⏺Why I am not a millionaire yet.. Part 1: Procrastination

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

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I don't want to be a hypocrite, telling people to do things that I haven't yet done, or that I am yet to accomplish. I think, however, if I rather give my opinion as to why I haven't achieved those things, then it's simply me admitting that I need to improve.
None of us are perfect, and we all have room for improvement!
I think it's a combination of a few things.. I will make a different part for each reason, just to keep the tension and to give you guys something to think about!

Alright, why procrastination as a starter?

Well, because there is a distinct difference between wanting to do something, thinking about doing something, and actually doing something! I have always had a terrible habit of thinking. I like to think. I used to justify the situation by telling myself it was alright to think so much, as that meant that my brain was being very active (So I thought), but in reality, the only thing that changed was... Nothing!
I have been thinking about doing things for a long time. I used to plot these amazing scenes of how things would turn-out, but do you know what the problem was? I never took any dedication action. I just pondered. Dreamed. Wished. Hoped. Imagined. You get the point...

I had to force a very important realization into my head. That things won't change for you, unless you do something. Not something in your head, but something in the real world! Taking physical action. I learnt that life doesn't care about your feelings. It doesn't have emotions. Either you play by it's rules, or you lose. It's as simple as that.
These are hectic lessons to learn.

Let's just get something clear, however. In any of these posts, I don't want them to be misinterpreted. I am not attaching the monetary value of money to procrastination. Nor am I attaching it to any life lesson. There are many millionaires out there, and each and every person is different. You could be the complete opposite of any of the characteristic that I can describe, and you can be incredibly wealthy.

Some guy bought 5,000 bitcoins in 2009 for $27. Today, that would be worth $22 million (I think I will make a post about this!). Any idiot, or wise person could've done that. With that being said, I'm not saying you can't become wealthy without these principles, but rather if one possesses these characteristics, they have a higher chance of being "successful".
If you think someone you know deserves a shout-out, you are always welcome to let me know! Yes, you may nominate yourself, only if you really think your content deserves more exposure. Your results need to speak for themselves :) I choose a new person every week for the Shout-Out Saturday post! So stay tuned, it might be you!

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!
I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!
I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!
My previous post:
My 5 crypto picks for the next 12 months! #5 NEO!

My previous Shout-Out Saturday post:
🔲 Shout-Out Saturday: @cryptonet! Let's give him some support!

My previous Send-Back Sunday:
✴️Send-Back Sunday: Does life play tricks on us? Productivity killer!

My previous image-gallery post:
📽Anime gallery: Berserk (Part 2)

My previous milestone:
🖊 Thank you for 1000 followers!! New banner!

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.5K+ Followers.

DAY 60.png


Purposeful Movement - Self-Direction - Making Physical Moves - Plays.

Make Plays....Make Plays - Got it Brother - Always Working


This is an​ honest post. I appreciate that you are not faking something. We can all learn about it.

Thank you my man. I appreciate that you are seeing the honesty! Keep an eye out for the next part ;)

I trust we will talk again.

Of course, ​i will do. I saw already you post it. I will read later when I​ have enough​ time to read it carefully.

Awesome stuff brother! It's great that you are paying attention to what I am saying in my content. No better way :)

I've been gone the last 2 days, so I have a few comments and responses I need to take care of. I will get everything back on track :)

Talk soon!

Good points raised here-procrastination is bad

Hey thanks brother. I appreciate that. I have been so caught-up these last few days, got a ton of comments and messages to catch-up on. I saw you messaged me. I will get to all of it :)

Talk soon.

welcome and success...hope you enjoy your week

I've been thinking about all these side businesses I've wanted to get into and make into full time gigs later in life...for years. For a couple of years I thought I wanted to flip houses and get into rental property but the reality right now is I don't have enough capital (or time).

However, after about 5 years of pondering the road to self-employment but doing nothing about it, I've started to act the past 2 months. I've discovered that buying, fixing, and selling used cars can be profitable and I have a friend who works in a body shop (I'm an engineer) who's become a business partner in this venture with me. We got our first car last month and have mostly fixed it up...just needs paint and a little bit of cleaning before we sell it.

There's also teemit and cryptocurrencies but they're something I consider a hobby but in 5-10 years (conveniently my target for leaving my soul-sucking corporate job) it might pay off big time. But for now I'm just having fun doing it. It consumes time and pays money so I guess it can be considered a side venture lol.

I also am considering getting into home inspections as many home inspectors are mechanical engineers like me. There's a good bit of learning involved and also licensing and gaining credibility but the overhead cost of it isn't prohibitive for me as of now so that's another thing I'm planning to get into in the next 1-2 years.

Best of luck to you in your journey to wealth. Upvoted and...oh wait, I'm already following you lol :)

Woah man, love this comment.

I enjoyed how open you were towards thing in your life. You're holding nothing back when telling a story. It's great! I think it's awesome that you have realized these things. Better late than never! It's weird how life works hey? You go on the same path for a long time, knowing something needs to change, it's looking right at you, but you miss it... Then all of a sudden, thing come into realization and you know exactly what you need to do. Things just fall into place.

Congrats man. I wish you the best for your success to come. I also appreciate those words of encouragement!

Talk soon!

What, your not perfect? Sure could have fooled me 😄😉lol
But you are so right, I have done the thinking part to many times and wishing etc.
But to get to the doing part could feel like a looong way. But we are the only one who can change our own destiny and future.
Great post and so honest ☺️ Upvoted
Talk soon

Hahaha Sara, but everyone is perfect in your eyes :D There can be an exception!

Well said my friend. We are the only ones :)

Talk soon.

Not every one just you 😉lol
I know there can be exceptions. Great post.
Talk soon mate 😄

Awesome post @enazwahsdarb , I enjoyed it very much.

I'm very much looking forward to reading the posts to come, and I'm excited about this series, I've just started posting on Steemit and feel like these posts relate a lot to what I'm posting about as well.

Keep fighting!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much, and that I am able to get you to want to come back ;) I trust we will talk again soon then!

Until next time! :)

Hey @enazwahsdarb

This is a really great important topic you chose to write about today.

I believe procrastination is the grave of opportunities, and i also think its a lazy act to procrastinate things we can do.

We need not to only train our mind but also train our whole body to take actions without been forced when necessary

Thanks for sharing, if you don't mind i would be glad to be your Shout Out Saturday candidate.

I'm resteeming this though.

Woah brother, I love how you put that. Procrastination is the grave of opportunities. Perfectly said!

Well in terms of being a candidate, you're definitely the first to nominate yourself, but in the same breath, that perfectly fine lol!

Thanks for your input. Talk soon.

Nice Post! Really appreciated Upvoted

Thanks brother. I see you caught-up on a few comments at once haha!

Talk soon.

Yeah, I am out of town. As i get a chance i see your posts at first! :)

That is so awesome that you are so loyal bro. I really appreciate that. Yeah, these last 36 hours have been incredibly crazy for me too. I have barely had any internet connection. I have been up and down constantly with work.

Now that I finally have connection, I must make the best of the time haha!

Talk soon.

Thank you! :)

nice post upvote done my friend good luck in your life

Thank you brother! I appreciate that :)

Talk soon.

You're a male version of me. I like every word you used on this post coz I can relate. :-)

I procrastinate a lot lately instead of taking action and making my businesses bigger and better. But my goal is always listed on my wall so I won't lose my focus.

It was nice to meet you man, looking forward to more genuine talk. :-)

Thanks for your response. You're definitely the closest female version of me that I have yet to encounter. I dig it ;)

Good stuff. My picture of my Audi R8 is right above my PC screen every single day. It feels like I have owned it for the past 3 months already LOL. That's the power of setting goals and visualizing. Not the fact that it necessarily motivates you, but rather that there is no distinct difference between visualizing something in your head, and seeing it in reality. So as long as you consistently keep (visual) sight of what it is you want to obtain, it will simply become second nature, and your life will adjust around that new standard. Simple Law of Attraction :) My bio ;)

Talk soon sister.

100% agree brother.

Whenever I see my dream board, it motivated me to get up in the morning and stay focus on my business. I put at least 10 properties photos, travel pics such as Paris and Northern Lights and financial freedom pics.

I can imagine you rollin' with that Audi! ;-)

Just like what Earl Nightingle said, "the strangest secret is; What you imagine, you become".

Let's work on our goal brother! We can do it! :-)

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