Are you a FUD or FOMO? How your crypto-personality impacts the success or failure in the crypto-world?

in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)

In the crypto space people's behavior can be divided into two broad categories of crypto personalities (let's call this Crypt for short).

Those who make decisions under the influence of FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) and those that decide under influence of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). We all have both Crypts in us but what defines us is what dominates our behavior.

FOMO Strengths and weaknesses


  • FOMOs stays energetic and enthusiastic about the market, even when it is trembling down
  • FOMOs are the reason why there are so many quality ICOs in works
  • FOMOs create themselves a chance to win BIG


  • FOMOs usually look at the bright side, too much of it, which makes them perfect victims for cunning marketing tactics
  • FOMOs are the reason why there are so many shitty ICOs that come out each day
  • FOMOs always keep themselves vulnerable to lose BIG

FUD Strengths and weaknesses

  • FUDs always stay up-to-date on the market trends
  • Can cut losses, even by chance, most of the times


  • Too much anxiety most of the times
  • Creates personal and market volatility
  • Misses out too many boats because he/she is busy jumping boats almost all the time

What am I?

Personally speaking, I am FOMO, that is, I get interested in too many projects at the same time. I get swayed by the flashy but then I go through my analysis (that I use in my ICO review series) to ground myself in picking one or two winners at a time.

Why is it important to know?

When you know what kind of Crypt influences you the most, you can make your decisions more consciously. For instance, I know I am a FOMO, that means, I have to be extra careful about falling for the flashy offers and have to dig deeper before I part with my $$s.

If you know you are FUD, you have to learn to pick good projects and TRUST in progress. You should know that you are in it for the LONG run and not let small ups and downs deter your position on the project itself and cause unnecessary panic.

Are you relying on Cryptos for livelihood?

It is even more important to know what makes up our Crypt when you are relying on (or thinking to) income from Cryptos. When you know what your personality is, it serves as a caution to overcome the weaknesses and play out the strengths.

What is your Crypt?

Opinion. Not an advice.
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ABOUT MY BLOG: I write about Money (crypto world, including ICO Review Series, Life, Psychology and everything they entail.

Previous articles from the ICO Review Series for your reading pleasure!

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