Fasting - More time on Steemit!

in #fasting7 years ago (edited)


A weekend of indulgence

I don't usually eat cheese or bread, but with family visiting from out of town, I enjoyed our favorite Chicago deep dish pizza - and LOTS of it!

But, Monday morning, I just hopped right back on the healthy-eating (or "non-eating") bandwagon!

Fasting made easy

You may think its cheating. I follow a Rapid Fat Loss protocol that includes grass-fed butter and optimal chains of high quality coconut oil in my beverages.
One cup of coffee keeps me satisfied for the whole day. For dinner, I swap out the coffee for vanilla and cinnamon.
I don't have cravings and still have plenty of energy.
Those good fats feed my brain and I'm able to perform my daily work with ease.

I also take activated charcoal to filter out any toxins that might build up, so I don't even get headaches.
And supplements further support my bodily processes.

What's in it for me

The thing I like most about fasting is being in control of my choices. I knowingly enjoyed that pizza for a special occasion. But my old self would've turned one dietary downfall like that into an all-out mudslide. (People aren't in control of their cravings - their body-brain signals are. Willpower won't work in the long haul.)

I've had firsthand experience -- fasting zaps addictive cravings that would otherwise feed each other like a hamster on a wheel.

Another benefit -- I love how my body responds when I don't eat. I slim down FAST!

And I can almost feel my old cells dying off and fresh new cells being created.

Plus, since I don't shop or prepare food, I can spend more time on Steemit!
I save $$, too.

Transitioning back

I don't know how long I will fast this time. I generally do a 3-day fast each month. And "intermittent" fasts on most other days. That's where my morning coffee keeps me going all the way until dinner.

But coming off a fast is fantastic. The smells, colors, and flavors of foods are heightened.

Food tastes so delicious!

I plan my meal carefully. A purple yam with fresh rosemary and sage from the garden is going to be on my plate for sure. I haven't decided what else yet. But I'm going to savor every bite!

What's YOUR favorite fast-breaking meal?

Image1 source giphy
Image2 source giphy


Great post! I fast every day, and I always break it with some sort of fruit, then I eat a hardboiled egg with butter for my first meal usually. :)

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