The Curation and Engagement Leagues 🏆 - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! 🎁

in #engagement6 years ago

Welcome to this weeks Engagement and Curation leagues, kindly sponsored by the awesome @curie!

I hope everyone has had an enjoyable week, let's see how we've been doing with regards to Curation and Engagement here on Steem.

Would you like to enter the leagues? Make a comment below (this is for a lifetime membership - you will need to ask to be removed)

The league tables are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!

On your marks, get set, curate!

The Engagement League - Sponsored by @curie

This league is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.

Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations over the past couple of weeks.

I've used some metrics (which is the fancy way of saying that made up some numbers) relating to:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Number of people spoken to (PS)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Up-votes to others (V)
  • Up-votes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - a (getting smaller each week) minus score for this one sorry! (S V)

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 25% of the league entrants!

Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner, @janton! 🏆

@janton tops the table again, but 'only' by 15000 points this week as @glenalbrethsen bridges some of the gap back in 2nd place. Great stuff the both of you!

@delishtreats serves up something special and takes 3rd this week, well done!

Excellent engagement levels also from @smithlabs, @veryspider, @macoolette, @melinda010100, @themanwithnoname, @cicisaja, and @steemflow who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.

Those without a self-vote (from their main account at least! 😱) and placed in the top ranks will also receive a little STEEM. These people are: @lynncoyle1, @brittandjosie, @bengy, @gillianpearce, @scrawly, @chekohler, @cryptoandcoffee, @kaerpediem, and @maquemali.

Well done everyone!

The Curation League / Rewards based

Please find the rules in a previous post.

The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

Congratulations @zayedsakib!

🎁 Prizes 🎁

The Engagement League

0 votes to self - Spot Prizes

Lucky number 25 in The Engagement League

A @steembasicincome share, courtesy of @fullcoverbetting, goes to @maquemali!

Thanks Peter and well done @maquemali!


  • If you have spotted any glaring errors in my post, please let me know so I can fix them

  • If you would like to be added or removed from the master list, give me a shout

  • If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below

Thank you everyone, have an awesome day!



If you feel that The Engagement and Curation leagues are a worthwhile addition to the Steem blockchain, please consider a vote for our witness - @steemcommunity

Find out more about our project here

We have recently partnered with @c-squared! Find out more about this here


@abh12345 has set 5.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

Bounties are a new way you can earn rewards irrespective of you Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.

Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.

Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.

Happy Rewards Hunting!

Cheers @steem-bounty :D


Congratulations to all of the Welcome Wagon family that I see here!!! I'm so proud of you with your RC newbie restrictions that you could see comment as much as you could! As you continue to grow - may you FLOURISH in the Steemiverse! :) Congrats to @maquemali, @audreybits @xcountytravelers, @mimismartypants, @anutu, @eveningart, @rhethypo , @twodorks - and even some WW staff! @ethandsmith and @snook and myself! woo hoo!!!! Now that we've adjusted to the new system - let's keep engaging this week!

thank you to @abh12345 and @paulag for your consistent encouragement here :)


Thank you for the visit @welcomewagon, I guess you are working double hard at present - nice!

hehhee - something like that :)

Yes, definitely, now that RC has stabilised and I have a feeling for how much is used up for what ... STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's so good that you're getting an idea of what your day looks like with RCs.... that's a good feeling! :)

Getting used to it more from day to day ... I think it's important to respect the 80% rule that you have written about, then it should work out well.


Thanks dreemie!! Congrats to you too kicking butt as always!! Of course i could not have made the tables without your help!!

Posted using Partiko Android

you know i gotta look out for our family!!! <3

Thanks so much, Sweetie Dreemie😊❤ its all thanks to you we are able to keep up...bitmoji-20181003120834.png

Loving our family! and happy to help! so proud to see all those names up there :)

yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! We are slowly back..well done guys! Lets conquer this week and let us make some noise!! hahahahaha..


i love making lots of noise!!! laughter preferably ;)

and yessssssssssss - back!!!

Yes let us bring it back.. i really really miss those times. I miss your energy and giggles!

Come on! Let us make some noiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiise! Lets bang the gong! 🤣😂

Posted using Partiko Android

here i ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

bang bang bang!!!! LOLOL ahhh i hated being quiet for a while. but... sometimes its necessary. but i always come back eventually :)

oh yeah! Its nice to have you back big sister!!! Please no more quiet moments.. let us reign this week! Let us make some noise and shake the engagement league hahahahahahahahahaha.... I have been wanting to give a shake since the RC fiasco.

Shake it like a Polaroid picture! hehehe

hahahahaha yeah come on in joing the shake shake shake!

Yes let us bring it back.. i really really miss those times. I miss your energy and giggles!

Come on! Let us make some noiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiise! Lets bang the gong! 🤣😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks dreem!!!! We are all rocking it!!! Wooooooott!!!! Hurray for another week!!! 💕❤️💕‼️‼️❗️

Posted using Partiko iOS

yes mam!!!!!! one more week to move up HIGHER in the ranks... that will be my challenge hehehehe

i dropped off some last week - and week before

i wanna get back up there :)

Congratulations @janton, nice work @glenalbrethsen, and way to go @delishtreats (way to keep a girl in the top three), and @smithlabs ...look at you sneaking up!

Thank you Asher for the pleasant surprise in my wallet and I made it onto the second league woohoo ;)

Hey, @lynncoyle1.

Yeah, it was good, I think, but still got some more climbing to do. I've got an idea of what to do, it's just a matter of doing it. That, as always, is the hard part. Knowing what you need to do and then doing it, two separate things, apparently. :)

Smithlabs is sneaking up there. Hmmmm. Better be watching out for him. He's not a stranger to the Top 2 or 3. He may still be hampered by an RC deficit though.

Janton's taking off the next couple weeks, so this might be the time to hit the ground running. I mean, if you want to and all. Just saying. :)

Congratulations everyone on a very nice week for those in the top 25. Wonderful jobs @janton and @glenalbrethsen, and everyone else, engagement is what in the end will keep steemit alive.

Well, thank you bashadow. It's always nice to be No. 2, even if I am still eating janton's dust. :)

I agree that engagement will be what keeps the social part of STEEM alive. I think it's pretty much left up to us to decide what that's going to look like moving forward, since the big money and focus is on SMTs. So, if we really want to continue being rewarded for what we do with our posts, comments and curation, those of us in the engagement league need to be at the forefront of that.

It would be great if communities would finally arrive, but since there's not been an update on that I've seen for months, no breath holding here.

Speaking of dust, (I can't remember if I told you or not), @dustbunny is a new altruistic vote caster created by @fraenk. His little dustbunny is going around and helping redfish and minnow accounts and all accounts that can only at time cast dust votes. All it takes is a comment on @dustbunny's post and you are added.

Every now and then even though we try not to cast dust votes prices change before payout. I have been trying to be very careful on my vote level on comments. Pretty much content only gets a 50% vote, and comments vary from 50%-70% or more so far. I am sure many others face this issue also.

@dustbunny will protect your outgoing votes that fall below the dust level, (votes you make), and provide the reward you intended to give. He will also provide protection for the incoming votes you receive. (like @dustsweeper), and lift those votes out of the dust level. As much as you and @janton get around and comment I am sure you still get small, (less than dust level) votes. These people wanted to provide you a valuable vote but are at a point they could not, and in these times of RC's we need to ensure that every vote a new user cast is provided a curation reward to them.

So if you and @janton, and of course others reading this comment could head over and add you name to , dustbunny's latest post all those who give you a vote would I am sure be surprised to see an increase in their curation efforts.

Hey, @bashadow.

Janton may very well need dustbunny. :) As for me, I'll look into it a bit more. I like the concept, I'm just not sure how much putting my name in would really benefit anyone. The dust votes I normally get are on posts, which fortunately end up with other votes that make it above the dust payout threshold. On comments, I don't often get upvotes, and if I do, they're typically above it and coming from accounts with higher amounts of SP. I guess I would need to go through a week's worth of work and see what was what.

At this point, I'm more concerned about the RC levels of everyone and people being able to function, period. Since delegation helps both RCs and upvotes, that would seem to be the way to go, but there's only so much larger minnows are going to be able to do, so we're back where we started without higher SP stepping in, or another HF.

The RC issue is one of the reasons I like @dustbunny, if the votes of the smaller accounts can count and give even a small reward to the voter then I am all for it, it allows the new user to earn some steem/sbd/sp to power up and get to a "Real" usable level RC wise. His vote comes after so the curation reward for the voter is just a little bit more. No one is going to be getting rich, but he is helping the new accounts and new voters by helping to make their vote count.

Yay, I landed in the Top 10 again. That hasn't happened for me in a while. Thanks, @abh12345!

@glenalbrethsen, you made a great run for it. There's just no stopping the man who doesn't sleep. Hopefully he has one of those monitors that are easy on the eyes, or he won't be able to see a year from now. Great effort and hopefully you can close the gap next time.

Maybe Asher will change the rules so that if you're won more than 3x in a row, the number of points by which you won this week are subtracted from your score next week. Then a certain someone will have to work even harder to stay ahead... but not too hard, or it will cost him the next week. Ha ha.

Congrats, everyone!

Hey, @themanwithnoname.

Well, I wouldn't call it great. I think it was solid. I think there was much more that could have been done, that I just didn't do. I appreciate the thought though. I think I'm capable of more, but it's going to take more from me, and a lot of momentum from a previous week going in to reach what Sleepy does. :)

As it is, janton's been asked to be taken out of reward consideration for a couple of weeks while he attends to his property. If such is the case, that means No. 1 is up for grabs. No chasing janton. :)

Good to see you back in the Top 10. Basically plug away each week, and something good is bound to happen.

Poor janton would end up in negative numbers real quick if that happened. Plus, he'd probably convert into pure energy from moving so fast just to double his efforts each week. I don't think we want that, right? :)

I think you put in a great effort. It was an admirable score.

Janton has been saying that he's going to do yard work for months now. We all know that's just what he says to keep us thinking we have a chance of winning. Ha ha. I'm sure we're all going to laugh when we find out that @jantonbot is actually running his account. :P

I don't know if I'll end up in the Top 10 consistently. It takes a lot out of me to put in that much effort. I think I'm about due for a slowdown. I haven't had as many coins to post about, so that takes away some of the motivation. That and I just like to take breaks from time to time. We'll see though. :)

re: great effort

Well, I've been trying to figure out what I need to do to get back into the upper ranks, since I've been bouncing around a little and some variables have changed. Mostly, I needed time back after my wife's surgery, which I have now for the foreseeable future. Then, I think it's mostly maximizing the time spent. Doing what's most productive. There's plenty of things to do, but not all of them reward the same, so the more I can pay attention to the ones who score higher, the better.

And that applies to the engagement league as much as anything else. I wouldn't say I'm going for minimal effort, but more of a balance. Looking at what might matter most and doing that, and letting the rest fall into place. Whether or not I actually go back to work or not, I don't want to be spending 60-72 hours a week on STEEM, but I do want to maintain a higher level of production. So, I need to pack in what is actually worthwhile to do in a shorter period of time.

re: take breaks

Well, I'm getting to that point, myself. I'd like to get back into some creative writing, which I haven't done for a few months, now, and ultimately, I'd like to get back to working on my comic book projects. It certainly would be helpful if STEEM prices began to rise again, rather than just reading water like it's been doing or going down. I need some decent justification for my wife to see why I'm doing this, and $0.80 or less STEEM isn't cutting it.

Semi-related to this thread:

The whole feud going on right now has actually made me think more favorably toward self-rewarding. If someone (such as yourself) has invested their money into getting a stake in Steem, why should they not be allowed to maximize their investment? You wouldn't tell someone who bought a stock that they should only keep 30% of the profits from it.

I think that growing your stake through self-rewards could have a place along with growing the value of the stake through rewarding others and helping the platform grow. I think there should be a balance.

I haven't invested any money into Steem. I've invested many hours, but no money yet. So I can't say definitively what I would do, but it's something I've been thinking about. I figured I'd pass my thoughts along to you.

😬 Are you sure?

In truth, if the code allows, you can do it.

[Deep breath]

That particular feud is two-faced. Both are doing exactly the same thing, only in different ways, while not only calling each other out over it, but known to go after others too. "We don't care if you self-upvote, but for goodness sake, man, spread your vote around a little!"

Well, why? As you say, it's your stake. You can do whatever the heck you want with it. Why not build it? What obligations do you truly have to anyone else but yourself? Okay, there's some common decency and the very real desire to reciprocate and so forth, but what if no one ever upvoted you? No obligation then.

This self-upvoting, or circle voting or alt account voting or bot buying voting is all okay if it's done with moderation. Right. There's no limitations imposed by the code. Sure, the reward pool is finite on any given day, but that's the only thing that might prevent everyone from doing all of that all the time. In fact, it wouldn't take everyone. It would only take maybe 25% at most, if there were actually a problem in all of those folks doing it.

So, the argument that it's your stake is a valid one, and until there's code that prevents self-upvoting or limits it, what can I say? The feud though is majorly hypocritical and one of the reasons why I've been avoiding saying much about it. Both parties are wrong, and whatever good either of them used to do is now being matched in the case of the one, and in the other case, long since surpassed, by their activities now.

I've been staying out of it as well. I think it's a shame it has gotten this far, but I doubt they're going to listen to me. They don't really know me.

Yes, it's permissible, but as the Good Book says, not everything that is permissible is beneficial.

I think there could be a place for self-rewarding, but if that's all people do, we're just going to have more tokens that are worth less than they were before... because no one wants them. Therefore, there needs to be a balance.

I just feel bad for people like you who are trying to grow your stake, trying to show justification for why it's a good investment, and you're not getting any direct benefit from your stake. That's what I was trying to say.

I apologize if it felt like I unloaded. That was not my intent. Really, it's more about the social mores on STEEM that really cause more pain and anguish here than they do any good. I believe very much so that not everything you could do is beneficial. There's a live and let live clause in the Good Book too. And the Golden Rule is something else I like. :)

re: feel bad

I appreciate that. My stake suffers from many things, the greatest of which is low STEEM prices. I can't do much about that, so I do what I know how to do—read, write—and what I want to figure out—upvote.

After that, it's again out of my hands. I could self-upvote, but I don't want to affect my reputation (as meaningless as that may be to others, my reputation to me is important, because I know I'm earning it). I don't self-upvote, because it would take away a vote I could give to some other post or comment that I like. I don't self-upvote because I think those who actually see my work should be the judge of its worth. The fact that others can't regularly see it isn't enough justification to me to do it.

Those are basically the same reasons why I don't go laying links to my work at the feet of the curators in Discord. I think they know who I am now, and I didn't have to go off chain for that to happen. The problem is, they've more or less consolidated their efforts, so it's not really showing up in rewards. I probably need to branch out a little more and get techie, return to being creative, and maybe get a little sciency from time to time. And figure out what utopian is all about and then see how I might right something for that, too.

But in reality, commenting as much as I can on a wide range of users' comments and posts has been the best thing that's happened to me. I am proving that the platform works as it was intended to. It's not super fast paced, it's not 1000% ROI or whatever the ridiculousness people think they're missing out on. And I've put in money to try to keep from dusting my splinter votes.

I don't preach this. I don't bring it up unless it's brought up. I don't expect anyone else to do what I what I do. Everyone needs to feel comfortable doing things they're own way. Otherwise, it won't last, or they won't last. I don't need to be followed or mimicked or copied. It's not an original idea, anyway, and I'm obviously not the only one doing it. There are hundreds if not thousands of us doing it.

My wife isn't going to get it. She just can't. She never got the newspaper business. She just enjoyed the income it eventually generated. She doesn't get social media, or writing, or anything to do with computers. She's a throwback in many ways. Not dumb. She's intelligent and discerning. Hard working to a fault. She would just rather talk to you face to face if at all possible and work with her hands then sit down at a computer all day.

Congrats @maquemali with the lucky 25! Your SBI share has been sponsored! Enjoy the lifetime upvotes!
Congrats @janton for another amazing week, but @glenalbrethsen is coming 😁
Make it a great week!
Thank @abh12345 for again organizing this engagement league! Thanks @curie to keep on supporting this!


yeyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Thank you so much! I truly appreciates all the support!

Today was indeed my lucky day! Yes, hoping for a greater week..


Thanks, @fullcoverbetting.

Janton's taking the next couple weeks off, so No. 1 is up for grabs if you want it. This might be the time to mount an attack, you know. :)

As for me, well, I'm planning on doing it, but you know, the more the merrier.

Good on you for sponsoring Lucky 25 still. It sounded like a while back you weren't sure how much longer you might continue to do that, but here you are still. From the reactions you get each week, I'd say it's greatly appreciated.

And thank you for the regular support of the EL Peter!



WW Family!!!!!! You are rocking it this week! I am sooooooo happy to see you guys moved! Amazing week it was.. Soar high my sisters @twodorks @xcountytravelers, @anutu @audreybits @mimismartypants @eveningart and our hot hot hot momma @dreemsteem!!! hahaha

To sir @janton!!!! You are the beast!!! I mean the best as always you are unshakeble, I salute to your greatnes!! hahahaha...

To my long time friend @smithslab it is so nice seeing you back at the game! I know you missing sitting beside sir @janton hahahahaha

And to the ever energetic friends @steemflow @brittandjosie @kaerpediem @melinda010100 @chekohler @macoolete for still making to the top! way to go guys!

Thanks so much sir ash @abh12345 for all the support and inspiration!

YEAHHHHH!!!! @maquemali <3 seems we are back!!!!! STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM !!!!

Ohhhh yesss! Let us put out the red carpet so we could reign once more.. hahahahaha.. lets do this!!

Posted using Partiko Android


hahahahhahahaha i looooooooove it! Hold my hand darling.. let us do this!


YEAHHHHHHHH Lets hold hands :) Where is the WW fam? Let's share the red carpet!!!!!

They are still inside the limo!!! Hahahahahahahahahahha 🤣😂🤣

The two of us are quite excited to walk down the red carpet! Hahahahaha

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeahh @maquemali, here is my arm, join me ... let's walk together ... maybe they are to shy to get out of the limo .... somebody has to make a start!!!

I love your energy @maquemali
I couldn't believe it when I saw colour on my name... hahaha
I think the engagers got me chatting more than usual that includes you and @twodorks :D
So thank you

hahahahahaha thanks! Blame it to my cup of chocolatey goodness everyday, so I am infused with so much energy..

Me too, I wasnt really expecting nothing this week I know I have been not working hard that much, unlike before I was more active! hahahaha blame it to HF20..

Oh yes, I kinda keep seeing you everywhere hahaha.. that is really great! I like to keep bumping and crossing paths with you.

Yaaaay!!!🎊🎊🎊 congrats, Maquemali....😊🌹


Its been a great week, yeah?

Yes it has been a great week for us all.. let us bring down this week.. what do you say? Hahahaha

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Heheheheh! Its starting out as a busy one for me but I am hoping I do just that... Maybe kick Janton from there😉?.. Seems like I am lost in dreamland...😅😅😅😂bitmoji-20181015024853.png

Oh no! It is quite hard to steal the great chair from sir @janton! He is untouchable hahahahaha.. but let us wait and see this week, there seems to be quite a number who wants to get that chair.. but it is always a motivation to atleast have him as your focus of inspiration to keep it going! Hahahaha

Ohh! What are you doing? Busy witb work?.. me? I have just gotten off a bit.. like i have had two crazy week at the officr meeting deadlines for the quarter end..

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahahahha! Well, let's see if there is a great commenter that will soon be born.. Lol!

Nah, not work. School, actually...

yep i think that she was born already... and she is using the pen name of afi kitty! Hahahahahahaha

Wait how young were you again? School like college life? Hehehe.

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Hahahah! Well, I hope I get to live up to that...😽😊

I am just a teeny weeny little girl... Hahahahah! Yeah, I'm 20...

Nice comment, liked the vibe there!

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Hehe thank you sir.. i try to be spread positive vibes all throughout..

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Congrats to you too lady!! Kicking butt and taking names!!

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Hahahahaha heyyy mimibump! I havent been kicking anyone's butt yet.. i wouldnt want to either.. 😂🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahahahaha heyyy mimibump! I havent been kicking anyone's butt yet.. i wouldnt want to either.. 😂🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

Only in engagement dear!! Lol

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hahahahahahahaha i know mimibump.. mwaaaaaah!... how have you been doing???

Thank you for the shout-out reply and your kind words @maquemali :D

Ohhh! That was nothing! You know how much i love and enjoy your engagement league..

Really thanks!

Posted using Partiko Android

3rd place? This is amazing news! Thank you Asher!

Congratulations @janton and @glenalbrethsen and all others in green and blue! I can't wait for Glen to beat our cowboy! :)

Woop! :D

3rd is most excellent, you are in fine company up there. Well done!

Hey, @delishtreats.

Well, thank you for the well wishes. Beating janton would be great, but since he's saying he won't be around for the next couple of weeks, that means No. 1 is up for grabs regardless. So, I'm going for that, but so should you and everyone else, at least those in the Top 10, right? :) I guess I'll just have to wait until he gets back, and hopefully be in a position to take him on when that happens. If he doesn't get a job first, or something like he's been hinting at he will.

Congrats sir!!!

I bet you are in the running for taking the famous chair of sir @janton! Good luck for the week, I believe you can get that with your high energy going around amking most of your time steeming.

Hey, @maquemali.

I'd like to think I'm in the running for No. 1 this week, but who knows. There's all kinds of people who could take it. Like you. :) As it is, I think Janton is still on STEEM commenting quite a bit, anyway. He's supposedly not going to be in the running for an award, but that doesn't mean he won't have the highest score. Anyway, I guess the best that any of us can do is use the time we have to do as much as we can with it and see where that lands us, right?

Time, right now, is something I have, so I try to use it as much for STEEM as I can.

Oh no! I dont think i would even make it to top 5 this week.. I have but limited RCs to start with but of course as crazy as I am, it wont hinder me talking to other people. I have already tested it by depleting my RC at 16%.. 🤣😂.. but anyway, I am much hooking for you on the top 1 spot for the engagement this week. You had been awesome these past weeks. I am sure you would nailed it now that sir @janton is taking the crown off.

Yes! We should make use of what time we can have to be here and interact and be active in the field. I dont have much time alloted here. I onlu co.ment when i have the time.

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations! You seem to have maintained in the top 5 positions!

Thanks @abh12345 finally i get inside top 10 😉 slowly will move upward.

Awesome result ...complete new name.... Except @janton who is is undoubtly the king of engagement league. As expected from last few weeks @glenalbresthen is closing in slowly look at the total points gap...he is catching up slowly. And what a delight to see @delishtreats she is every where on the curie curated posts......@veryspider and @macoolette have done really great too...just climbed up....last week name are no where in top 10..pretty surprised....

Great league week once again....Stsem on!

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Top 10, very nice!

It's so hard to make it to the top 10 these days and so this is a fine effort :D

Thanks @abh12345 i am happy too with the little time that i can afford now a days..but for sure i am targetting janton......grrr😡 someday...oneday 😉

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I am in on it😂

Great to see already pulled up nicelly

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Yep Thank god but we need to Change this top 3 before the year is over 😉😉😉😉

I've heard yesterday that cowboy @janton follows my comments on curie and now I see that you do the same? :D Congratulations on getting into Top 10!

Hahaha.....if crazy castle queeny think so..😜
but I am bit late with curie contest so whatever time i get outside my follower i put them on curie and by that time you already made your visit with all long detailed comments....😉
Btw there is no harm to be part of queeny cavalade...

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I don't mind when people follow what I do :) it just reminded me of cowboy :)

I think I have a little more time than most of people here at the moment.. but that might change very soon.. so you'll probably stop seeing my name that often :)

There is so much to learn from your commenting skill. And i like to see you around to motivate me for some comments

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That is kind of you to say! And I'm very happy to hear that I motivate you to comment more! :)

Yeahhhhhh great you Made it! Good job proud of you 😉 @steemflow

I guess we came back fully rested from previous weeks, that's why we went full force this time... 😂

Congratulations to you too! 👍

Hahaha...thanks ....ladies force strike with full strength.....congratulation @macoolette. you manage to jump up so much is unbelivable

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As the saying goes, "if there's a will, there's a way." So don't be shocked! 😂

Not shocked...just need to learn many the keap from 10 to 1

Posted using Partiko Android

Don't sleep. Just eat and Steemit. I am sure you will jump from 10 to 1. 😂

@steemflow you got 2 selfvotes you normally do none😂😉

I know...tried to jump up my pay out...was testing something else as well...

Posted using Partiko Android

I still want to hit the button too. I am My biggest fan 😉🤨

Well, @steemflow:

Janton said in his own comment here that he will be gone for a couple of weeks, so No. 1 is up for grabs from what I can tell. I guess we'll have to see if that's actually true, and just how far down the list he will actually be while still doing the work on the property he has to do. At any rate, he might not be the one you're chasing this week. :)

Good luck to you.

Congrats friend!!! Finally we are all slowly moving up.. hahahaha cannot wait to see your name rank a little higher this week.

Good luck!

Nope...i am almost out. We have a festival mostly occupied entire week.....not much engagement

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow! Im pretty sure there will be lots of good foods to share.. do not forget to take some pictures! We would love to join your festival too..

What is the festival called?

Posted using Partiko Android

Great work again Asher, always love to see these results (I don't know how I got the self-vote, but I'll keep a closer eye on that for sure) ;)

And congrats to both @janton and @glenalbrethsen for coming out #1 and #2... It looks like Glen's got his legs back in shape, so I think both of them will have a great week coming up!

I also want to say that its awesome to see @delishtreats at #3 and @cicisaja at #9... Both young ladies are stars and I'm happy to see them really blossoming to their potential and adding real value to the platform!

Have a wonderful week Asher and cheers!

Thank you Dave! And I'm sorry to hear about your selfvote. It happened to me once as well. Pretty annoying, but there will be another week and I'm sure you'll avoid it :)

lol... yes me too Martina! It was a shocker to see and left me racking my brain for at least 30 min... Then I said, what the hell and went back to work ;) ... And thanks for the encouraging words too, its nice to see a positive attitude :)

I wondered if it was an accident, sorry about that!

Well it's been an interesting week to say the least, but the Leagues roll in whatever the weather. 😁

Its ok, I just don't even know where I did it or how. And of course it was an accident, I'm not even sure people get paid on selfvotes anymore (and I don't even want to know because I don't plan on it) ;)

And yes the Leagues are awesome Asher, you have really done a great job of keeping people's attention every week (which is not an easy thing to do)!


@steemmonsters has killed my engagement this week though I suspect!

Thank you.. and I still have so much things to catch up with you coach.. I'm far behind everyone in steemmonsters.. too many distracted things around last 2 weeks😔 I don't have any clue how to check on the team I'm in.

Well we will get you set up soon, I'm just waiting to get the accounts from the Kickstarter program they had... I think you said the white team is what you wanted, is that right?

Yes.. white or anything.. But white is fine 😉 I still need 3 SBD to be able to buy the pack 😆 but I can wait for another weeks. My payout will add 1 SBD soon.

Hey, @davemccoy.

I'm not sure what condition my STEEM legs are in, but my shoulders and arms are feeling the burn. :)

Thanks for the kind words. Janton's going to do work around the house for the next couple weeks, so he's already been asked to be taken out of the award money. Which means No. 1 is up for grabs. I'm hoping to be the one that reaches the top, but I think everyone should know that it will be more available than it's been in a while. I don't know that I'll be reaching 60,000-plus points, but I do plan to do all I can this week.

So, see you at the top? Maybe? :)

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