Mexican Adventures: Pie de la Cuesta December 2018

in #acapulco6 years ago


This is a shot taken on the way to Pie de la Cuesta and I love it because it shows what Mexican road construction is all about. Even on large projects they're often moving things in wheelbarrows, breaking concrete up by hand and mixing it by hand too. The amount of concrete work done in Mexico by hand is astounding.


Now this is out in Pie de la Cuesta. I've posted about it before. We go a few times a year when we want to unwind in relaxed beach town Mexico. This is where you go when you want to see no one but a few friendly faced Mexicans.


The beach was covered in fisherman, no doubt fishing to catch for the local restaurants along the beach which all advertise freshly caught fish on their menu.


A washed up, dead pufferfish.


There were so many birds there that day. One thing I love about living in this area is the number of birds especially big birds all over. Not sure what most of these were but I can tell you I liked them!


So cute! So many!



This is a dog we nicknamed Sandy. She got up and started following us down the beach when we passed her, just after I took this photo of her. Super sweet dog!

Check out the links below for more like this one!

Adventures Around Acapulco, Part 11: Pie de la Cuesta
Adventures Around Acapulco, Part 13: Pie de la Cuesta Beach Day

Mexican Beaches: El Marinero Beachside Restaurant in Pie de la Cuesta

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