Who is sharing Pigeons' dinner - 谁在分享鸽之餐 (by @ace108)

in #photography8 years ago

Tell me who are sharing pigeons' dinner and stand to win part of $1.80 (Steem Dollars).

告诉我是谁在共享鸽子的晚餐就有机会赢得$1.80(Steem Dollars)的一部分。

Previously... | 上回。。。

Previously, I shared couple of pictures of pigeons having their meal.
Pigeons' dinner

More recent | 最近

These shots were taken at the War Memorial Park, Singapore last month in the late afternoon going to evening. I saw the pigeons pecking on the grass. I guess they found their dinner. I scared a few off as I tried to move closed. So, I decided to zoom-in on my mobile instead which result in the photos not of best quality. After close to 20 shots, I think these are the more presentable ones. Pay attention to the photos, you can see another type of birds sharing the dinner.
这些照片是在新加坡的纪念碑公园拍的。上个月在下午,快到傍晚,我看见鸽子在草地上啄食。想必是它们发现他们的晚餐。试图走近拍 它们时吓走了几只。 只好用手机远离一点放大,所以造成的照片拍的不大理想。拍了差不多20张。觉得只又这些还算不错。 注意看照片,你可以看到另一种类型的鸟类共享晚餐。
Location / 地点: https://goo.gl/maps/hfNCXrkfHWQ2





Time to win a prize | 赢奖时间到了

Question: What kind of birds are sharing dinner with the pigeons?
问题: 在跟鸽子分享晚餐的是什么鸟?

Contest Rules

  1. First 10 correct entries will share part of the total $1.80 (Steem Dollars) prize.
  2. One user is allowed to submit one answer only.
  3. Each winning entry will get $0.18 (Steem Dollars)
  4. If there are less than 10 winners, each winner will still get $0.18 (Steem Dollars) only.
  5. Answers are to be submitted as comments before 1400h GMT on 6th October 2016
在这之后还拍到另外一个画面。第二张照片拍起来想某只猫战胜了可霸着桌子。现在来个猜测游戏。请猜出那一只猫是胜利者就有机会赢取$1.80(Steem Dollar)的一部分。


  1. 总$1.80(STEEM美元)的奖金将分给前10位给出正确答案的用户。
  2. 一个用户只允许提交一个答案。
  3. 每个赢家会获得$0.18(Steem Dollar)
  4. 如果少过10个用户给正确的答案,也是每位赢家只获$0.18 (Steem Dollar)。
  5. 答案限制在2016年10月6日 下午2时格林威治标准时间之前留言提交

Note: All photos were taken by me using a mobile phone. Minor post processing to resize images to smaller size.


Here are my recent post:


Please see my other posts: @ace108

请看我其他帖: @ace108

#photography #animals #singapore #cn #steemsquad

If you enjoy this post, please vote and share any feedback you may have.
Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day.



Times up

I would have thought this is quite a give away and even if not people will have guess the answer as "Sparrows"
Anyway, thanks to who submitted the correct answer:
Prize of $0.18 (Steem Dollar) will be transferred to each of you soon.
# 时间到
獎金$0.18美元(Steem Dolloar) 將很快轉移給你們。

Is call the House Sparrows -
Eurasian Tree Sparrow - Passer montanus.

Was going to put up a photo, then the copyright thing.
Plus cheetah always A run about

Aren't they doves?

Pigeons and doves are same family.
In Singapore (I think many parts of asia too if I'm not wrong), we refer to them more as pigeons.

easy one: 麻將 oh... sorry... 麻雀!! :P

btw, your posts are getting more interactive! that's what steemit really needs at the moment. hope more whales can see your effort! good job!

Thats @ace108 he's getting good at it.
@deanliu did you check my post @bullionstackers

oh, you are the artist! yeah, followed. :)

Thanks, guys. Trying to vary the way it's done. Need some creativity. Another interesting one will come probably around week end.

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