masdar City is expected to be completed by 2030.[43]

- wikipedia


How about other media, like movies and books?







Now, it's been a few days since I started making this post. So now I'll do another quick web search. Same search term, category, and I searched for about 3-5 minutes.



Final Thought

So the way I see it, they constantly use the year 2030 in all their media (mostly in a negative light) because they are trying to program and familiarize you with that date. Why? Well agenda 2030 of course.

Agenda 2030 is the solution, their answer to your fears (that they created). UN Agenda 2030: Sustainable Development, is what they will use to transform the world over. To erect the human population control grids, placing 'global' citizens to the confines of their mega cities. Leaving the large swathes of land (and all its resources) under the control of the ruling elite. Yes, while you are dining on crickets in your micro-cell shared living space, they will dine on the organic produce by yours and others hard work on the former car park grow lots. You will own nothing, all products will be services, and your income will be based of your social standing. But hey, zero waste! Am I right? 👌😉

Excellent video by @corbettreport breaking down sustainable Development.

"UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL." -Rosa Koire

Agenda21 (now called agenda2030) film Planned-opolis made by "Forum for the future". Planned-opolis and 3 other scenarios of what life could be like in 2040.

Special note

Found this fabulous example of my point in a local newspaper today. lol


Oh and yes we have a "Sustainable Development program in my city. You probably have one in your city or town as well.

Alright, I'm wrapping this up. Big thanks to all who took the time to look through my work here. And please don't hesitate to leave your thoughts and/or questions below.


while you are dining on crickets

I took a deep dive into more of their food agenda for a presentation I gave at a local event last weekend. I posted it on here last night.

Awesome! Check out the work I did on insect subject.

That is a great post!

Not to belabor the point, anyone with half a brain and the means needs to move out of the city. We will need everyone with a functioning brain cell to rebuild society after this experiment fails. Theres just no way an economy can function with zero human production. Even a system of universal basic income will have enormous hurdles and most definitely produce a people of poor imagination and vigor. Either way you slice it humanity is in trouble. Not to mention the creepy ass robots from boston dynamics. Hell, maybe ive seen too many scifi movies.

Yes! Get out of cities! Run! Goyim Run! lol

Im not scared of the "jews" but I am terrified of the people who believe every word they say. That being said, my strategy is to be as far away from the walking dead as possible.

Exactly. There will be violence and hunger in the city.

Great call on this @venomymous and thank you for the shout out. I've very much noticed how they are burning this 2030 timeframe into our subconscious .. preparing us for our depraved new world. I don't think people realise just how much their lives are going to change over the next ten years or so .. if they are already lamenting their lack of privacy I'm sorry to say that this grid just getting warmed up .. the puzzle pieces are still being slotted into place.

Have you seen the above footage? It was sent as part of a freedom of information request and I think it's genuine. You certainly have to ponder what event is going to push the vast majority into these megacities.

Burning it into the subconscious is exactly it. They want it in our heads because familiarity breeds conformity.

Yes, I have seen that footage, crazy stuff! I forgot it was also 2030! Could of included it in this post.

Now that's a collection.

I am not up with celebrites and don't know a Kayne West song, or even if he sings at all. Anyway it made me giggle that he was tweeting about it. Another doing his duty for the price of "fame".

It's around you all the time. Like yesterday I heard someone on a radio or podcast bringing up how good it is to eat bugs and insects. Loads of protein etc. And my head goes click - 2030. Also came up yesterday the fact that here in Australia the major city populations are growing expeditionally. Click - 2030.

Oh and there is a cyclone/hurricane heading for Yemen i have learnt so far today and it's only 8am.

Haha, exactly! It's all about repetition. After all, repetition is mind control.

Speaking of eating eats. Check out my post on that very 2030 agenda

Thank you for this post, @venomnymous! Agenda 21 was something that was hard for me to get my head around. After watching James' video, as well as other aspects of your post, it is now as clear as glass. Two words come to mind. Holy fuck!

Well I'm glad that James and I (mostly james lol) were able to clear things it up a bit for you.

Thanks for upvoting and commenting.

...mostly james lol

Your providing great research in your posts! Don't sell yourself short. 👍

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