Genocide = Good For Climate: #Agenda2030Science 👌😃

in #climatechange5 years ago


Colonization cooled the earth?

You mean they stopped those dastardly indigenous peoples in their evil scheme to heat up the planet with agriculture (planting seeds in the ground)?

Oh and FYI scientists, The “Little Ice Age” was caused by the grand solar minimum. It has nothing to do with this pre-industrial massacre of a people that lived in harmony with nature. Wtf am I reading?

“The Climate Control Knob”

Agriculture sequesters co2 numb nuts! Here’s a cheap little graph


The fact you fail to mention this just shows how you are trying to spin lies.

Okay so let’s say that what they are claiming is true (it’s not). Do we want to bring about another “little ice age”? Is that what’s good for the planet?

There he said it folks, you have to have this “Genocide-Generated drop in co2” to get that good cooling action!

Hey what’s that rock or rather set of stones, that says something about maintaining humanity’s population? Hmm I don’t know, but I think the stones were translated into multiple languages by the United Nations.

Oh right, the Georgia guide stones. You know something. Back when those were made, I believe the population hung around 4 billion I think? So you can imagine that with a supposed population of 7 billion. They might be getting a little anxious and more insane with their propaganda. Such as this new piece of Luke warm diarrhea, making genocide into a climate hero. Imagine trying to say such a thing about the Holocaust? I can guarantee they’d get their bagels in a bunch over that. lol

The support for this connection comes straight outta their asses. Making major leaps through the biggest of shill hoops.

Dance climate monkeys! Dance!

“The Imaginary Global Warning Consensus”

Ah of course! It was all those (occasional) controlled fires! Heating up the planet. Never mind natural forest fires that are a part of the natural balance

See Fire ecology

“Fire ecology is a scientific discipline concerned with natural processes involving fire in an ecosystem and the ecological effects, the interactions between fire and the abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem, and the role as an ecosystem process. Many ecosystems, particularly prairie, savanna, chaparral and coniferous forests, have evolved with fire as an essential contributor to habitat vitality and renewal.[1] Many plant species in fire-affected environments require fire to germinate, establish, or to reproduce. Wildfire suppression not only eliminates these species, but also the animals that depend upon them.[2]

Campaigns in the United States have historically molded public opinion to believe that wildfires are always harmful to nature. This view is based on the outdated belief that ecosystems progress toward an equilibrium and that any disturbance, such as fire, disrupts the harmony of nature. More recent ecological research has shown, however, that fire is an integral component in the function and biodiversity of many natural habitats, and that the organisms within these communities have adapted to withstand, and even to exploit, natural wildfire. More generally, fire is now regarded as a 'natural disturbance', similar to flooding, wind-storms, and landslides, that has driven the evolution of species and controls the characteristics of ecosystems.[3]”

See the problem is you the people. What with your living and breathing. What we need to do is push all the people into mega cities (where they will probably contract a plague or two) while we turn all that land into ‘protected’ nature reserves that no one (except for our elite buddies) will be able to set foot in. Of course, we will have to shut down most farming operations and covert them to forests as well. But don’t worry, we are revolutionizing the food industry with lab grown ‘clean’ meats and gene edited vegetables ( a.k.a Gene-Editibles). And once we clear out all those combustion engine vehicles and replace them with a 24/7 autonomous public transit. We will have plenty of parking lots available to grow the food we need to feed the city. Heck! Parking lot farms will be a booming business and create plenty of jobs!


Sorry, went on a tangent there. But hey, it’s not like they ever lie to us to push their narratives.

Weather Channel Reporter FAKES HIGH WINDS While Two People Walk By FINE -

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Videos to watch

“Proselytizing the global warming religion”

“Planned-opolis and 3 other senarios (Agenda 2030 programming)”

“What Is Sustainable Development?”

“Behind the Green Mask Agenda 21 Rosa Koire”

“Orwell's Nightmare: Temperature Adjustments and Climate Change” was

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Anything that comes out of the UN should be considered to be against humanity and to get rich by doing so.

CO2 is not a greenhouse gas, and they know it. But carbon credits are designed to tax people more and make it harder for people to live a good life.

Recent "vaccinations" (i do not know if they were real vaccines) have devastated entire areas. Making many women infertile.

So, if the UN says something, run it through the filter until you can hear the message clearly. Kill off the useless eaters and tax the hell out of whats left.

great article these bastards follow the guide stones as their ten commandments lol
nice cartoons also will watch the videos later not the agenda 21 bitch though lol

lol thanks for the comment and upvote

Great post - out of all the scams in the name of "science" (eugenics) global warming is a damn good one isn't it?

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