Which cat is the chess master? 哪只猫是国际象棋大师? (by @ace108)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

This is a picture of a couple of cats taken near my home. I thought they are cute because it’s like they are in a chess master championship. The picture is not very well taken but still let’s have some fun with it.
这对猫是在我家附近拍到的。 的一对夫妇的猫的照片。看情景觉得有趣因为它们像比国际象棋。图片拍得不大理想但觉得还可让我们娱乐一番。

Subsequent to this picture, there was another one taken which show which cat rule the chess board to the end. Have a guess which cat conquered the table and stand to win part of the $1.80 (Steem Dollars).

Contest Rules

  1. First 10 correct entries will share part of the total $1.80 (Steem Dollars) prize.
  2. One user is allowed to submit one answer only.
  3. Each winning entry will get $0.18 (Steem Dollars)
  4. If there are less than 10 winner, I’ll decide if there is a creative answer I like and give the remaining prize to the person who post the creative answer.
  5. Answers are to be submitted as comments within 24 hours (first payout time)
I know the answer is only one of the two cats but be creative with your answer - see condition 4 above.
在这之后还拍到另外一个画面。第二张照片拍起来想某只猫战胜了可霸着桌子。现在来个猜测游戏。请猜出那一只猫是胜利者就有机会赢取$1.80(Steem Dollar)的一部分。


  1. 总$1.80(STEEM美元)的奖金将分给前10位给出正确答案的用户。
  2. 一个用户只允许提交一个答案。
  3. 每个赢家会获得$0.18(Steem Dollar)
  4. 如果少过10个用户给正确的答案。我会看有没有答案给得比较有创意而把剩余的奖金送给提出有创意性答案的人。
  5. 答案限制在24小时内留言提交
我知道答案只是两只猫其一,但给答案时最好加点创意 - 见上述条件4。

#photography #cats #contest #funny #cn
Note: All photos were taken by me using a mobile phone. Minor post processing  to resize images to smaller size.

Here are my recent post:

Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108

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Have a nice day.



24 hours passed. Entries Closed. I'll check and update tomorrow.


the black and white cat because it just looks like the chess board!

I like your logic. :-)

Orange. Everyone knows that orange tabbies cheat.

So, the cheater always win? hmm....

I think the tabby won. She looks more focused and you don't mess with ginger!

ginger is spicy but does not black and white be more clear?

Black and white cat to win. Using its own black and white camouflage to strategically sneak in the winning moves!

interesting thought. different logic from @deanliu but interesting.

Yes. I love chess and have a black cat. So it's the logical choice for me! Haha!

The orange cat looking for the win. By looking behind itself the orange cat looks like to has tricked the black and white cat to be sitting and looking in the wrong direction! The orange cat can simply turn its head back the other way to look at the chess board. Unlike the black and white cat which will have to get up and move since it is looking away from the chess board.

so, we must watch our back but don't look in the wrong direction?

The orange cat, because it's has the moxy to turn it's back to us, basically saying kiss my @ss! ;-)

so, the more arrogant one has the upper hand?

Nope, the more dominant one. I assume the orange cat will just nudge the other off the board.

The Black n White conquered the Table, He is the Silence Type.
Sometimes, Have you wonder why the silence really kill?
The Gold Cat , gave up the competition and left. He is always on the Go!

OK, the logic then is we mostly tend do lay down the black and white on the table.:-)

The white cat plays paw to king's knight 3 (g3), and then the orange cat jumps from the table, thereby conceding the game, but getting first go at the catfood.

So, I take it that you pick the white and black cat to win the table.

Yes, the black and white cat wins because the orange cat concedes.

Yes, I get it you meand the orange cat "surrender" but won something else. Well, perhaps or perhaps not.

The white cat wins.

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