Who Needs Steemit?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit6 years ago

"Life is too short to remain unnoticed."
- Salvador Dali -

Fellow Steemian @pennsif got me thinking about Steemit today.

In his latest article ( Who should I tell about steem? ) he raises some interesting questions and offers his valuable insights. If you aren't following his work, I recommend that you have a look.

With the decline in the value of STEEM of late, and perceived platform doldrums, @pennsif has been revisiting his approach to achieving the goal of onboarding 100 new people to the platform this year. At ($1.08 - CoinMarketCap) or thereabouts, Who needs Steemit?

His previous approach of generically touting the ability to earn Steem here resulted in an alarming turnover rate, forcing @pennsif to rethink things.

Table of Contents

Who needs Steemit?
Image courtesy of mari lezhava and http://unsplash.com

In his article,

(and I hope you'll read it and support his efforts), @pennsif mentions a couple of new users he's helping onto the platform and supporting with ideas and guidance as to how Steemit can help them achieve their immediate goals. I think he's on the right tack now.


@pennsif's article inspired me to enumerate a few other use cases that I consider presently seriously undervalued. And so I decided to echo those here in the form of a more general article.

According to this recent article,

not only has the price of Steem declined precipitously in 2018, but user activity has seriously diminished. The data shows both articles and comments have been significantly in decline since the beginning of the year. I personally find this quite saddening. In my humble opinion, there are several use cases that we ought to be shouting from the rooftops, but in reality I hear vanishingly little about them, especially on the trending pages.

There are features of the Steemit platform that I am sad to say Steemit, Inc., does a woefully poor job of promoting.

First and foremost,

as you already know, Steemit is a fast, frictionless, and free facilitator for transferring money globally. Yes, the gateways to fiat at both ends need improvement, but the reality is that Steemit's ability to transfer value freely and easily is outstanding, possibly unparalleled. And @pennsif's insight about targeting charity and community users brings that reality into an immediate, local, readily available, non-spoofable focus as a medium of exchange and savings for charitable and community projects.

Even when the absolute value of Steem and SBD is low, it's ability to act as a store of value and as a medium of exchange is outstanding and worthy of serious consideration by any organization or community.

Second, and hardly ever spoken of,

is Steemit's amazing value as an archive of one's thought in writing. Where else can you find a reliable and free store for your information and your authorship?

I expect my descendants to be able to see what this crazy old coot (i.e. me) had on his mind, for generations to come. I would also think that charitable and community organizations would highly value blockchain storage of membership rolls, meeting minutes, project newsletters, and etc., ad infinitum.


and this one should be shouted from the housetops—Steemit is potentially an incredible information resource for any sort of knowledge base. It's present most woeful lack is a missing index structure. As presently implemented in a linear sequence of chronological posts, access to and even awareness of the huge existing body of information is woefully lacking.

This is of course something that I am attempting to create a prototype of with My Steemit Library. I've only begun dabbling with some tools that I hope will one day make the creation and maintenance of similar libraries a more automatic process. I would love to see Steemit, Inc., take appropriate steps toward creating a global Steemit library with easy access to all topics by all authors.

My final point, stated another way, is this:

Steemit Needs Readers!

Everyone should be queuing up to join Steemit as readers, as thirsty consumers of knowledge. We need to spread the word that Steemit already has a growing archive of high-quality content on many topics of broad interest.

The "write for pay" inducement should—and in many cases this is already true—be a magnet for content creators of the highest quality. Consequently, readers ought to be signing up and subscribing to authors and groups that write on whatever topics of personal interest a reader may care to peruse.

Access to Steemit is almost like having a free account on an "expert system," because Steemit provides the back-channel of comments that readers can use to question and interact with experts on almost any topic of interest.

One sterling example of a large, knowledgeable, and growing community here on Steemit is #homesteaders. Everyone in the world who cares about homesteading should be signing up here on Steemit just to read and follow the incredibly diverse and extremely high quality content on the subject.

These are a few of the under-promoted,

yet compelling use cases that I see. I would love to see "the powers that be" make a bigger deal of issues like these.

My hat's off to @pennsif today.

Thanks, @pennsif, for stimulating my thinking in this area!

Readers, what other Steemit use cases and motivations for onboarding do you see?


P.S. If you have an "in" with anybody at Steemit, Inc. - Would you please ask them to get rid of these damn, extremely annoying "off-website" arrow/boxes? The have, overnight, made Steemit ugly. There are much better solutions.

For more about Steemit, CLICK our Library Steemit Shelf.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

LOOK! Check out our amazing product:
Introducing: The SILVERengines proton - Image by @creatr
CONTACT US - Will Exchange for Steem

Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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@creatr @creatr @creatr

Hi @creatr, thank you for picking up on my post.

Coming from an information curation background steemit's woeful lack of proper searching and total inability to be used as an effective information storage system frustrated me from the start.

The lack of information management tools provided requires exceptionally cumbersome structures to order information on steem in any meaningful way.

The arrival of 'beyond 7 day editing' will be a massive plus in this area, but the lack of effective searching is still a hamstringer.

The fact that I can't even find my own posts without resorting to Duck Duck Go or Google rather sums up that dilemma.

I do believe steemit inc has never fully appreciated the potential value of the steemit.com website. It should be their flagship product but it has been rather left aside in the almost mythical pursuit of SMTs.

Let's hope next month's HF20 will make some practically useful improvements. But I won't hold my breath.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Being able to edit older posts is a boon I've long waited for...

I need to set aside the time to learn blockchain programming. I've been doing so in dribbles and dabbles, but need to achieve a certain point of capability to be able to start using it.

"It should be their flagship product but it has been rather left aside in the almost mythical pursuit of SMTs."




Nicely summarized....its funny how things so simple like an easy to use library index or search function could make a difference....and it does seem this whole "decentralized" community relies on a lot of volunteer bright folks to try and make changes but with no centralized power.....unfortunately...a lot of crypto platforms are created by programming genius....kinda like using DOS back in the day...most of us have no time to become programmers and frankly....even the roadmap to get around the sight....delegates...powering up and down...three types of coins...whales....minnows... upvote...downvote....still find too confusing to comprehend....I'm not lazy...just older and don't have the mental aptitude to wrestle with a blog sight just to write a few opinions....frankly...the sight has plenty of incredibly smart writers....more readers? Unfortunately we live in an age where the attention span of most individuals is the time it takes to send out a steem token...and over time I gave up trying to "make money" as I soon realized the formula for financial success was beyond my thinking capacity....so like many....I take what I like and leave the rest....check it out multiple times during day with enjoyment....but...realize sometime the first one out isn't the one that always survives....

Hi, @bobreedo,

Thanks so much for stopping by and weighing in with a comprehensive comment.

Yes, Steemit needs a lot of work in the user interface department. I think they pretty much picked one sort of model - i.e. Reddit, I think - and ran with it, putting most of their energy after that elsewhere.

And yes, there are a lot of amazing writers here... It's just hard to find the among all the noise, and the Trending page doesn't really help that much because it is so manipulated.

I try to make my work more accessible via my Steemit Library, which I cordially invite you to check out. It is very much a work in progress...

Thanks again for your visit!

Great article @creatr and thanks for pointing out @pennsif who I am now following as well.. you make great points about the value of Steem for people and the library idea is great and is certainly needed..

Glad to connect you with @pennsif, a real asset to the platform.

If only Steemit, Inc. would tout some of these features!

When I get my 'round tuit' I need to bring my library up to date!

An excellent and sensible article. The ability to transfer funds in 3 seconds for free alone makes STEEM far superior to high fee 10 minute Tx of Bitcoin (although STEEM has much lower anonymity factor) If people realize just this factor, most power downs would actually stop.

BTW I wrote about some related issues and even about how large power downs help the platform. You can check them out at: https://steemit.com/analysis/@vimukthi/in-depth-analysis-on-the-steem-wealth-distribution-and-economics-power-downs-are-great-and-good-times-are-ahead

"If people realize just this factor, most power downs would actually stop."

Yes indeed. I don't understand how so many miss this fact.

Thanks for your visit and comments.

I have been Steeming for over 10 months now and I took a much needed break as I was doing 6 to 8 hours a day of Steeming and somehow I was still in not attracting the right kind of audience for my content.

Part of it is because my content is all over the place and I write what I want and not really have a niche that I do well. The one thing that i did well whcih was engagement and commenting has dropped significantly as I felt burn out.

I have to say that Steem attracts the most diverse set of people and creatvity here,. You have writers of fiction, video creators, musicians and artists, painters and poets that no other platform comes close to it and yet we don;t have people shouting in the roof tops and in fact we are losing a lot of them with Steem going to a dollar in value,

I had high hopes for Steem and I was here with over 9k comments done, built communities, created programs and activities and even onboarded a lot of people, In one point I was also starting a charity project when everything came crashing down for me. Not because of the price but I lost my motivation to Steem.

I still occasionally write but more of just an outlet now instead of being a cheerleader for Steem, I am hoping that this time off I am doing will help me find my way back and stee steem like I did when I first started.

Hopefully Hivemind and Communities will breathe new life for me.,

Greetings, @maverickinvictus, nice to "meet" you here on Steemit.

Your comments resonate with me. I am also wildly diverse in my interests and what I post about, and thus feel that--though I've been on Steemit for two years, and quite active--I seem to have substantially lost any traction I may once have had. I don't have a particular, regular niche to attract a specific group or community.

Nevertheless, I intend to "Steem on," having high hopes for the future of this platform. Eventually, "my people" will all find me and value what I write. I wish the same for you. ;)

Thank you creatr and although I have slowed down I have not completely left Steem. I still post a couple of articles a week. I still go through my feed and comment on some interesting posts that I see and I sometimes drop by Discord in some of the communities that I am in to ask how folks are.

I still have a lot of high hopes for Steem too and with the different condensers that Steem has from the likes of dtube, Dlive, dsounds, utopian, steempress there is something for everyone to do.

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

In my opinion now is a good time to power down and sell some steem. You could probably spend a fraction of that steem to buy the same amount of SP but deligated to you for 90 days. I think that is a good strategy because either steemit or my interest in steemit will be over in 90 days. Btw will be following you.

I agree with the points mentioned and with regard to "support with ideas and guide new users on how Steemit can help them achieve their immediate objectives" I think it's an excellent idea and I'm willing to help new users to integrate into this platform and receive them with open hands.

Outstanding, Thank you.

The knowledge on steemit is amazing. I hardly have need for another source of information, except when doing thorough academic research. All the points you mentioned are valid, and I think there's many more to add to that

Thanks for affirming my thoughts on this! :D

Excellent work. I hope big investors and delegators will start to take their investments more seriously soon, i.e. actually read the trash they are investing in, and change course, otherwise this wonderful platform may soon become a ghost town, I’m afraid.

Thank you, my fellow long-term Steemian! Nice to hear from you today. :D

This platform has so much unrealized potential! I would love to see some of the use cases mentioned here elevated to a greater level of awareness all across the platform.

Also, quite selfishly, I want Steemit to succeed as I have invested so much time into it, and want it to "hang around" as an archive of my writing... ;)




P.S. Thank you kindly for the re-steem! :D

I feel Steemit is an invaluable resource for multiple reason, many of which you included. I am not worried about the price of steem as I am in it for the long haul and will read the article you recommended. Thanks @creatr.

Yes, I'm also in it for the long, long run... ;) Thanks.

I think the need for readers is key here because they are so lacking. Perhaps if we found better ways to reward them, it might encourage them more. One way is to give them a bigger slice of the curation pie. Readers are the real curators, not auto-voters.

"Readers are the real curators, not auto-voters."

Exactly! This is a lack that I have felt has limited the growth of my blog... Too many cooks, not enough diners to enjoy the soup...

I think the best way to reward the readers is with great content. And Steemit will never do that as long as only the tiniest tip of the tip of the Steemit iceberg is visible, due to the linear blog structure.

Readers need a means of finding and enjoying the best evergreen content in order to attract and keep them in the vast quantity needed. They need an interface similar to the Library I've been working on. Posts of ongoing value are lost in the dustbin of history, though they are still "there" on the blockchain.

Next in line would be better fiscal curation rewards for readers who find and upvote the best content. At the moment, the draw of steemit riches is rather empty for the majority of new users...

Thanks for taking the time to comment! I'd still love to hear your thoughts about my recent poem, How Have The Mighty Fallen?... ;)

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