The Food Diary Game | Season 2 | 09-10-2021 | sfcharity50pc | Food, Food Everywhere

in SteemFoods3 years ago

Hi, dear Steemians and SteemFoodies!

It's my DAY 9 in the Second Season of the Food Diary Game. It's Saturday and it's a working day for me. Like any other Saturday, I don't cook today, with some exceptions 😌

I share this post in English, from the #SteemFoods community, led by @steemitfoods and @alikoc07 on the occasion of the Second Season of the Food Diary Game.

50% of the rewards from this post will go to @sf-charity, in order for me to help more families benefit from medicine and food.

It's been a nice day. A lot of work, and treats, and a chance to make mojitos and pizza for my sisters.


My day started early, at 6 a.m. Went to the office before my sister, who'd bring my breakfast. It was 7 a.m when I had a cup of coffee, some water and a juicy gala.


A friend brought homemade cookies. They had raisins, pistachios, chocolate bits and other tiny delicious things I don't think I can name.


They were the nicest treat.

My arepa for a third breakfast came flying wrapped in foil paper at 10 o'clock. Cheddar cheese and ham. I felt like a hobbit.


It was 2 p.m. when I had my lunch. My sister brought in a plastic container, as usual. It was bologna pasta with parmesan cheese on top. Yummy!


We had more treats for dessert. Sponge cake with fruit, cheesecake, and some cookies.


Later on, it was time to go shopping for groceries and some rum, Chinotto and yerbabuena, to make mojitos. My sister paid, so she has the bill.


In the evening, we got together at my sister's. I made pizza dough with bicarbonate instead of yeast; used an egg to make it sponge. Also I added some buttermilk to soften it. It was an experiment which turned out just right.

Finally, we had the mojitos, too.

We had a really good time.


As always, I say goodbye wishing you all the best. See you in my next entry.


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Some of my most recent recipes on #SteemFoods

Algunas de mis recetas más recientes en #SteemFoods

Gofres de auyama



Tarta rústica con crema bávara



Penne con carne y vegetales salteados



Crepes con crema pastelera de chocolate oscuro Savoy de Nestlé



Postre cremoso de limón


Pimentones rojos con relleno clásico de arroz y carne molida, con una vuelta de sabor extra


SteemFoods Contest -23-| Homemade Delicious Ice Cream Recipe | Helado casero cremoso de piña con base de arroz




 3 years ago 

Hola amiga que rico todo como siempre y que bueno esos cócteles buenísimos

 3 years ago 

Los mojitos son muy ricos. Hoy usamos Chinotto en vez de soda y quedaron muy buenos✅ Saludos, @joanac 🥰

 3 years ago 

Chica invita ;) todo se ve genial, esa hermana tuya si te quiere. Para cuando al receta del mojito. éxitos..

 3 years ago 

Hola, @reinamia 🥰 Cuando quieras, estás invitada. Te cuento cómo preparo yo el mojito (hay quienes lo preparan con Chinotto, como hicimos esta vez, porque no o había soda... Hay quienes le ponen más ron):

Humedece el borde del vaso y lo volteas sobre azúcar blanca. En el fondo del vaso, machacas ligeramente 8-10 hojas grandes de yerbabuena fresca junto con 2 cucharadas de azúcar. Luego agregas el ron blanco (o aguardiente) y remueves hasta disolver el azúcar. Luego llenas el vaso de hielo triturado, hasta que le falten dos dedos para el borde. Luego pones el doble de soda que de ron y 1/2 parte de limón; o sea, son 1 parte de ron, 2 de soda y 1/2 de limón. Y si tienes Amargo de Angostura, una gotica y sube de nivel 10 a nivel 10+ 😆 Si es para invitados, le puedes poner la típica y tropicalísima rodajita de limón para adornar el vaso o se la pones dentro. Es riquísimo el mojito, pero embriaga a los distraídos. Avisado 🤭

 3 years ago 

Genial , a mi me encanta pero no había tomado el tiempo de revisar cómo se hace. Excelente explicación.!!! A bebeeer jajajaj

 3 years ago 

🤭 Con cautela, clutch y freno.

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