Addressing Steemit's Social Confusion

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

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I recently read and replied to, a post by @joseph, asking why some early adopter, content creators were leaving the platform.

In his plea Joseph made a point , that has been bugging me these last few months, and his request for feedback about Steemit, finally jogged this thing loose.

We started as a reddit competitor and evolved into a medium competitor, then evolved into some sort of social media platform that I can not describe in words without being indecent. We need to protect the basics of social media.

~ @joseph

There it is in a nutshell, the thing that's been bugging me, nagging away at a deep corner of my mind everytime I try to explain Steemit to somebody new.

Who Are We?!


Back in the misty days of a pre-payout Steemit; I wrote an article called; Steemit Will Not Be The New Facebook.

In the article, I basically lay out why I felt that Steemit shouldn't market itself as a new Facebook, because the financial incentive makes Steemit an entirely different proposition. I predicted that Facebook type posts would not gain any traction here for a number of reasons. One glaringly obvious one was that beyond your family and friends, nobody really wants to see pictures of your kids, food, or day out at the pub.

As I said, there were other reasons, but that isn't the point right now; the point isn't even the fact that I was right (although it's always nice). The real issue here is that Steemit is not like Facebook, nor is it like Reddit, as a fellow Steemian suggested when he released his article Steemit Will Be The New Reddit.

But why is this?

The welcome page says; *"Welcome to the Blockchain", then when you click on the learn more button, you are taken to a page which boldly declares:

Steem is a blockchain-based social media platform, where anyone can earn rewards.

This of course is a lie; not a malevolent one, but an unconscious one, one told in error rather than in malice. Because of course Steemit is not a social media site. It has none of the traits of any social media site today, and you may say; "but Cryptogee, Steemit is different, you can't compare it to other social media sites."

To that I would say; yes, you're right, however, in order for it to be classed as social media, it has to have social elements, let's look at them below.

  1. The ability to send a direct message to somebody you are following
  2. The ability to post to somebody's page you are following.
  3. The ability to tag somebody you are following into a conversation you're having with someone else
  4. The ability to set up groups and invite users, either by direct message or some other means.
  5. The ability to publicly post to a specific set of people

OK, number 5 could be argued to be a mishmash of points 2 and 4; however even if you add some of your own criteria, you have to agree, that every social media platform on the market, has the ability to do, some or all of these things.

In fact Whats App, is more of a social media tool than Steemit; but hey, wait!

I'm not negging on Steemit here; I love Steemit, it has fed me and my family for the last five months; no, no, no. I am simply saying, it is not a social media site; that is just a neutral fact, neither positive nor negative.

What we clearly are; is a blogging site.

Confusion And Cryptocurrency A Match Made In Heaven

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I consider myself a crypton00b, I made my first purchase with Bitcoin over 2 years ago; however I wouldn't claim to have been "a part of the community", from that moment.

My cryptobaptism begun entirely with Steemit. As the weeks and months have passed, I have slowly learned new things about the cryptocommunity.

One thing I have learned, is that confusion is often something that comes hand in hand with cryptoprojects. As with the wider aspects of life, the source of confusion can come from any quarter. Be it confusion over an ICO launch, or motives of developers and miners. Cryptoveterans understand this, and wryly smile as they see n00bs like myself panic over sudden changes.

I think Steemit has been confused, however it's not the standard kind of cryptoconfusion, I think this is a confusion between the founders' dreams and the reality of Steemit.

Clearly Ned and Dan wanted to create a social network, like Facebook or Reddit, whereby instead of becoming a company asset, without benefit. You were rewarded for the minutes, hours, days and weeks you spent contributing to the site.

All very commendable, and I'll praise them till the day I die for implementing such an idea so effectively.

However somewhere along the line, the dream went from being a social media site that rewards people for their efforts. To a blogging site that rewards people for their efforts.

Both concepts are great! The key point here, is; without advertising, people are getting rewarded for something that nobody else is rewarding for.

So what's the problem? Why am I even bothering to say anything?

Well, we have to go back to @joseph's post for that; it just got me thinking, that maybe, just maybe, people come here for a social media site that rewards you, see that it's a blogging site, with no apparent plans to change, and they leave.

Just a thought, but one worth exploring.

Deciphering The Crypto Code


A rasa as Dr V.S. Ramachandran likes to call it. It is more than a feeling, it is everything that goes together with an experience.

So Twitter has a rasa, as does Facebook, Instagram and Google +. It is the functionality, feeling and emotion, all wrapped into one.

When you use sites that are connected to cryptocurrency, they too have a certain rasa, and to the new user, it is an intimidating one. Buttons are not where you expect, text is displayed too small and in unfamiliar fonts. The language used is technical and unwelcoming, as too are the associated web pages, a new user may click around a few crypto-related pages, and be none the wiser as to what he or she is reading.

It always amazed me how Reddit have the cheek to use the strapline "We're the front page of the internet." It surprised me for two reasons, the first being, I'm pretty sure Google have got a more valid claim to that line. Secondly, the rasa of Reddit, is very similar to that of the cryptocurrency.

The average person finds Reddit quite difficult to use and navigate; whereas somebody used to cryptocurrency, will find it just as easy as the average Joe does when using Facebook.

From what I can gather Ned and Dan are established in this community and therefore are used to dealing with sites with a certain rasa.

Add to this fact, that as with any cryptocurrency, the project is there to promote the coin, and not the other way around.

This means that a lot of their earlier efforts, were focused on getting the code to work; making sure that they had created a viable system, and then tweaking it from there.

Clearly there is nothing wrong with this, and it is what you'd expect, however if Steemit was being started with the kind of support and money it has had. With the one difference being, there was no cryptocurrency involved, then it would look very different, because it would have had a different set of people, thinking about a different set of problems, designing it.

The Expert Dilemma


There is a malaise that befalls certain human beings, when they become expert in something. The problem manifests itself, as an inability to explain their expertise, in anything less than expert terms.

So trying to get Albert Einstein to explain relativity in terms a ten year old could understand, would have been very difficult for him. Because he had long since forgotten the simplifications used to help learn the subject.

We can witness this when trying to read and understand the whitepaper, some people who are experts like, @hisnameisolllie, who is an oil trader, they perfectly understand the document. Whereas novices like myself, find that even after reading over and over, still don't understand it.

Unfortunately what I think has happened with Steemit, is that the expertise of the team has shone through brilliantly when it comes to the application of the code. However not so well when it comes to applying the rules of a social media site.

Is this a problem?

No, not in the short-term, as long as we recognise what has happened and move on from it.

Future Decisions


Let us now state what it is we want to be; if we want to be a blogging site, that's fine, let's put in the tools that will make this the best damned blogging site out there.

If we want to be a social media site, then let's do that, and put in those crucial social tools that every social media site has.

If we do go down the blogging site road, let's make sure we fix the tags and have them working like tags would work on any other blogging site. In other words, as a tool to find content, regardless of its age. And of course the big one, change that welcoming message to read blogging platform.


I am still optimistic about Steemit, I like to zoom out, and take a broader view, looking at 5 to 10 years down the line, when these times of turmoil, are looked back with great fondness; and I see a legacy that can shake things up and change the landscape, it just needs to define which landscape it wants to change.

Keep Steemin'


So what about you guys? Do you see Steemit as a social media site, blogging platform, or neither? Let me know which way you think we should go.


Steemit is a blogging site right now. This has it's pluses as well as it's minuses.

The only way Steemit can become a 'social media' site is when financial incentives are incidental to social engagement. For this to happen the site needs to find more ways to keep users engaged & shift the focus away from monetary rewards.

As long as 'rewards for blogging/ commenting/ curating' are front and centre of people's minds when they come to this site, it will not be a social media site.

My view is that Steemit should remain a blogging site and be refined to ensure that it becomes the 'home of quality content.' What would be beneficial is if there was another platform, powered by Steem, that was socially orientated.

Steemchat and Steemspeak show there is an appetite for social interaction among the Steem community. What would be great is if a 'Steemsocial' existed where people can earn micro-rewards for their engagement. More along the lines of slack or a chat site, where people can converse and get a slice of the Steem daily payouts for doing so.

A platform that is light and fun, with a small element of rewards, would be the perfect foil for the weigher content on Steemit.

It would also open people's eyes to the world of Steem and all it's possibilities. And free people from the notion that Steem is solely about Steemit.

Thank you Nanzo, I like this balanced approach, in the last couple of days I have heard some really good suggestions about where we should go and how we should view ourselves.

I like the idea of a Steem social, whereby people got a kind of interaction reward, as you say, this would make us more inclusive. Content producers would still get the highest rewards, however the users who provide the much needed attention, also get some candy :-)

Ned made a very good point in one of the Tattiana shows, and that is that Reddit started off as a porn aggregate, and morphed into what it is today. Therefore Steemit is coming from a really good early starting position. So I'm all for letting it be a blogging platform and the social side develops later, I'd just like to see a consistent message being shown to the outside world.


Nice post @cryptogree, I agree with @nanzo-scoop here -
steemit is a blogging site and should remain that, unique kinds of collaborations and posts occur here that I've never witnessed within any other sites social media or otherwise.

Also, "steemsocial" is a great idea and agree that there is plenty of evidence that steemians would be interested, I know I'm completely interested.

This is why, in a post I made about 45 minutes ago, I propose that instead of bombarding people with information about what Steemit is, we simply ask people to find out for themselves. This is a platform that people are trying to compare to other social media sites, but it has its own definition, I think. And I think it still needs to be figured out by the public at large. In other words, instead of comparing to Facebook, Reddit, etc....maybe we can simply advertise the website itself: "".
Nothing else, just that.

I'm reminded of the advertising campaign of the 90's about Rogaine. I know, weird product to think of right off the bat, but I recall not getting an explanation as to what it was. It was just a commercial showing men being men and it simply saying "Rogaine". People got curious about what it could possibly be because there was no explanation. It garnered TONS of interest before anyone really got any idea what it was. People were so curious they had to investigate it for themselves and come up with their own questions.

Why can't we do that?

It is fun to figure out what it is. It's like finding an easter egg.

Maybe tag line is people are getting paid on steem, figure out how it works!

Haha, I prefer the first thing you said as a strapline

It is fun to figure out what it is. It's like finding an easter egg.



VERY, very, good point; it made me realise another thing that's been bugging me; people are dog sick TIRED of social media. "Oh no not another one" is an unwanted reaction we'd like to avoid.

I like the simplicity of just; nice :-)


Yes....we are and some of us never joined it. Heres hoping Steemit is something different.

I also agree, it's quite unique enough to stand on it's own, without necessarily defining it up front. Doing so pigeon-holes it actually, and into something it's either really not, or won't be 30 days from now. Even tho I had some idea (as detailed in my other reply I came for blogging), I still had to spend quite a bit of time here to wrap my head around what exactly Steemit is. And it's already different from what is was once I thought I'd figured it out! It's so many things in one, and the launchpad to many other apps thanks to all the developers here. The state of constant evolution and testing seems to make it harder and more pointless to define summarily in fact.
"Steemit - the new way to Internet..." or maybe "Steemit - come evolve with us"

Exactly, it is a fluid thing; and being compared to established social media may lead to disappointment, it's best to just, suck it and see, rather than come with expectations.

Thanks for your comment.


I agree completely, and thank you. It just gets the "do we really need another social media site...?" reaction some times I think.

Gotta be careful with the word evolve/evolution, some people are allergic to it.

Haha, good point!

I like that Steemit is about experimenting, testing, and adapting.

I think steemit has the potential to be both a social network and a blogging platform. I think this could happen when we have the ability to create our own social networks on top of the steem platform, much like people have been creating social networks on Ning, Jamroom, Dolphin, Buddypress, Social Engine, and other platforms.

These social network platforms give a network creator (NC) a set of features that they can use to customize a site for their particular niche group. The NC has the ability to decide who their members can be -- they can open it up to the public or create a community through invites only.

They customize their look and feel by using built in design tools and/or hiring designers to customize the way the site looks, and by turning on or off the features of their choice and/or hiring developers to add new features. I've made my living the last 8 years as one of these developers.

I've heard talk of some sort of Group feature for steemit. That might allow NCs to come here and do what they do. Or perhaps it would take some non-steemit developers to do this on a side chain. I'm watching to see what happens here, and maybe I'll jump in at some point.

If we are able to create our own social networks on top of steemit, I think each one will be an experiment to see what works best. Some will lean toward the social end of things while others will be more blogging related and others can be more NC centric where the creator puts out most of the content. NCs can share ideas if they want, and there will likely be an NC community for steemit like there is on the other social networks I mentioned where things are discussed and shared.

Right now, we're all thrown into the same big pond and it takes a ton of work or money to move from being a little fish to a big fish. If we could create multiple littler ponds, then it would be easier for someone to become a big fish in a small pond.

Thanks for this article which stimulated me to put my thoughts into words.

...and excellent thoughts they are indeed! Thank you very much for this comment, and it just goes to show that we need input from as many users as possible.

I love the idea of people having their own networks on Steemit, and this is kind of where I see the future; in my sci-fi Asimov's Ghost I have created a universe whereby their are hundreds of competing networks all with one or more sidechains that live on top of the Quantum Blockchain.

Multiple ponds make for interesting times :-)


This is why I keep saying that one of the biggest problems with Steemit is that we have a HUGE amount of very intelligent and objective people who have GREAT perspective and this could be the biggest VALUE to the Steemit Community!
All Steemit HQ would have to do is create ONE account that made posts about updates and potential updates and looked over the BARRAGE of comments that would take place. They can ignore the complaining, judgement, projection, subjectivity etc and focus on the cool, clear and well thought out suggestions with real scope. Yet its NOT happening.
ITs a a MAJOR fail not only for us but for them as they have a FREE "focus group" of which many companies pay millions to establish. Just bad business.

So true, and the fact that we can now post and decline rewards, would mean that the Steem account doing that wouldn't attract any negative attention regarding votes/money etc.

I know what you mean when you say they could ignore the complaining; however complaining in itself is not necessary a bad thing. A company that listens and answers common complaints is a strong one.


Yet again I cannot argue with you as you are so conscious with your words.
Yet to me "complaining" while maybe valid is only done by people with little value. People with GREAT value will not complain but make actual logical "arguments" and also "suggestions/solutions". To yes complain is a part of it as the MASSES COMPLAIN and if this platform wants to adapt to than they have to learn to deal with complaint, yet complaining in and of it self is a waste of energy and I hope to inspire people to much more valuable uses of time than complaining.

Thank you for posting @cryptogee. If one may add to the dialogue....someone wrote an article a month or so ago regarding this subject...presenting the potential for Steemit to overtake all social media platforms. However, it seems entirely possible for Steemit to become catagorized business, social, news sources, etc. There are those who are experimenting with it in various ways from well articulated, streamlined platforms to the most primitive. The cream will rise to the top. As any new frontier establishes itself there is a constant state of flux , if there is freedom....engress and egress. Individual freedom to fail or succeed.

As a brand new user to Steemit, having rummaged through a few different posts and pages stuffed with information, I find it hard to really want to classify Steemit as anything more than blogging. There aren't any big features available that really make it feel like social media.

Perhaps I just have more to learn, but a snapshot of my very first impression, these are blogs.

Thank you for this answer! I was trying to jump into the mind of a new user signing up today; and that is what struck me, that people like you may feel like they've been "miss sold" on the whole social media pitch. I'm sure people will notice this, please make sure to add your voice to any posts you see like this, and in chat as well.

A lot of the time we talk of "new user experience", without ever talking to any new users!


An excellent post, thank you. What's interesting, exciting and relatively unique about Steemit is we all get to watch, wait and participate in it's somewhat unpredictable evolution. Will it end up being an apple, orange or something else? It's like reading Steemit stories where the ending hasn't been written yet and even the author doesn't know which path it's heading on.

Excellent analogy! I am doing exactly the same thing with my sci-fi story; I have a general direction, a vague idea, and fill in the details as I go.

It is a wonderful ride indeed, and I never want it to end! :-)


I signed up thinking it was both.I am terrible at facebook.Never caught my fancy. In fact I felt spied on at times for gossip.I think I have logged in about 20 times this year.I have also been thinking the last fews years to do a memoir and when I saw a video on youtube about Steemit,I thought now was my time. So I have about 3 hours on this site. I search here and there,learn a few things to do and so on.I am no closer to my goal. I see I have a lot to learn. About the"chain",promoting,following,how to make this site useful to me with intentions of the owners of this site. I mean of course the lure of making extra cash is there. But, the task to comprehend is daunting. This is not a site for novice people who,for the most part give up as culture is bent that way.Maybe I just not have the person to follow to learn Steemit yet. I will stick with it. I want to do my writings that I have thought about this last 30 years or so.But, like I say I am not sure what to do,I will try and vote you up and and give ya a penny,I think and follow ya. I pretty sure I got some of this right.Earl

Hi Earl,

Thanks for adding your voice to this debate, it is good to get another new user putting their feelings, and experiences across.

It's interesting that you say that you don't feel Steemit is for the novice; I'm wondering is this because of a lack of FAQs, a help section, or more familiar social media tools?

I would advise, if you haven't done it already, to join Steemit chat; you can access it by clicking on the 3 horizontal bars in the top right of your screen. There you can get to know some more members of the community and also promote your posts.

Please stick at it, it feels daunting at first, but after a few weeks you'll be coaching novices on how to get a start on Steemit! :-)


Thanks cryptogee,
Of Course I will hang there.The novice thing is just a true statement. Heck I visit my face book page about 0 to 6 times a month at (earlbenjaminlee). I talk to faces. I have been in sales 35 years. Just saying with out me telling you I am a newbie. You would tell. And the other side of that I do want to learn,I know it's like tying my shoelace and eventually I will get my hooks in deep enough/. So of course this a good place to be for the novice. Just doesn't take away the newbie feeling.
I will join Steemit chat. If I can't do it ...I'll be baaaaauck.
Peace Earl

Ha Ha ..did not know you could down on those 3 little bars. Cheers. Another lesson learned.

Steemit is NOT accessible to the masses or normal social media users. If Steemit is to have any chance whatsoever of being "mainstream" then it needs a much easier to use interface and MUCH MORE importantly much better PR and communications as to how the site actually works. It seems like the HQ doesn't even know what steemit is...

I agree with so much being said here.., and greatly appreciate a post such as this... When I came to steemit I understood it as "some kind" of blogging platform. Im aware of all the other social media sites and to be honest -- I have a facebook, don't use it. I've got a few twitter accounts, don't use them. I've been to wordpress and reddit... This is just different -- it is unique. It is Steemit. I particularly liked the @nanzo-scoop comment -- having steem social. Keep and build on what it is now, if that's blogging, then like you said -- make it the best damn blogging site on the web. By adding the social aspect, you can cross promote to both people that are into blogging on a quality driven site.., and you can get people into social media, with the steem social site. Then you introduce each to the other. All of a sudden, you have people that came for social media, blogging their faces off -- and vice versa. Like I said, I don't frequent any other social or blogging sites -- but something about steemit kept me coming back. And, it wasn't the money, because I wasn't making any when I started.., and i still showed up everyday. I believe in this site. I don't personally know anybody at the top.., but what they have done so far, is pretty damn cool, with the potential to be it's own thing. CHEERS!

I see a lot of new members start up, attempt to emulate the informational broadcast stuff, and quit. I don't have any problems with those who educate. It's necessary, but we all see people trying to fake it.

Many of those who've established themselves here like to promote their way as one of the only ways.

There are ways to take a facebook style approach and be successful here. It's all about the presentation.

So many here seem to treat this like a job, where they must hold themselves to a certain standard or be shunned by their peers. They forget to stop, take a step back, and maybe have a bit of fun as well.

Fun should be encouraged. I'm having fun. I made many of the same mistakes most new users make before they give up.

Things started to come together once I decided to just, do my own thing. People seem to be enjoying it. I hope more people come along with similar interests as myself.

The art scene is also doing very well here in my honest opinion.

It's very social. Facebook is anti social. People just need to learn how to be themselves all over again, instead of that easily distracted like button addicted meme sharing fiend. Pardon my language.

Totally get your point, and I was generalising when I said Facebook type posts. What I meant was, in general the type of post that gets lots of likes on FB. In particular political posts, and personal rants, don't gain traction here, simply because you're not in a homogenised silo of "friends" the facebook algo has chosen for you.

I do think there should be a fun side to it, and I like @nanzo-scoop's suggestion that a Steem social whereby people where rewarded for a more fun type of engagement.

All in all, I'm glad to hear you've been doing well and enjoying yourself at the same time, and I'm glad I've started this discussion. You and plenty of others have very valuable views on this; and I hope the "powers that be", get wind of these comments.

I think all in all, there is a lot of positivity, I just feel we are at a good point to stop, and look at where we've come from and where we're going.


Some of those rants. People are good at them. We often forget how our communication methods evolve. A huge wall of rambling text does not appeal to purists, but there is an audience for it. It might not be for everyone, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be accepted.

I'd hate to see selfie addicts take over, along with that sort of audience. I totally get what you mean, on many levels.

I really must get going though and I thank you for taking the time to do what you do here.

Social media is a scourge in my opinion, and if Steemit is going to do that crap (which it easily could) I hope it keeps it in a separate pen called time wasting bollocks section.

Steemit can be unique, it can leave blogging platform to Wordpress, and censorship to Reddit. Personally I'm not looking for a new Facebook, I'm looking to avoid that.