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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues ๐Ÿ† - STEEM prizes & steem-bounty available! ๐ŸŽ

in #engagement โ€ข 6 years ago



WW Family!!!!!! You are rocking it this week! I am sooooooo happy to see you guys moved! Amazing week it was.. Soar high my sisters @twodorks @xcountytravelers, @anutu @audreybits @mimismartypants @eveningart and our hot hot hot momma @dreemsteem!!! hahaha

To sir @janton!!!! You are the beast!!! I mean the best as always you are unshakeble, I salute to your greatnes!! hahahaha...

To my long time friend @smithslab it is so nice seeing you back at the game! I know you missing sitting beside sir @janton hahahahaha

And to the ever energetic friends @steemflow @brittandjosie @kaerpediem @melinda010100 @chekohler @macoolete for still making to the top! way to go guys!

Thanks so much sir ash @abh12345 for all the support and inspiration!

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YEAHHHHH!!!! @maquemali <3 seems we are back!!!!! STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM !!!!

Ohhhh yesss! Let us put out the red carpet so we could reign once more.. hahahahaha.. lets do this!!

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hahahahhahahaha i looooooooove it! Hold my hand darling.. let us do this!


YEAHHHHHHHH Lets hold hands :) Where is the WW fam? Let's share the red carpet!!!!!

They are still inside the limo!!! Hahahahahahahahahahha ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

The two of us are quite excited to walk down the red carpet! Hahahahaha

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Yeahh @maquemali, here is my arm, join me ... let's walk together ... maybe they are to shy to get out of the limo .... somebody has to make a start!!!

here we go.. lets do this darling @anutu, im right here behind you... oh yeah! lets rock this walk!

whatchatink????? hahahahahahahahaha


I love your energy @maquemali
I couldn't believe it when I saw colour on my name... hahaha
I think the engagers got me chatting more than usual that includes you and @twodorks :D
So thank you

hahahahahaha thanks! Blame it to my cup of chocolatey goodness everyday, so I am infused with so much energy..

Me too, I wasnt really expecting nothing this week I know I have been not working hard that much, unlike before I was more active! hahahaha blame it to HF20..

Oh yes, I kinda keep seeing you everywhere hahaha.. that is really great! I like to keep bumping and crossing paths with you.

Yaaaay!!!๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ congrats, Maquemali....๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒน


Its been a great week, yeah?

Yes it has been a great week for us all.. let us bring down this week.. what do you say? Hahahaha

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Heheheheh! Its starting out as a busy one for me but I am hoping I do just that... Maybe kick Janton from there๐Ÿ˜‰?.. Seems like I am lost in dreamland...๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚bitmoji-20181015024853.png

Oh no! It is quite hard to steal the great chair from sir @janton! He is untouchable hahahahaha.. but let us wait and see this week, there seems to be quite a number who wants to get that chair.. but it is always a motivation to atleast have him as your focus of inspiration to keep it going! Hahahaha

Ohh! What are you doing? Busy witb work?.. me? I have just gotten off a bit.. like i have had two crazy week at the officr meeting deadlines for the quarter end..

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Hahahahahha! Well, let's see if there is a great commenter that will soon be born.. Lol!

Nah, not work. School, actually...

yep i think that she was born already... and she is using the pen name of afi kitty! Hahahahahahaha

Wait how young were you again? School like college life? Hehehe.

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Hahahah! Well, I hope I get to live up to that...๐Ÿ˜ฝ๐Ÿ˜Š

I am just a teeny weeny little girl... Hahahahah! Yeah, I'm 20...

Ooohhhh you will gurl! Yoh have all the time in the world.. hehe

My my you are quite young!!! You would do more wonders afi kitty!

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Nice comment, liked the vibe there!

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Hehe thank you sir.. i try to be spread positive vibes all throughout..

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Congrats to you too lady!! Kicking butt and taking names!!

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Hahahahaha heyyy mimibump! I havent been kicking anyone's butt yet.. i wouldnt want to either.. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

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Hahahahaha heyyy mimibump! I havent been kicking anyone's butt yet.. i wouldnt want to either.. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

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Only in engagement dear!! Lol

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hahahahahahahaha i know mimibump.. mwaaaaaah!... how have you been doing???

Thank you for the shout-out reply and your kind words @maquemali :D

Ohhh! That was nothing! You know how much i love and enjoy your engagement league..

Really thanks!

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