How to Stop Worrying About Money

in #money9 years ago (edited)

How to Stop Worrying About Money

 A Collection of Information to Help You Create & Maintain Wealth!

First off before I get into this article I'd like to thank EVERYONE who has helped me keep going in my times of need, even when I was ready to give up and go lay in a snowbank to freeze to death my friends, fans and supporters have always managed to pick me up, brush the snow off me, smack my ass and tell me to keep at it. I don't have to name all of the names here.. You know who you are. Even all of those of you who have nay-sayed, trolled and otherwise belittled me deserve thanks as well, you've also motivated me to do better.

"better off than 95% of the planet may seem far fetched to some"

While it's often thought by "less fortunate" people that living poor and impoverished is merely a side effect of one's environment, upbringing, education or some other excuse, as a person who has been penniless/sleeping on the streets and wealthier than 95% of the world's population all before turning 30 I cannot help but shake my head at this. While that claim of once being better off than 95% of the planet may seem far fetched to some, it's not nearly as uncommon nor unattainable as you may think. I'll admit right now I'm not a highly educated individual by anyone's standard and at the time of living as the top 5% I was actually working as an unticketed welder building fracking trailers for use in oil drilling. I was making around $52,000 a year at the time with a take home of around $33,000 after the government gouged me with taxes. If you're a single guy with no dependants in Canada that is enough to put you in the top 5%.

(The sweet pie chart and graph were generated over at

Keep in mind I had no special training nor education to land this welding job. To be honest I wasn't that good with a MIG welder when I started either, but like all things that I put before myself with enough practice and discipline I was eventually able to become adept at the art of MIG welding and go on to be successful in the trade.

Want to be richer than 95% of the world?

Don't be afraid to learn new skills...
Push yourself outside your comfort zone!

In order to fully understand this particular triumphant bit in my life you have to realize that only a handful of months before I entered the ranks of the top 5% I had moved from the small conservative mennonite village I was living in to the second largest city in my province with basically nothing but $50, a backpack full of clothes, some pleasantries (toilet paper) and a tent. It was around mid summer and my girlfriend at the time had just broken up with me and kicked me out of her apartment.

I'll never hold resentment towards the woman for doing so. I was basically doing nothing with my life but growing pot and selling drugs. Loser would have been a term of endearment at this point. Having turned basically all my friends into fiends and no longer having anything to anchor me to that village I set out to make a new life for myself...

Now I realize it might not be possible for all folks to just "up and leave" in such a fashion as I did. The point I'm trying to get across with all of this, is that when faced with homelessness and poverty I took a life altering move and decided to attempt to do better. If you accept the fact you are a loser, poor and will never amount to anything you are likely sowing your own seeds of despair. Successful individuals are not afraid to go all in on a decision that they believe will turn out for the better. If you honestly want to get out of your poverty prison you've put yourself in, you're going to have to work for it. One thing to keep in mind when not worrying about money... first start with an internalized drive to want to do better.

Lazy People Do NOT Get RICH!

The very fact you've read this far into this article tells me as a writer that you're hungry for success and all of the benefits that come with it. Even those already considering themselves successful and without cares of money have likely read up to this point as well just to see what my ultimate secret to not worrying about money is. Truth be told I've already told you a good portion of the secret above, if you are merely skimming the article just look at the big headers. One can start to acquire easily simply by making a goal of creating wealth. If you're fortunate enough to be reading this article on a device connected to the internet you're basically already on the right path to becoming rich and maintaining your wealth.

Access to the Internet is Access to Work & Money

You live in an AMAZING time as far as technology goes. Billions of people connected by nearly instant communications all over our entire planet. What most fail to realize and hold true is that not only is the internet a great tool to research and learn new skills, but also a hell of a platform to advertise and sell your products or brand. While I respect the fact that not everyone may readily produce goods or services that are easily apparent to themselves when they first start trying to get out of the grind, please do not discourage yourself. Your million dollar idea will eventually come to you and you will be wealthy, just keep at it!

Maintaining a "winning" mindset and maintaining realistic goals is a must. Spend less time scrolling through mind-rotting social media platforms like facebook and reddit and spend more of your time on the internet bettering yourself as a person. You can literally learn and do ANYTHING you want, make profit on it, enjoy your life and ultimately stop worrying about money simply by applying yourself.

The only thing holding you back is you...

One final thing I should mention is that you can have all of the income in the world but if you spend it frivolously and foolishly on outlandish toys and needless vices you will soon find yourself once again poor and worrying about money. While being able to acquire great wealth is impressive and will give a good person great ability to improve their life, it is not a cure all. Money is merely a tool that could be viewed as a magnifier of people's character.

Start Living Up to Your Potential. Stop Worrying About Money!

Random Feature?!: @sykochica : 5 Other Ways to Better Ourselves

Inspired Article!!: @stellabelle : Forget About The F**king Money on Steemit for a Second

Shameless Plug!!: @klye : STEEM WHISTLEBLOWER: Whale Bots Are Devaluing STEEM!

Developer Hype!!: @fabien : Steem.js: Comment, upvote, downvote, transfert. You wanted it, you got it.

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New Personal Post High Score! Thank you Steemit! <3 KLYE


Easy for you to say. You don't have to pay for a new Death Star.

I took a life altering move and decided to attempt to do better. If you accept the fact you are a loser, poor and will never amount to anything you are likely sowing your own seeds of despair.

Very true. A great post but the kind of people who always complain about their situation and never do anything will never get it.

I used to be that sort of person.

Take life by the horns and go with it!

I'm a loser who used to play games and now playing with my life..

Eh, I used to consider myself a loser as well man.

Chin up. Life gets better if you want it bad enough.

Sometimes people just haven't heard the right words on the right day just yet to help them get their butt in gear. :)

If I can inspire even one person with my post it makes it worth while.

Great post and well said!
You might enjoy this on Flow. Thinkers think, musicians play music, artists create art...regardless. It's just what we/they do.

Imo, I view money (beyond the basics) as convenience/access to options. While it makes these easier, it doesn't solve the "What do I WANT to do" question.

And thanks for the shoutout! :)

"Imo, I view money (beyond the basics) as convenience/access to options."

This is well put in my opinion. People often put limitations on themselves in so many ways that it sort of makes me wonder how narrow minded some think. You have to get out of the box in order to really live. :)

Stop worrying about money? Simple. Become independently wealthy so that the money in the bank generates enough income to live off of. Now you have no worries :-)

I hear you though. If you were born in America there is a 98% chance that you are better off than 95% of people in the world.

I was born in Canada.

Which is like America but with more bears and you're like 80% more likely to freeze to death.. :D

Edit: I also do NOT trust banks. Would rather be in control of my money and ride the market swings than go to withdraw one day and any wealth I have be intangible.

True, but the people are so much nicer up there. I'm in FL so I see my fair share of Canadians every winter. Have met some good people, despite them adding to the traffic 3 months a year! :-)

I think Canadians as a whole are a more laid back people than the Americans.
We are very similar a far as the way the most countries perceive us.

Americans do seem to have more "gun-nuts" and religious fanatics than Canada does though.

Goodness that's the truth. My state has about zero guns laws. Show your library card, get a gun..hahahaha

'Murica! o7

Not all of Canada is cold. Southwestern BC, especially the Vancouver area, has more in common with San Francisco than the rest of Canada. I can't remember the last time we had more than a dusting of snow in winter. Having lived in both the US and Canada, I can say that Canada is nothing like the US. Our country is far more liberal for one thing. Same sex marriage was legalized over ten years ago and mothers get a year's paid maternity leave. Less paperwork and lower taxes for self-employed creatives in Canada. And for the most part, Canadians are less racist and respect multiculturism whereas Americans prefer the "melting pot" and have this strange belief that the US is the greatest country on earth. This is explained, in part, by the fact that many Americans don't travel outside their borders. According to statistics, only 36% of Americans have passports (compared to 61% of Canadians) which would explain why I rarely came across American students when I was young and travelling through Europe and Asia in the 90s. PS. I don't trust banks either and have always kept my funds in credit unions but as you know, the CIDC insures Canadians' deposits held at Canadian banks (and other member institutions) up to C$100,000 in case of a bank failure. I think the most dangerous factor right now in Canada in regards to finances is the spiraling costs of home ownership. It's especially crazy here in Vancouver.

Unfortunately for a fair chunk of my younger years (mainly due to my own poor decision making at times) I was pretty impoverished and stuck in the praires. I have been as far west as Calgary, it's a totally different feel and vibration out west for sure compared to the praires. I've been out as far as Nova Scotia on the east end of things and first hand seen the Atlantic Ocean.. I'll save that for another post though.

I think Canada as a whole are pretty geniunely laid back people. However that being said we are passionate and you don't want to catch us off on the wrong foot when we've been out sipping maple syrup and playing hockey. :D

I'm glad you don't trust banks. They are truly criminal wizards when it comes to the way they do business and print money out of basically "NOTHING" with their central banking system.

I prefer Bitcoin honestly. It's sort of my gold standard at the moment. Once I get caught up on my debts and get a wee bit more wealth stored away I'm going to try to diversify. It's never good to hold all your eggs in one basket.


thank you for those inspiring words

@klye I'm so glad that you made this post. I value your perspective a lot. Yesterday you were excited about your wallet and now you have almost doubled that number. You have evolved as a writer and while we all enjoy a whale vote, I see you have moved on to creating long lasting valuable content. I'm sure @smooth still appreciates songs/poems, but this is something that will benefit people months from now.

Truly an honor to have you hear and wish you much continued success.

It's funny how normally I would be jealous if I had just joined a site like this and saw that a post I made might make a dollar and another user might make $1,000. But I know that the value you bring here is only going to make steemit more valuable in the long run.

It really doesn't matter if it is you, or I or a new person who makes a lot of money, as long as quality is being rewarded. The people that have not had as much success should take a leaf from your book.

I'm not trying to be critical of your status in any way, but I think you should inspire people who don't think they can blog to go out and try. I'm not the best writer from a grammatical point of view, but I always try to make both posts and comments that are thought out and valuable.

If you and I can be successful, I believe anyone that really grinds and doesn't stop to piss and moan (I guess the occasional piss is needed especially if you drink the recommended amount of water each day). It's not easy work, but this is hands down one of the top ten things to happen to me.

Cheers mate! Hope this breaks the $1K mark and allows you to chase more of your passions

@bendjmiller222 re: comment to @klye
Couldn't resist ! lol plz don't be angry, I'm just having fun !

I'm not the best writer from a grammatical point of view, but I always try to make both posts and comments that are thought out and valuable.
Truly an honor to have you hear and wish you much continued success.

Truly an honor to have you here

lol ! (Very good comment btw !!)

That wasn't intentional lol! But I do know that I spelled (here) wrong and it must have auto-corrected :). I'm glad you caught it!

lol, thanks, I was just having fun !!!!

"If you and I can be successful, I believe anyone that really grinds and doesn't stop to piss and moan"

You said it man. I'm not any sort of special snowflake at the end of the day. Merely a man who's lived to share his stories with others in hopes of helping them achieve their successes.

While not all of my content has been super high kuality and I'll gladly admit that, I do try and bring something that represents myself and my brand to the network. It's mind blowing when it receives such incredible peer review!

Thank you for taking the time to post your feedback and thoughts. As awesome as the monetary and share reward on the steemit platform are I truly enjoy the interaction with people I can here.

We're all pretty darn fortunate to be on here so early.

Exactly! And we owe @ned and @dan and the developers working behind the scenes our gratitude. Steemit would still be awesome with no monetary rewards and simply being a place where great ideas were spread and real discussions had.

The money is secondary to the people / interactions. We are very much on the same page singing the same tune, even if we may not hit all the notes:)

While I can't say I 100% agree with everything that is done around here I can honestly say that given the undertaken @ned @dantheman and the rest of Team Steemit I really cannot bash the guys.

A lot of the questions or concerns I have not even I can come up with an answer for yet. It is up to us as a community to voice our concern, opinions and ideas in order to help create the closest to perfect platform we can for future generations to enjoy.

There will never be a perfect program, but it has the chance to be far more well accepted and enjoyed when people can weigh in and have their voices heard. @ned and @dantheman are invested long term in this platform, so it is in their best interest to make the best product possible.

If people were to leave that would not only hurt steemit, but also the dollar amount in their wallets. We have some great minds working out a lot of things here. Never have I seen another crypto that has been so well thought out.

The power to change lies within the individual. There comes a time in everyone's life, when they gotta make a decision... I too have a story of change, I wrote about it here :

Terrible form posting your link on a man's blog.. But I might have a gander later.

You got balls. I admire that! (For the record I do not admire testicles, it's an expression) ;)

LOL, Sorry I was inspired by ur post. Guess I crossed the etiquette line. Its an old post anyway not looking to get paid or anything, just thought I could relate ...

oh billy, you sir are silly.. :)

I've been homeless and hungry myself, and I've been in the 1% hated so much these days. I've been a 115 lb 17 year old kid picked on by bullies twice my size, and I've been a US Marine and submission fighter. I've destroyed my body on a motocross track and told I shouldn't be able to walk, and yet I'm here living life on my terms and still physically active and doing what I want. All it takes to reach whatever goals you set for yourself, be it reaching the 1%, mastering a skill, or shaving 0.1 seconds of your lap time, all it takes... is a staunch stubbornness to refuse to except anything less. Sooner or later you'll find a way and reach the goal at hand. You'll be whatever you want to be if you want it bad enough

I appreciate you sharing your story man. It does take guts to write about personal things at times but in saying that it also has some thereuputic value to share your story and help others grow as people.

My advice is you write when you have the time man. It may take a handful of articles before you get that one that really takes off for you... But you sound like you've lived as well! Surely someone here other than myself would love to read your tales.

Thanks, no problem. Didn't share too much though. I agree sometimes sharing is therapeutic. My gf asks why I share personal things with people I don't know and thats probably the reason... its good therapy.

Anything in particular you'd like me to cover in an article? I'll write one today.

The last picture in this post reminded me of the Dragon ball radar from Dragon Ball Z.

To be honest I haven't watched a whole heck of alot of DBZ.

I may have to look into getting some of the series when I have access to cheap bandwidth!

:O do it! It was my favorite television show as a child. It will forever be ingrained in my brain.

I understood that the best way to stop worrying about money is to stop being lazy and start to discover and explore your capabilities.

*Translated by Google

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