Ulog 7 Manifestation: Reaching out to Whales, Witnesses, and Other Nice People

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)

ulog Manifestation  whales and wittnesses fitinfun.jpg

Before I talk about whales and witnesses, here is an update about my favorite little pig.

More success with @trufflepig

I now have two posts currently Number One on the @trufflepig bot list of posts that should get better votes than they do. I keep hoping someone sees them. I have not seen votes or comments about my success with @trufflepig but I still have hope.

As a reminder, this bot uses an algorithm to determine posts that should get better upvotes than they do. My Ulogs seems to meet the criteria lately. These are the longest posts I have written other than minnow tips posts.

I used to write long posts like this when I first got here a year ago, but gave up as the effort was not paying off at all. But now I am gratified to see this recognition even when it tells me I am getting poor rewards compared to what I should be doing. This is a double edged sword, but I'll take it!

Ulog 6 Manifestation: Should I do Porn Now? #1 on @trufflepig
Ulog 5 Manifestation: Working the Weight Loss #1 on @trufflepig
Ulog 4 Manifestation: Hard Day Today
Ulog 3 Manifestation: Working for Money #11 on @trufflepig – past payout date
Ulog 2 Manifestation: I am a Money Magnet
My first Ulog was older and not related to my current situation.

Contacting Whales and Top Witnesses

After my exciting wins with @trufflepig, I came up with the bright idea of contacting the whales and top witnesses to see if they would like to keep me here. I think I am just the person they need to make steemit succeed.

  • I am a content creator who posts on topics other-than-crypto
  • I post consistently
  • I have recruited other content creators – most gave up; but still!
  • I have a wide social network presence with an 11 million reach.
  • I post minnow tips many times each month to help others succeed here
  • I spread my votes to minnows as best I can

And it is not just me. My son @bxlphabet is also someone I think should be valued here. He posts food, travel and San Diego information and is very consistent now with 2-3 posts each day. He has also fallen under the spell of @steemmonsters. He is writing for the green team over there, and that takes most of his time now.

I am so grateful to steemit for providing this place for my son. It is one of the tragedies of my life and biggest regrets that my obesity caused his severe ptsd. I was in denial about it for a long time, but he has been diagnosed twice now. Thinking his mom would be dead at any time was hard on a little kid with no one else. I wish I had solved my obesity problem earlier so his childhood had not been so hard.

This is why I fight to reach other parents who say they have no time to work on their health when their kids are young. Since I lost weight and got into ptsd groups, I now know this is a common cause of it. If the person you count on is too sick to take care of you, bad things happen. This is a video I made about another kid I met who is having trouble with his mom’s obesity.

One of his most difficult symptoms of my son’s ptsd is sleep trouble with nightmares waking him up. He is so tired from working on steemit now that he told me his sleep is going much better. For this, I am very grateful.

Who are the Whales and Witnesses?

On to whales and witnesses. I went to find out who these people are. One of my big fails in this first year has been not trying to connect with these big fish. I mistakenly thought that a wide network of minnows would be fairly equal to the power of a few whales. In my first weeks here, I went to a few whales to see what was up and the 100’s of comments they made me decide not to try. I did not think I was up to the task of connecting with them. This was so wrong, so wrong, so wrong.

So now, at a time of crisis, I will see what I can do.

Top Witnesses

Top witnesses can be found if you try to vote for any witness. You will be taken to the witness page and can see who you voted for. Here is a list of the Top 50 as shown on this page.

steemit witnesses fitinfun.jpg
The one crossed out is inactive but still listed for some reason.

I do not know most of these names. Do you? And are they voting for anyone or are they busy with their witness job entirely? I have no idea.

Top 75 Whales

I found this list:

and here are the top 75 whales. I went down to number 75 because a large portion of these rich people do not post here at all. They would be known as investors, and I would not have any way to reach them.

steemit top whales fitinfun.jpg

Again, I am sorry to say I do not recognize most of these names. And look how many do not post at all! So many mysteries are on steemit.

After getting these lists, I am not sure what I would do next. I will contact the ones I know or have heard of before to see if they will help me. I m not sure that will be a good use of time. I’m open to your ideas.

Looking at Steemit Trending Again

I checked back at steemit trending again today and found this:

steemit trending.PNG

We find @jerrybanfield on top again with – not porn this time – but a very controversial post about flagging. Since he gets flagged a lot, I guess this is on his mind. He funded a lot of the payout on this post with bots, got some flags, and brought out hundreds of comments by outraged big guys. Maybe I will go to this post and to see who is big and active instead of going through the whale and witness lists. At least people who care about steemit are over there talking.

Some Good News has Come

Yesterday @kiwideb found my posts, gave me some 100% upvotes and then transferred 50 SBD to my wallet. I won’t lie – tears were shed. Deb and I share a lot of similarities and I am so grateful for her help. Today she came back with more upvotes on my newer posts and I woke up to see them and got great hope for the future.

Deb has wonderful posts about New Zealand culture and health topics that go right along with my beliefs in natural methods. I remember seeing and voting her posts when I first got here last year. I am so sorry we lost touch and so grateful she reconnected at this difficult time.

Several other people who have me or my son @bxlphabet on their autovoters have increased their percentages. I am so grateful for that help.

ulog Manifestation_ autovoters fitinfun.jpg

I think we both have a couple more autovoters now, but I am not sure. Both my son and I are also on @qurator and get votes from there. They are just not showing on these newer posts.

I also got my first payout from @steemcleaners.

steemcleaners reward.PNG

I report accounts to @steemcleaners when I see them. I sent about three over the last weeks, so I do not know which one this payout is for. I’m not reporting people because I don’t like them, but because I think they are bad for steemit. A little minnow trying to post will never be reported by me. A bigger account, posting nonsense, and funding with bots is the kind of thing I report. And when I say “nonsense” I mean it. It seems some people have found out they can post computer driven text of gobbledygook and get away with it. Hopefully, no more.

And finally, @surpassinggoogle is such a help to me and my son both. We knew each other on tsu and other platforms. A few months ago we started helping Terry with some of his tasks here and in return, he and his curation trail upvote some of our posts near payout. This is a great financial boost for us and also helps our other voters with better curation rewards. I know our work helps him and many minnows in return, and I sincerely hope we do not have to stop.

Manifestation Help

I am trying to manifest a successful future including the moment after this. In all of the resources I use for this, they mention that the key is not to think of what will happen, or how it will happen, but instead to work for the future, trust in God, the Universe, and your fellow man and keep working towards your goals. Often, the comment is made that someone will give you money for no reason and now I have had proof of that.

My Thai friends

I am not starving now because my Thai friends feed me a feast whenever I go over there. I went last night, stuffed myself, got food to bring home and left early. They know I am working all the time and tell me to just come and get food. They also tell me not to eat so fast now. But I'm hungry when I get there, and when I see food, I eat it! I was not obese for 50 years without reason.

Meeting this family has been a true joy of my life. I will never be able to repay them for all of their kindness.

My kryptonia friends

I send one steemit post a day to @kryptonia and set it up as a task there. In return I get many upvotes and lots of comments. My @kryptonia support is one of the bright spots in my life. Please join if you are not already there and I know you will get great results too.
Here is my affiliate link to sign up:
You can also read my most recent Kryptonia review for more information.


For the last week, my wifi has been bad. Bangkok has actually been good for wifi, but not lately. As I write this post it has been in and out all day. It is not me – it is the whole area. My computer is not picking up anything nearby when it goes out. The people downstairs told me not to bother calling and the provider knows they have a problem and are already trying to fix it. Praying, praying, praying.

My Thai Visa Renewal

I planned to take everything I have out of steemit today and go to immigration to extend my Visa for 30 days. Otherwise I will be in this country illegally.

Instead, my Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms were so kicked up this morning that I could hardly function. This is an auto-immune disease and a feature of is is that you never know when it will flare. If it does, it will be the worst when you first wake up and that sure happened today. All my affected joints are swollen and red now. I only worked a few hours and went back to bed. After this post is done, I will sleep again. I am one of the lucky ones who can sleep at a time like this.

Flaring symptoms are a big reason many people with autoimmune disease, including me, cannot hold 9-5 jobs. If I had to be somewhere, I could not have done it today and as I said, I did not go to immigration. I have Friday and Monday to get this done and stay legal so I am praying the symptoms will lessen.

The money I need now is in US Dollars though much of it is really in Thai Baht

nowSan Diego Bus Passes and Supplies50.00
nowThailand Food and Supplies 50.00
Before July 2Thai Visa Extension86.00
07/01/18fitinfun Wordpress Renewal107.40
07/01/18Domain Renewal14.99
07/03/18San Diego Rent650.00
07/05/18Thailand Rent350.00
07/02/18Thailand WIFI15.00

The total of those amounts is $1323.39. How much do I have now? About $120 and another $150 coming from work other than steemit. The $150 will be here about July 1.

I’m still planning to choose siteground for my fitinfun wordpress site renewal instead of where I host now. This will be about about $65 a year instead of the $107.40 I list now. At that price, they will migrate my site for me, which would be a great benefit. If I don't have the money - fitinfun.com will die after being my online presence since 2010. I have only days to pay for this. Rent any everything else are coming soon and I expect I will have the money I need by then.

How’s that for feeling confident?

Before and after later that same life fitinfun.jpg

Help Me Stay on Steemit

If you would like to help my son @bxlphabet and I stay on steemit, but your upvote is just not enough, here are my wallet and PayPal addresses where I will be so grateful for any help. You can check out my Ulogs for details of our situation. Any input or ideas will be so welcome.

BitcoinCash - BCH


Bitcoin - BTC


Dash - DAS


Litecoin - LTC


PayPal Thailand:

[email protected]

PayPal US:

[email protected]


You work tirelessly... I see it everyday. I read hundreds, if not thousands, of posts every day/week here on steemit and I see you, as well as @bxlphabet posting quality work, commenting and being community driven.

Also.. you tremendous weight loss and determination to remain healthy has been an inspiration to me since joining this platform and meeting you through @valorforfreedom last year.

It may not be much... but sent you some sbd in your wallet. GOOD LUCK!!

Oh my goodness. Thank you so much! I was so tired and just went to lie down. Then I was drawn to get right back up and come look at this post again and I did not know why. Now I do. Thank you so much for your support, @goldendawne. This means so much to me. You give me strength to continue.

Philip is a great guy and also a good friend. Whenever I need inspiration, @valorforfreedom is one of my first stops.

I am not going to stop and I will succeed. Thank you for such a boost.

You are working very hard my friend! I see that your determination is very high and a very strong-willed woman. I hope will get through this soonest. Resteemed!

Thank you so much @rubelynmacion! You are the best :)

Continued help towards others will carry you through these lean times @fitinfun

You have helped many via blogging about weight-loss, good foods to eat, assisting with great tips online.

Good old fashioned honour, only stopping when having to consider the next step forward, you are appreciated.

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 1 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 38 SBD worth and should receive 230 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Congratulations @fitinfun ! You received a 10% upvote from @kryptoniabot & @kryptonia.

Remember to receive votes from @kryptoniabot

Run a task on Kryptonia.*Join free here Kryptonia Account
Use the tags KRYPTONIA or SUPERIORCOIN in your Steemit post.

Delegate to the Kryptonia Upvote by clicking links: 10SP , 50SP , 100SP , 500SP , 1000SP

Due to an increased amount of tasks, we have changed up the voting power to evenly spread out the Upvote amount.

Getting the attention of a whale won't be easy but with perserverance and right mindset, I'm sure you'll catch one one of this day. Resteemed for visibility.

In the fight of Humans vs Bots, @megabot defended you with 33.33% upvote courtesy of @fitinfun!

Support @Megabot by delegating SP to the bot and get a part of 98% of @Megabot's profit.

Direct delegation links : 10 SP || 50 SP || 100 SP || 500 SP || 1000 SP || Any other amount of SP

Join our discord group here.

Thank You !

You got a 16.92% upvote from @nado.bot courtesy of @fitinfun!

Send at least 0.1 SBD to participate in bid and get upvote of 0%-100% with full voting power.

You got a 14.65% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @fitinfun!

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