Upvote Shares Level 13 Available...

in #actifit5 years ago (edited)

@upvoteshares is a project from @costanza that aims to provide Daily Upvotes based on a fair model that is proving to be sustainable and scalable over time. This Project is mainly aimed towards Steemians with a long term mindset.

If you are not fully up to date with this project, I highly recommend reading all the details in the Terms and & Conditions ! I also recently made a post about the Upveteshares Model Mechanics and how they solve many of the issues most other daily upvote projects have.

The account has reached 3065 SP unlocking level 13 (See Table) after level 12 got sold out around 24 days ago. This means 50 new shares from the @upvoteshares account that spreads out daily upvotes become available. 34 of them have been reserved so 16 more are still available. The current low ~0.30$ price for 1 Steem hurts the upvote $ value but also makes it very cheap to get in for everyone who is in it for the long run and believes in the platform...

  • 5 of those can only be taken up by people who are not yet shareholder in the account, they will be bought up as shares to be converted for minnowshares in case they are not filled.
  • The other 11 are free to be taken, Shareholders who have below 5 shares reserved yet this level are first in line, the ones with 5 already who want more are 2nd in line and they will be bought up by the project to be used in a promotional giveaway if case they don't sell out by Monday.

-50Available Shares
Share Price3.980 STEEMCan be recovered at any given time by selling the share on the market, but comes with a 0.200 STEEM exit cost which benefits all other shareholders.
Share Entry Cost0.300 STEEMWill fully be used to Buy Delegation to slightly increase the upvote worth and allows 1 Minnow Share Sponsorship.
Total4.280 STEEMThe total Steem for 1 Share


@roleerob5 Shares21.400 STEEM
@costanza5 Shares21.400 STEEM
@macoolette5 Shares21.400 STEEM
@glastar2 Shares8.560 STEEM
@jlordc2 Shares8.560 STEEM
@mango-juice2 Shares8.560 STEEM
@abh123452 Shares8.560 STEEM
@braaiboy2 Shares8.560 STEEM
@romsekie2 Shares8.560 STEEM
@byebyehamburgers2 Shares8.560 STEEM
@bashadow2 Shares8.560 STEEM
@erikklok2 Shares8.560 STEEM
@plantstoplanks2 Shares8.560 STEEM
@fullcoverbetting1 Share4.280 STEEM
Total36 Reserved Shares-

The ones who have a reservation can send the required steem to the @upvoteshares account with the memo

Payment Level 13 Shares, I understand how this project works and agree with all terms and conditions (https://steemit.com/steemit/@upvoteshares/upvote-shares-or-terms-and-conditions)

I will confirm when your shares have successfully been assigned in the comments below where you can also let me know who you want to give your sponsorships to. In case you don't have the Steem directly available confirm your reservation in the comments and send it later on (before 21/05/2019). If you don't want to take up your reservations also let me know if possible so they can be taken up by others. I will be adjusting everyone's voting powers during the week already.

Level 13 Schedule
Wednesday 08/05/2019 Upvote Shares Level 13 Available
Monday 13/05/2019 Upvote Shares Level 13 Sold Out!
Wednesday 22/05/2019 Upvote Shares Level 13 (100% Complete)

1 Daily upvote from the @upvoteshares AccountThis for as long as this project runs. (the 3.980 STEEM Share Price can be claimed back in case the project ever ends!)
1 @minnowshares Sponsorship GiveawayCan be Sponsored to someone by choice or be given away by hosting a Contest. Only accounts with roughly around <500$ worth of STEEM or that currently have between 1 and 8 sponsorships qualify. Current sponsorship count will be posted tomorrow on the @minnowshares account.

At any given time, the amount of SP in the account will at least be 10% higher compared to the current share price based on the number of shares. [ Example Level 13 Price = 3.980 STEEM | Minimum Powered Up SP in Account = (3.980 STEEM x700 SHARES)x1.1 = 3065 SP ]

Each share represents an equal minimum daily voting % from the account that can be calculated. For Level 13 this is 1000% / 700 Shares = 1.43% Upvote. Based on current Steem Price this is a ~0.000848$ upvote. (To calculate accurately do SP x1000 and Upvote /1000 on 2% and recalculate to 1.43% see image )

This is the Minimum Guaranteed number in case every single share is active and all daily upvotes are used without counting any of the value creating mechanisms the project offers. The minimum value goes up each time a new level is reached because shares will always become more expensive as the account grows and extra SP is being added each new level. Those who got in on previous levels paid less for each share and have increased their minimum return a bit (see numbers).

There are currently plenty of inactive shares that directly increase Shares. Many of the shareholders from previous levels don't make daily posts which allow for an increased overall voting percentage to ~1500% and above. Each Level is pre-funded which means most of the SP from Level 14 will already be in the account to increase the upvote value. Leased SP from previous Levels are all still active and this will be increased by buying extra 90 day delegation from all the 0.300 STEEM entry costs that came with the Level 13 Shares. The @upvoteshares account has some savings to maintain the pace of moving to the next level in the future when it gets harder. This SP is powered up on the minnowshares account and leased to the upvoteshares account to give a bit extra value to shareholders (110SP).

All this brings the expected upvote for each Share at...
1700% / 660 = ~2.6% from the @upvoteshares account that will have ~4100SP in it. This currently makes the upvote for 1 share worth ~0.00225$. (3.4% at 83% VP)

(This might go up or down a bit based on how the voting power holds up)

While the upvotes themselves might not be spectacular because the continued low Steem Price, it is important to know that they are realistic and sustainable. One of the main ideas is that each share beats a 10x self-upvote that can be done with the amount of Steem it represents. If steem goes back up the upvote $ amounts will increase along with that.

Daily UpvoteBefore CurationAfter Curation
3.980 SP (10x Self Upvote)~0.000770$~0.000770$
1 Upvote Share Minimum~0.000848$~0.000678$
1 Upvote Share Expected~0.00225$~0.001800$

Calculations were done using The Steemit Upvote Calculator

It is important always to focus on the minimum upvote and see everything on top as something extra that will likely decrease over time. Upvotes will be set at minute 12 which will take ~20% curation rewards, while this does not beat the 10x self upvote at the bare minimum levels, it will over time since the value of each share always increases. [ see table ]

  1. Every Upvote Share comes with 1 Minnow Share that can be sponsored. The ones that get sponsored get on the auto-upvote list from the @minnowshares account until the next level is reached. Everyone who manages to get sponsored 8 Minnow Shares over time can claim 1 Upvote Share. (There were 50 reserved in level 0 and more in later levels). There will be a ~10 day delay for Minnow Shares to start spreading out upvotes so everyone has enough time to choose who they want to sponsor or organize a contest.

  2. The account of every Shareholder will be followed by the @upvoteshares account, this will help to increase the followers_mvest needed to get / increase busy.org | busy.pay upvotes and also helps to boost your @steem-ua score.

It is possible to Sponsor 1 or more Upvote Shares to someone else. In this case, the Steem remains owned by the one who made the sponsorship and will be returned to them in case the project ever ends. Only when the account that got sponsored agrees can the share be sold on the market by the account that gave out the sponsorship. The Minnow Share Sponsorship that comes along with each share can also be sponsored by the person who Sponsored the Upvote Share but can not go to the same account.

Previous Levels Information

00Level 0 (100% Complete)Link
01Level 1 (100% Complete)Link
02Level 2 (100% Complete)Link
03Level 3 (100% Complete)Link
04Level 4 (100% Complete)Link
05Level 5 (100% Complete)Link
06Level 6 (100% Complete)Link
07Level 7 (100% Complete)Link
08Level 8 (100% Complete)Link
09Level 9 (100% Complete)Link
10Level 10 (100% Complete)Link
11Level 11 (100% Complete)Link
12Level 12 (100% Complete)Link

There are 16 Shares still available, just make a reply with a request in this post if you want to get in. It is also always possible to reserve shares for the next level or to be added on the auto reservations list like many which is the most optimal way to get in.

List of All Shareholders

-Future Giveaways13
-Burned Shares2

That's it, I will do what iI can to make things go as smooth as possible. Feel free to let me know if I made a mistake somewhere along the way.

All the earnings from this post will be used to grow the account which benefits all shareholders and helps to reach the next level! Thanks

I will continue to add my Actifit reports to these regular posts as a way to help the project grow increasing the upvotes for all shareholders just that little bit...



I just paid my two shares. I'd like to sponsor @michelmake and @pjansen this time.

Thanks @erikklok!

2 Shares [Share 674 to 675] have successfully been assigned to you and your sponsorships were given to @michelmake and @pjansen. You now have 11 Shares and your upvote % has been adjusted to 37%.

Nice, thank you!

@erikklok, thanks man! I just noticed that you did this by accident :)

It's very much appreciated ;)

@erikklok, thanks man! I just noticed that you did this by accident :)

It's very much appreciated ;)

You're welcome! The @upvoteshares service is quite interesting, you might consider to join too.
Enjoy your Sunday!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks I’ll look into it! About to head out for a ride :) 👌

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @costanza

Please keep my shares for me... I will make payment when I'm near a PC again tomorrow... I dont have my wallet key on my phone.

Thanks! \m/

ok, no rush in sending the Steem. Thanks for confirming @braaiboy. I assigned the shares already [Share 692 & 693] and will increase the upvote % in a minute. Feel free to let me know who you want to sponsor, otherwise they will go to the same account as last time.


Cool... thanks... please assign to @playdice

Thanks... Shares paid for:

Thanks, sponsorships have been noted & upvote % adjusted.

Congrats on providing Proof of Activity via your Actifit report!

You have accordingly been rewarded 64.75 AFIT tokens for your effort in reaching 10194 activity, as well as your user rank and report quality!
You also received an 10.16% upvote via @actifit account. 9.06% of this upvote value is a result of an exchange transaction you performed for 20 AFIT tokens !
Actifit rewards and upvotes are based on your:

  • User rank: which depends on your delegated SP, accumulated AFIT tokens, rewarded post count and recent rewarded activity.
  • Post score: which depends on your activity count, post content, post upvotes, quality comments, moderator review and user rank.

To improve your user rank, delegate more, pile up more AFIT tokens, and post more.
To improve your post score, get to the max activity count, work on improving your post content, improve your user rank, engage with the community to get more upvotes and quality comments.

Actifit is now a Steem Witness. If you believe in our project, consider voting for us

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As committed, this afternoon I have transferred 21.4 STEEM to @upvoteshares for 5 more shares @costanza. I will get back to you on this round of Minnowshares to sponsor, once I can access the current list.

As always, thank you for all of your effort to both put this program together, in the first place, and your faithful efforts to maintain it since then!

P.S. If there are any unsold shares beyond whatever waiting period you choose, I will buy 5 more.

P.S. If there are any unsold shares beyond whatever waiting period you choose, I will buy 5 more.

You can have 5 more this round if you still want @roleerob.
It's the first round that the shares aren't sold out, the project in close to being 1 year old and it hasn't needed to do any real promoting to keep things rolling. I plan to buy some extra Steem at these low prices and have the program buy up the entire level 14 as a way to get extra shares in reserve for minnowshare conversions along with having some shares to giveaway in a promotional event soon. So next available round should be level 15 giving shareholders a bit breathing room while the program still progresses and gives even better returns in the proces.


Okay, @upvoteshares / @costanza. I have purchased the additional 5, as committed. I will get back to you on who I want to sponsor, as I have a busy day ahead, as well as tomorrow

Remarkable to me (not in a good way ...) to see how poorly STEEM has performed in this major upswing in the overall market. It will be interesting to see what it does in the weeks and months to come.

P.S. Out of curiousity, do you have @dustsweeper set up for this account? To ensure there are no "dust votes" lost? Or perhaps you have a different approach?

No rush in getting the Sponsorships in, still 10+ days before that upvote lists refreshes.

Steem is quite tricky, I don't doubt it will still be around many years from now (myspace also still exists :) ) The potential is there and it has been highly enjoyable to me as a platform, I can't say that I have blind believe it will outperform the crypto markets though. I would not be surprised to see a random pump at some point regardless of what the market is doing, that's often how it goes with Steem.

Good point on @dustsweeper, I love what they are doing and have it on my own account. Never really thought about setting it up for this one since interaction is rather limited. It can't hurt so I'll send some steem to them have the protection. Thanks for bringing it up !

For my the 2nd set of 5 Level 13 minnowshares @upvoteshares / @costanza, I would like to sponsor:

2 shares - @jacuzzi
2 shares - @mimismartypants
1 shares - @skramatters

And thanks for following up on the @dustsweeper recommendation. One of our all-important Steem Witnesses - @danielsaori – will be happy to hear it. I think you guys are neighbors … 😉

Have a great weekend!

Maaaaan @roleerob!! You just made this pair of pants extra happy!!! Thanks for the blessings!! Keep on rolling!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, to say the least @mimismartypants ...

"You just made this pair of pants extra happy!!!"

... you have an ... uhhh .... "interesting" way of communicating your enthusiasm! 😉

Seriously, in thinking about who to give these shares to I figured I would just go back to people who have recently chosen to follow and engage with me.

So ... Just doing my small part to keep you "rolling on!" 🤗👍

Lol maybe I'm taking this being a pants persona too literally. But it's loads of fun!! No innuendo implied 😝

Lol just Feeding the little fish you say 🐠

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome! Thx so much guys!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @roleerob !

5 Shares [Share 656 to 660] have successfully been assigned to you. I was early this time around an updated the minnowshares list already (Link). Still plenty of time before current upvote list refreshes so no rush. In case there are still shares available by around friday I'll let you know so you can get 5 more.

Thanks as always!

For my 5 Level 13 minnowshares @upvoteshares / @costanza, I would like to sponsor:

2 shares - @blessed-girl
2 shares - @patriamreminisci
1 share - @minnowbuilder3

If my accounting is correct (if not, please let me know), these sponsorships should put @minnowbuilder3 “over the line” for 1 upvoteshare. 👍


Sponsorships are noted, @minnowbuilder3 will indeed get a free share once this level is 100% complete.


Hi - count me in for another 1 share!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great @revisesociology !

Just send the 4.28 Steem for 1 share to @upvoteshares with the memo

Payment Level 13 Shares, I understand how this project works and agree with all terms and conditions (https://steemit.com/steemit/@upvoteshares/upvote-shares-or-terms-and-conditions)
and I'll add your extra share.


Thanks @revisesociology !

1 extra Share [Share 671] has successfully been assigned to you. Feel free to let me know who the minnowshare sponsorship should go to. You now have 6 Shares and your upvote % has been increased to 20%

Steem sent!

Sponsor shares goes to @mango-juice and @romeskie! Thanks! XD

Thanks as always @jlordc !

2 Shares [Share 665 & 666] have successfully been assigned to you and your sponsorship was given to @mango-juice and @romeskie. You now have 29 Shares and your upvote % has been adjusted to 99%.

Steem sent. Sponsorship goes to @kothy and @marieeedraws.

I'd like to get two more shares for this round if there's still available. And I'd still like to reserve two shares for the next rounds. Thanks!

Thanks @romeskie!

The 2 more shares are still available and I assigned them already to you, just send over the extra Steem for them when you can. 4 Shares [Share 667 to 670] have successfully been assigned to you and your sponsorships were given to @kothy and @marieeedraws. Let me know if you want the other 2 Sponsorship to go someone else, otherwise I will give the ones you sponsored now 2 each. You now have 8 Shares and your upvote % has been adjusted to 27%.

While adjusting your voting % I noticed that I made a mistake last month not having set it correctly. It was at 7% instead of 14%. To make up for it I'll add you on my personal upvote list (@costanza) until next level is reached so you get more out of it in the end. My excuses for the mistake.

You are on the auto reservations list for 2, just let me know once you feel you have enough and want off the reservations list.

No worries at all, and thanks! :)

Steem sent, and yes, I'll still be sponsoring the two I mentioned above.

Steem received, Sponsorships noted, Thanks !

Give me 2 days.. a bit less steem

Posted using Partiko Android

Ok, no rush at all @mango-juice. I'll already add your 2 shares tomorrow. You can send the Steem when it suits you.

2 Shares [Share 676 & 677] have been assigned to you and I already increased your upvote percentage to 51% (15 Shares). You can send the Steem when you can and let me know who you want to sponsor once it's done.

Thanks @mango-juice

I ll send the steem tonight. I ll also tell you my sponsors. Thank u man 😃

Posted using Partiko Android

The Minnowshare Sponsorship Counts have been updated yesterday already and can be checked out in this post for those who want the info to give away Sponsorships.

I've been late to the party the last few times, but would love to snag 2 shares this round if I can! 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Great Katie!
I added you to the reservations list

I already assigned the 2 extra Shares [Share 672 & 673] to you and increased the upvote percentage to 24%. You can send the 8.560 Steem whenever you can and let me know who you want to Sponsor before 22/5/2019

I'm going to sponsor @lenasveganliving this time around! :)

Noted ! Thanks Katie

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