Mencious You Make me Smile :)

in #writting6 years ago (edited)

Usually Chinese philosophers don't make me smile but when I read Mencious I began to smile.

When heaven is about to confer a great responsibility on any man, it will exercise his mind with suffering, subject his sinews and bones to hard work, expose his body to hunger, put him to poverty, place obstacles in the paths of his deeds, so as to stimulate his mind, harden his nature, and improve wherever he is incompetent.

(from Mencious sacred text)

The Funny Bone

Humor originates from pain. If our life was all flowers and niceties humor wold not appeal to the human soul. It is the suffering pains of life that create humor. The reason humor works is because it is closely associated with pain. We identify and we laugh because we know as painful as this obstacle is we will find relief when it passes. So yes, we all identify with jokes about bodily functions because we have experienced the same pains. The one who overcomes the pain can laugh about it. This is actually the first joke comment I received from my last post. Just check out these comments that made me laugh out loud:

1. Funny Bone Humor @scotters

2. Unexpected Humor @tripdespider

3. Butt of the Joke


Honorable mentions made me smile.

I visited these posts, upvoted and made comments.
@insideoutlet who reminded me that a mistake can be even more funny then intended
@imsteinsbrother the youngest member in the group who is trying his best.
@yura81 who brings us some pretty funny pictures and using English on Steemit
@veber88 who loves Star Trek and made me smile
@mendelsage for his story with no punch line. You make me smile.
@mawit07 the amazing comment queen
@mitneb who shared the one joke she had and moved my heart.
@redheadpei and her hungry cat
@lilyraable for her smile
@ewkaw who laughed together

Today I heard a great song from Kirk Franklin.

He wrote, “You look so much better when you smile.”

Today I look in the mirror and smile.

I hope you can do the same.

We all go through storms of life but we encourage each other with laughs, jokes, smiles, art and stories.

I can't leave this post without writing a short poem:

Thank you for your smile.

A smile is contagious
A peculiar virus that spreads
From one corner of the mouth to the other
From one corner of the heart to the other end of the world

One smile is stained with coffee
Another is stained with kimchee
No smile can shine so bright
As the smile that shines the light

Take a breath and say, "Thank you."
Look in the mirror and smile again.
Say thank you again, "Thank you."

The smile grows
This smile is contagious
But there is no vaccine
Wash your hands and beware

I read the smile in your words
I hear the smile in your voice
This smile is contagious and I caught it
It is the smile of the human heart

Thanks to everyone who participated and made me smile and laugh.

Dolphin School Lesson 6




mining the heart



Hi, @mineopoly ---> I'm dropping in today to tell you I enjoyed your recent post, Proof of Brain so much I included it in my personal curation project The Inbox Runneth Over. You can find your post showcased at this link. Stop by when you have a minute and see what else I found along the trail. Your companions here are all interesting in their own way.

I know ... it's been a while. Life and Steemit don't always keep the same schedule. Sometimes it takes me a few extra days to notify my Inbox authors on their actual blog that they were included in my project. But I do note and tag them in our Discord group when I announce a new Inbox issue. Look for future acknowledgements to appear with you tagged in the announcement of publication in the railway post office channel. (Running behind in getting comments written is pretty much standard for me. There are just not enough hours in the day.)

Anyway ... to reward your exceptional work, I have arranged a small financial boost for you. Unfortunately, Steemit's restrictive 7-day payout policy means I can't reward the real winner ... so I have put it here. If you live long enough it will eventually be all yours!!

You'll see a vote for about $.75 done by davedickeyyall in your list. That's from me. I want inclusion in Inbox to be a "rewarding experience." So this vote is for that post I mentioned at the start. I've put another tiny upvote from my personal account on this post "for record-keeping purposes." It's not meant to be a measure of my respect for your work. That other vote I brought here is for that.

(I know it's odd to leave a vote on one post that is intended for another but that one is too old to work with now. This is one of the greatest aggravations I have with Steemit. If a good post is worth something on Day 6 ... it may also be worth something on Day 30, Day 270 and Day 365. Anyway, I hope you follow what's going on here. This upvote is for your older article -- now expired.)

Also, some recent developments in Steemit have made my ability to do this work and reward it this way much more difficult, but we work with what we have. I won't let it stop me. Keep putting out quality posts, and I'll keep finding creative ways to encourage it. As I tell my husband when he yells at our pets, "It helps if you're smarter than the cat."


Wow. You are deep and really involved with this community and curation efforts. That was a week of creative energy and I'm glad you caught on. Your upvote had a big influence on my post and I understand why. Thank you for explaining. I think this is the record for the longest comment I have ever received in a blog entry. And even if you just changed my name in the comment and pasted this to seven people it is still a remarkable work for a comment. I really do appreciate your efforts and believe a lot of writers will be encouraged through you.

Sometimes I say different things in comments ... but, yes, sometimes I just change the names in order to get through the list faster. Keeping all you fabulous guys straight is a challenge all its own ... until I learn who you are -- which takes a bit of time.

Also, there are more new people arriving daily. Pretty soon, I'm going to have to have a checklist. I can feel that coming ... any day now.

Have a lovely evening, wherever you are in the world. (Korea, is it?) I figure it may be daylight there. It's going on midnight where I am. These various time zones are a whole new experience. Seriously.

Another real person writing real comments with some thought behind them! Hehehe. Hi =) ... I wish I'd known about the curation tag, would have used it in my last two posts ;P Looks like you're doing great things with it. Followed! ... When I have more time later, I'll go through your feed.

You have collected your daily Power Up! This post received an upvote worth of 0.33$.
Learn how to Power Up Smart here!

Yes. Take your time. You are doing beautiful work ^-^



my heart.
@redheadpei and her hungry

Thank you for your wonderful comment ^-^ @r351574nc3 whose username can get confused with a password. You are brilliant and quick ^-^

Thanks for the laughs and the interesting info. And of course for the honourable mention =)

Thanks for visiting @mandelsage. This is the closest I am ever getting to a curating post until I actually become good at something myself. I have a hard time to say who is the top five blah blah when I don't even blah blah well myself. But we have our opinions and can say what comes to mind. For me these we the people who made me laugh out loud and all you guys made me smile so I featured your comments and posts here. I am happy to do that.

I'm right there with you! Hehe... I don't blah blah very well myself, except perhaps my art, about which I'm learning to say "Hey, I'm actually pretty good at this". ... The pieces I curated were simply based on how they made me feel. If they were genuine, and made an impact on me, I chose them. Choosing only 4 was the hard part.

Great job @mandelsage. It's good to be proud of your work.

Thanks for making the post out of the jokes :D

That's great! you did it, in my view. you included the required elements, while staying true to yourself. Loved the poem. Would not change a thing.

I lied, your tags, you misspelled writting, so, it won't actually show up in writing. Something to watch in future.

Ha. Beautiful. I do need you.

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