YouAreHOPE is recognizing World Food Day (Oct. 16th) with an earnest call for your help to aid our fellow humans in need in Nigeria, the Philippines and Venezuela!

in #youarehope7 years ago (edited)

Hello Caring Humans!

A quick author’s comment before we get started here:
@SirCork here, your steem witness #98 and the founder of the YouAreHOPE global humanitarian aid organization. I am proud to officially (and finally!) announce this new initiative to you all. I have been mentioning it to some of you over the past few weeks, and I did put up some preliminary posts yesterday, but the time is now here to introduce you to this ambitious project I plan to focus on now completely with all my available time, energy and love.

Yours, ever in service to my fellow man wherever I can be,

Won’t you help the good people of our world in their time of need?

Visit your steem wallet now to contribute to: @youarehope


Help, Opportunity, Purpose, Empowerment

YouAreHOPE is a brand new steem blockchain based, community funded worldwide humanitarian aid organization committed to serving our fellow humans with the fundamental needs they are in desperate need of in distressed and disadvantaged regions of the world.

Did you know?

Monday, October 16th, is World Food Day.

World Food Day is an annual worldwide event set aside to recognize the need to better provide sustenance for the humans of Planet Earth, of which more than 14% of all living humans exist in conditions of extreme poverty and suffer from malnutrition, an overall basic lack of enough food, and other basic necessities of life like clean water, clothing or shoes.

To launch our new global aid and services organization, we want to recognize and serve the needs of people all over the world to best of our abilities by launching a fundraising campaign, right here on to facilitate the delivery of food and some other basic needs to children and adults in no less than three different countries at the same time!


We wish to continue to raise funds and implement delivery of goods and serve those in need in the following three countries, Nigeria, Philippines and Venezuela, by building on the efforts we’ve all accomplished together in the following ways.

Cebu City, Philippines with @jassennessaj & @steemph.cebu

Today, the community known as steemph.cebu, and it’s team along with senior member and my friend of many months, @JassennessaJ, were able to feed approximately 150 malnourished, starving children from around the vicinity of Cebu City, Philippines.

The amazing young college students of @steemph.cebu formed their group, then executed this complex plan to give HOPE to around 150 kids flawlessly, providing a much needed, healthy, hot meal and a pair of shoes to each attendee, it’s literally heartwarming and heartbreaking all at once.

Check out the story this far:

Won’t you help the good people of our world in their time of need?

Visit your steem wallet now to contribute to: @youarehope


Help, Opportunity, Purpose, Empowerment

San Cristobal, Tachira, Venezuela with @malos10

Wow, what @malo10 has inspired in me since we first met when he was just a new arrival on steemit a few months ago. Since then we have worked together to do some amazing things on the ground for the people of economically distraught Venezuela. I’ll let these links tell the full story.

Be sure to check out the images and videos he documented the first outings with, and stay tuned for the results of our most recent fund raising efforts which netted nearly $400 SBD for @malos10 to serve his countrymen with, including nourishment in the form of meals, clothing, shoes and an ever positive, uplifting message from one of the most outstanding young men I have met yet on!

Celebrate the results:

Won’t you help the good people of our world in their time of need?

Visit your steem wallet now to contribute to: @youarehope


Help, Opportunity, Purpose, Empowerment

Lagos, Africa with @misterakpan

Lagos, Nigeria brings us YouAreHOPE’s newest addition to the Agents of HOPE team, but the gentleman I’ve selected to be our first African Agent of HOPE is no stranger to me at all. He is a dear friend of many months who calls me “Pops” and I’ve always lovingly called him “son”. Our friendship has been an inspiring one for both of us and he has cultivated a huge presence already on Steemit in his time here this summer.

A community builder and big supporter of uplifting his fellow countrymen as long as I’ve known him, I know that @misterakpan is a kind, caring and loving young man who has already proven to me and many others on steemit that he will always give his all to aid his fellow men and women wherever, whenever and however he possible can.

Delivery of food proved to be a bit difficult in the environment he is working in, and with the resources available there, so we have agreed to pursue a solution in conjunction with a local school in an impoverished village instead, by providing the children there with desperately needed learning supplies as outlined in the related, linked post that follows here:

We have an excellent plan for Lagos, Nigeria to provide school supplies to impoverished children who desperately need these educational tools to facilitate their learning so that they can work to overcome their current conditions.

Check out MisterAkpan’s wonderful story and the plan:

Won’t you help the good people of our world in their time of need?

Visit your steem wallet now to contribute to: @youarehope


Help, Opportunity, Purpose, Empowerment

We know that working across oceans, countries, continents and time zones with multiple languages, cultures, skill-sets and differing levels of needs and access to local resources in play, is an ambitious undertaking to say the very least, but as you can see from the stories, photos and videos in the links above, we do have some records of success already, as individuals and small groups operating prior to the establishment of our combined efforts as the new YouAreHOPE organization.

Won’t you help the good people of our world in their time of need?

Visit your steem wallet now to contribute to: @youarehope


Help, Opportunity, Purpose, Empowerment

Learn more about YouAreHOPE at

or check out these links to prior articles on steemit:

Our vision and mission:

The pre-launch announcement and recent news:

A post by our founder, @SirCork , about the initiative:

Won’t you help the good people of our world in their time of need?

Visit your steem wallet now to contribute to: @youarehope


Help, Opportunity, Purpose, Empowerment

Thank you for giving HOPE to someone in the world today!


Keep up the good works steemian... Thank you Thank you Thank you.

As of the moment there is not much in available funds. However you are welcome to every single penny I got.

Coming your way with more in the future. Good luck in all you do for others.

Thank you so much! Do not take from your own needs, but I do appreciate you tons and tons! <3

This is amazing.

Sounds like a very worthwhile project.

Thank you!

Thank you @youarehope and @sircork. In behalf of @steemph.cebu, we appreciate your help <3

Always little brother, always. <3

Glad I was able to get that contribution to you guys for the big meal today in time as well. So happy to see those early photos from you today!

Let's go do good for the world my friend!



It would be great.. the @steemph.cebu has done succefully with their mission of feeding 150 childrens in Cebu, Philippines. Hope and pray that you can make it too. New generations, they are the hope of the nations. I know you can do more for the community. Blessings : )

We agree, I was able to directly contribute a bit to the Cebu mission last week and I've been friends with @JassennessaJ since his very first days on Steemit. I am so proud of him and the whole team at @steemph.cebu - so very proud of you all. Happy I was able to contribute and looking forward to doing many more great service works together. - @SirCork.

Thank you for supporting @steemph.cebu. more blessings!

amazing work
good going my friend
keep hard working
thank you for sharing
thank you so much

Thanks. Please pass it on and spread the word. We really need contributors to send donations to make all this possible and for that we need to get the word out worldwide! Thank you!

Apparently there is an account that resteems fundraisers. Trying it out!


Desde @enmovimiento estamos apoyando toda iniciativa de emprendimiento innovador, si desea mayor información, dale click aquí

Thank you for your donation. I noticed it in the YouAreHOPE wallet. Gracias!

Thanks for attending last night’s Pimp Your Post Thursday @youarehope. I have written a post to share your featured post from last night. Just stopping back to let you know that you can see your [name in lights]( right here. (Just kidding about the lights :)

Lovely, Thank you! I believe a good time was had by all. Great turn out too! Well done!

yes the feedback on the evening has been great ... it helping others makes it worth doing for sure.

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