Pennsif’s Progress #587 – Who should I tell about steem?

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Back at the turn of the year when steem was riding high I started a SignUp100 personal quest to recruit a hundred people on to steem during 2018.

With steem shooting to the clouds, and my wallet looking fat and healthy, it was quite easy. A quick glance at the dollar signs, a mumbled "you too could have this" and they were signing up on the dotted line.

In the first few weeks I scored a dozen.

But it all went wrong. The steem price went south, my new recruits scattered in panic and confusion, and only two hung on.

I learnt my lesson. Never utter those fateful words "blog and earn" - blog and yearn might be better.

In those weird old days I would tell just about anyone that moved all about steem.

Now I am more choosy. I look for a reason why steem might actually be useful for them before telling them about it.

Can steem improve or enhance some element of their life that they are already doing? Will it add value?

Ideally it shouldn't be that way. If steem aches for mass adoption it really should offer something for everyone.

For the moment steem is an acquired taste. It requires something of a moral commitment and a pledge of allegiance to the ways of steem.

It still needs a big glowing neon sign above the door that says "Handle With Care - Enter at your own risk".

For new recruits you really need to lead them gently by the hand, whisper sweet upvotes in their ears and stay by their side until they are brave enough to venture out alone.

Putting it into practice

I am now having another go.

This time I am targeting better. Through my new @communityaction project I am particularly looking at bringing on board charities and community organisations.

First up I am working with a Welsh conservation charity.

They are interested in promoting their work, hopefully raising funds and exploring ways they might be able to reward volunteers. They should be up and running by next week.

Second up, I have recruited someone who makes children's video games. They are already on Steam but they are interested in exploring what Steem has to offer now.

For both of them I am setting up their accounts through That will at least knock down one of steem's naughty and nasty technical barriers.

I am hoping with this more measured approach I can up the retention rate beyond the miserable 10 - 15% that seems to be the norm for steem.

Slow and steady, keep them close and vote them often...


[ images from ]


I heartily agree with this. I have led a few on, maybe up to a dozen now. I have a 'pretty good' retention rate because I sell to their particular use case, stay close and upvote often/always.

Thanks for sharing your journey, I look forward to seeing how it goes with the organization(s)! Conservation is one of the niches here on steem, in my mind, though there is a bit of a splintering of the topic like elsewhere on the internet, the come together better here than any place else I have seen.


Amazing post

Pretty similar experience, I've talked about it to a few people but some don't get it or don't want to and others get too hyped about it, it's also banned in some places and I've even been told that it's an ancap trap; I believe we should pay more attention to the whole philosophical concept and the learning curve.

Hey, @pennsif,

I'm glad I came across your article. How are you doing?

There are features of the Steemit platform that I am sad to say Steemit, Inc., does a woefully poor job of promoting.

First and foremost, as you already know, Steemit is a fast, frictionless, and free facilitator for transferring money globally. Yes, the gateways to fiat at both ends need improvement, but the reality of the ability to transfer value freely and easily is outstanding. And your insight about targeting charity and community users brings that reality into an immediate, local, readily available, non-spoofable focus as a medium of exchange and savings for charitable and community projects.

Second, and hardly ever spoken of, is Steemit's amazing value as an archive of one's thought in writing. Where else can you find a reliable and free store for your information and your authorship? I expect my descendants to be able to see what this crazy old coot had on his mind for generations to come. I would also think that your charitable and community organizations would highly value blockchain storage of membership rolls, meeting minutes, project newsletters, and etc. ad infinitum.

Finally--and this one should be shouted from the housetops--Steemit is potentially an incredible information resource for any sort of knowledge base. It's present most woeful lack is a missing index structure. As presently implemented in a linear sequence of chronological posts, access to and even awareness of the huge existing body of information is woefully lacking. This is of course something that I am attempting to create a prototype of with My Steemit Library. I've only begun dabbling with some tools that I hope will one day make the creation and maintenance of such libraries a more automatic process.

This last point, stated another way, is this:

Everyone should be queuing up to join Steemit as readers, as thirsty consumers of knowledge. The "write for pay" inducement should--and in many cases this is already true--be a magnet for content creators of the highest quality. Consequently, readers ought to be signing up and subscribing to authors and groups that write on whatever topics of personal interest a reader may care to peruse. Almost like having free access to an "expert system," because Steemit provides the back-channel of comments where readers can question and interact with experts on almost any topic.

Well, now I've gone and written an article (and I may turn this into one), but those are a few of the compelling use cases that I see which I would like to see "the powers that be" make a bigger deal of. Thanks for stimulating my response.


- @creatr



I think that with your Steemit Library (which I am oh soooo interested in) and that promoting the site for Readers and not just content creators is very important! Once Steemit figures a few more things out and makes itself simpler, anyone could see that this is the place to read rewardingly fresh and original information and even fantasy! I love that. I love how I have an archive of an entire years worth of material.

I also think that I found value in the fact that I am now a CONFIDENT content creator, I feel like I could excell anywhere on the interwebs and in real life. I help my dad out with his social media buisness stuff now, and I think that the only reason I feel like I can do that is that I had a crash course in content creation and social media through Steemit! Its like, free training. Hahaha.

Hi, @skycae, nice to "meet" you here.

Have you seen my library? I had meant to leave a link, and you've now reminded me to do so. And so I'll now cordially invite you to visit My Library and hopefully enjoy what you find there.

There is already a refreshing range of amazing authors on Steemit. There are special interests (as one outstanding example, your own interest in #homesteading) about which real people in the real world are writing up their experiences and providing actionable information for others who are looking into those topics. And so I'm glad that you recognize the desperate need for Readers and for making the reader experience here easier and more rewarding.

Thanks for weighing in on my comments. ;)

Yes! Newbies need to be comforted along the odd path that is Steemit. If not for @WWF nearly a whole year ago I would not have stuck around. Even the falling price of Steem has had me run away for a little while (although that is also due to the fact that it is busy busy busy summer season). How can we make Steemit more rewarding for the average person, without being overwhelming? If Steemit wants to succeed, it needs those changes and stat.

It is very difficult to attract and retain recruits when Steem is in the basement. I am looking forward to following you and the community groups. This should be a successful way to gather interest.

Even the ones who have been here for a while need encouragement. I have learned to keep my mouth closed too. 🐓🐓

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