#66 Batik Stories (1) - My First Batik Work/Failure in Indonesia 蜡染系列(一)我的蜡染处女作

in #citystory7 years ago (edited)

So What Is Batik?

The term batik originates from the Javanese/Malay words "amba" and "titik" meaning to draw and to dot. Wax is used to block dye from penetrating the fabric, leaving unwaxed areas to the original colour to make design patterns. You can repeat the process of wax resisting and dyeing, to create elaborate multicoltred designs.

In my travels, I've seen batik fabric frequently in Southeast Asia and South Asia, as well as in some ethnic minority villages in Guizhou province in southwest China. And in my cross-culture training work I once learned that, batik textiles have also existed for centuries in many parts of Africa, for example, the people in Yoruba tribe in Nigeria use cassava for resist dyeing while the people of Senegal use rice paste.

The batik cloths are in the form of sarongs, scarves, dresses, shirts, bags, mats, coasters, tablecloths, curtains, bed sheets and are used to frame pictures or are framed as an artwork to decorate the wall. And you can be creative to apply it to more items, for instance, I’m thinking of making some jewelry out of it, such as necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings.

In this Batik Series, I’d like to talk about my encounters and experiences with batik in different countries. First, I will share with you my batik making in Indonesia, though the result turned out to be quite different than I imagined ;p.

My Batik Making in Bali

Last year I joined a batik making workshop in Bali, Indonesia, and learnt some interesting lessons about batik, this intricate technique on fabric.





印度尼西亚的蜡染工艺在2009年10月2日被联合国教科文组织纳入人类非物质文化遗产,印尼人也由此将10月2日定为全国巴迪克(batik)日。蜡染服装巴迪克在印尼被尊为“国服”, 印尼人在各传统,正式的场合普遍穿着巴迪克。在东南亚和南亚旅行的时候, 特别是在印尼和马来的一些村落里,经常看到人们穿着蜡染布料的衬衫和裹裙。

这次我在印尼参加的蜡染手工作坊,是由巴厘岛小有名气的一位民间蜡染艺人在自家院子里主持教授的,这位师傅从小对绘画很感兴趣,由于家境不宽裕,早早开始靠卖画卖蜡染布料为生。他家院子里挂满他的绘画和蜡染作品,画面上栩栩如生的动植物,宗教祭祀细节,乡间的农耕场景, 无不洋溢着浓郁的民族风情。




1 - Heating wax
2 - Practicing drawing with batik pen/canting on paper
3 - Drawing a Mandala pattern with wax on the cotton canvas
4 - Finished wax Mandala






5 & 6 - Coloring with natural dyes made from plants
7 - Brushing paraffin onto the surface after applying hydrochloric acid, paraffin, cracking and red dye
8 - Dyeing the fabric in black after cracking
(I was so excited and did too much cracking ;), and I won’t use red and black dyes if I have a second chance in future, as I feel these dark cracks overshadowed the Mandala.)

首先要不断去舀热蜡,用蜡勾勒完线条便开始涂色。这里用的染料都是天然植物制成。值得注意的是,这里涂上的颜色并不是布料最终的颜色,因为刷上盐酸和蜡后还会变色。这些真理其实是我后来才领悟到的,到最后看到成品的颜色才后悔莫及...... 因为师傅带着浓重口音的有限英语实在很难交流,而我当然也不会当地话,所以只能被动接受指示。

我上完颜色后,给正反面刷几遍盐酸来固色,刷时看到圆圈内的白色变成湖蓝色,我顿觉不妙,怎么颜色变成这样了,始料未及啊。师傅看我动作放缓,就自己去用大刷子蘸水狂刷了一通。 然后指导我刷石蜡,用手掰出裂纹。接着刷红色染料,继续重复刷石蜡,做裂纹,最后刷一遍黑色染料。有点后悔听从师傅用红黑染料的指示,而且因为我第一次操作蜡染,太过兴奋,掰出过度裂纹,导致最后弄出颜色和纹理十分可怕的成品,跟我想象中的清新淡雅的花布完全不同。

师傅的儿子帮忙拆下木框后,我们把刷过蜡和红黑染料的饱经摧残的画布浸入温水以熔化蜡 ,反复漂洗几遍,使残留的黄蜡脱净,最后将湿布晒干,就大功告成啦。

下图12这块布料就是颜色可怖裂纹过度的成品,还请大家不要嫌弃,凑合着看看吧。:D 如果不是亲手做出来的,我真恨不得扔掉啊,太碍眼了。好笑的是,师傅还一个劲儿地夸赞这颜色组合很好,哈哈,好吧,难道这还是印尼审美中的精品?可爱的读者们,你们觉得呢?


09 - Removing canvas from frame
10 - Melting wax of the fabric in warm water
11 - Take the fabric out after all the wax is gone
12 - Dry it in the sun ☀️

The end product turned out to be pretty deep in color, and too much cracking had been done. This is different than the neat result I imagined earlier when painting. A lesson learnt... ;) w(゚Д゚)w

So what do you think of my first batik work? Have you ever tried making something but it turned out to be different than you thought? Tell me your experience in the comments! :D See you next time!

Thank you for reading. Check out my recent posts, and follow me for more! =)

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Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more shots around the globe !

!steemitworldmap -8.509944 lat 115.264935 long Ubud, Bali d3scr


That's the coolest!!! Perfect timing! I just got to Bali last night 3 am!

Awesome! Look forward to your fresh stories! I stayed there over 1 month last year, so if you need any tips, feel free to ask. =)

Where did you spend most of your time? Did you go to Ubud or Canggu?

I saw Batik in Thailand, but they used indigo. I love how it's different in different parts of the world. I don't think your end product looks horrible!

I started from the south and stayed in a few different parts all the way to the north. Most of the time I was in Ubud, as you have the most choices of activities there. I stayed in Canggu a few nights too, lots of people went there for surfing. I loved the mountains in the north a lot but there were not so many choices of accommodation there. Where are you now? Enjoy your trip!


谢谢你总是关注支持哦 :)

这么好的帖,我不关注支持对不起自己 :D

The uniform for Malaysia and Singapore Airlines are also based upon batik prints!

Cool patterns right? I bought one in Singapore! :D

Yep, it's a very cool design and a great souvenir to bring back home.

Hello and congratulations on winning a monthly round of my 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge! Enjoy your winning price of 40 SBD. Kindly see to attend your winner announcement post to answer some of the congratulations comments on your winner announcement post. Tomas

Price of 40 SBD/100 USD: 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge - MONTHLY WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT - February 2018!

Yaaay! :D Thank you Tomas! I really appreciate the support of you and other voters.


😂 谢谢亲的安慰


刚加了几张照片说明 所有当天照片都挖出来了 😄 因为是自己参与没法好好拍过程
觉得没写够 还有些其他地方的蜡染照片 估计会有续集


谢小哥夸奖 嗯 虽然颜色可怕 确实独一无二 😄


是呀 谢谢亲夸奖 图案还好 没有料到颜色和裂纹会那么可怕 哈哈

❤ Hola estoy aqui para saludar, para seguirte y para invitarte a ver mi trabajo, señalando ❤ que realizo dibujo ❤ digital y si quisieras uno en especial puedes ❤ contar conmigo, ya que es lo que me gusta hacer ❤
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Easy there. Tantos corazones, jaja...


对 我是先在国内看到的 苗族、瑶族、布依等都有 我本来写了 后来删了打算放在续集里 要不一次内容太多 =)

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