in #agorism7 years ago


Tyler discusses scaling Agorism with Cryptocurrency.

The concept of Agorism was first proposed by libertarian philosopher Samuel Edward Konkin III. We can find his definition of Agorism in a few experts from his foundational work, “An Agorist Primer":

“Agorism can be defined simply: it is thought and action consistent
with freedom. The moment one deals with “thinking,” “acting,”
“consistency,” and especially “freedom,” things get more and more

“…..Reality is our standard. Nature is our lawgiver. In a general
sense, agorism is scientific in that it bases itself on verifiable
observations about reality.”

Konkin Continues:

“Agorism is the consistent integration of libertarian theory with
counter-economic practice; an agorist is one who acts consistently for
freedom and in freedom”

Cryptography, distributed networks, the P2P economy, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technology are bridges to the future of human interaction and of new monetary systems which have the potential to solve the problems we face with the current economy.

I am seeking alternatives to the current predatory, corrupt, and destabilized economy. I am actively participating in what I've found to be real world solutions to this problem.


To proceed toward creating a culture of freedom, of decentralization, and of prosperity which all human beings can benefit from we must begin to build these new systems starting in our local communities. Solutions to the problems the world faces will be solved by bottom up grassroots efforts from freedom minded individuals who put their understandings into action on the local level.

Positive change in our world on the grander scale always comes from individuals who invent new systems which replace old, outdated, possibly even corrupt system of human control that hold humanity back and thwart us from achieving what we have the potential to create.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
― R. Buckminster Fuller

Show Notes

My Links:

half size freedom hive.png

The Freedom Hive

  • Truth - Freedom - Prosperity
  • Voluntaryism - Agorism - Action

I feel a similar way about health. Take the corruption and bug pharma out of health care, and we are left with cures that work and don't cost much.

Our farm subsidies are wreaking havoc on our soil, nutrition, and health. Organic foods are the foods our ancestors ate.

Here are some of my other posts:

Latin America most happy - US ranks 38th

Ethereum's Ups and Downs

Did the FDA do something right? Proposal to reduce opiods with alternative pain therapy like acupuncture

Gets rid of Zits, Cold Sores, Scars, and Wrinkles. Sleep Sounder. Light Therapy.

Plastic Bag use Dropped 85%

Don't know how to cook with turmeric?

Fasting -- more time on Steemit

I think big pharma is inherently corrupt so to "take the corruption out of big pharma" seems impossible.

If alternatives exist I feel it's a good idea to use and promote the alternatives rather than feed into the old system by trying to fight against it.

Agreed. Just like it seems impossible to take the corruption out of fiat. Simply use and promote the alternatives - like crypto.

Absolutely :) Crypto along with my favorite metals: Lead, Brass, Silver and Gold :)

Was brought here by the link you posted on the freedom cell network.

I just got the New Libertarian Manifesto and will be reading through it here shortly. Crypto does seem to be an agorist wet-dream, its exactly what we need to be able to move forward.

It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds :)

Hi. I've been advocating for the use of cryptocurrencies and I'm surprised at the level of resistance I come up against even among 'anarchists' at times (see here for example).
Thanks for your post. I think there's a lot of preconceived ideas that need to be addressed to help make this technology work for and not against us.

Great article and idea of scaling agorism with crypto!

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