National Geographic admits "emaciated polar" was falsely used to push Climate Change

in #agenda20306 years ago (edited)


Hello steemiteers. Sweet sweet vindication! We called bullshit on that emasciated polar bear video back when it came out and now looky here! ⬇️


What was that?

You don't say? Hmm well we 'conspiracy theorists' have been calling bullshit on since it first came out. It takes just a little critical thought to see how ridiculous this was.

"The conservation organization lost control of the narrative" 😂 hey, they may of 'lost' the narrative but they certainly didn't lose the shekels that footage helped them to gain.

These 'environmental' organizations have been using polar bears as the mascot for climate change since 2015.

Remember this?

They will continue to use it because people are dumb and won't even see this article.

No no, it wasn't a mistake. "This is what climate change looks like" was intentional meant to mislead the public and push the climate change ( CC=33) narrative.

For years Polar bears have been painted as them fat cuddly Coca Cola drinking teddy bears you see in the commercials.


However, in reality, these are big strong animals, built for the unpredictability that their surroundings bring them.

Polar Vs Walrus

The polar bears are not starving, they are making a comeback, due to the restrictions/regulations on hunting them.

"Healthy polar bear count confounds doomsayers"

"The study shows that "the bear population is not in crisis as people believed," said Drikus Gissing, Nunavut's director of wildlife management. "There is no doom and gloom."

Oh were toes stepped on here? This makes sense why now this article. See part of the 2030 agenda is a reconciliation with indigenous peoples (especially in Canada).


So what I see here is a little backtracking to maybe save face with the Inuit.

But the damage is already done as far as I'm concerned. At least now I have this to shove in the face of any of those climate groups, who will still try to push the polar bear propaganda.

Are polar bears not allowed to change their diet? I mean when your population starts to come back, you're probably going to branch out a bit for food. But I'm just speculating here, they give no detail on that statement and I haven't looked into a typical polar diet or whether it has changed.

Keeping our planet's water and land clean and unpolluted. That's a no brainer. I support the pursuit for cleaner solutions 100%. But, not what they are doing with this smokescreen agenda 2030.

What people don't seem to understand, its corporations colluding with governments, who are responsible for polluting any land or water. Yet, the blame is place on you, the citizen. They want to tax you for carbon dioxide, something you breathe out and what plants crave. They use all their propaganda to convince you to restrict yourself from freely moving among nature. Convince you that less is more and how great a tiny home/apartment will be. You won't have room to own anything or have room to have children and start a family, oh well! Kids are bad for the environment anyways, right? Eating bugs or lab grown human meat will be the new norm (prediction) the nutritional guidelines.
The ever increasing frustration of driving in the city due to upgrades to infrastructure, that will heavily favor public and active transportation. Will force people to ditch their cars and instead [own a bicycle.]( But, if you are too much of a disgusting fat body? Don't worry! Eco-friendly driverless cars will be an available service in the near future. All these great changes ( and many more changes) are all courtesy of UN Agenda 2030/New World Order programming.

When in doubt pull the racism card, left make sure "the diversity is part of us" right George Laraque?

No, they don't want you on their boards because it makes it hard for them to push the narrative. Can't have real people with a real knowledge of arctic life, voicing their thoughts on it.

Ahhh "Global citizens" Global citizen is an extension of the UN 2030 sustainable development global goals.


in other words they will create extreme global welfare under a one world governance.

A sheeple recruitment center, endorsed by lots of celebrities. Global citizen hosts massive concerts every year to program the masses into their agenda 2030 new world takeover.

Lots of celebrities! Fucktards like Matt Demon, Leonardo DeCrapio and Bono to name a few.

Anything celebrities get involved in you can pretty much write off. Professional actors are professional liars and are ultimately controlled by their handlers.

The Wolf Of World Cup: Leonardo DiCaprio borrows the FIFTH largest superyacht in the world to party in Brazil

Here's a better video by @fakenewsreport ⬇️

Jeff C always pieces everything together in a way that will help to make sense of the programming to anyone who's just waking up to this new world order.

Anyways I've ranted enough. I'm sick of talking about the climate change agenda. But, of course, it's summer and it's hot out so that's all I see in the news. 5 - 10 articles telling you how hot it is or how hot it is going to be in the future. Every little thing that happens is somehow because of climate change (when it's not). It's insane. How are people not waking up to this pattern of deception Repetition is mind control after all.

Thanks for reading! Please check out my related steemit posts below.

Got Cannibalism? How and why it's being normalized.

BUGS: Agenda 2030 Diet Of The Future.

Sustainable Mind Control: Destroying Local Climate Propaganda

Tiny Homes, Agenda2030 and Climate change: What's the connection?

Failed 'Global Warming' predictions: Agenda-Based fear porn or just poor science?

Where humanity first caused lasting environmental change : Article Analysis

'Pedaling' an Agenda: How all bike lanes lead to Agenda 2030



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