Acting the Part - Chapter 12 - A'mara Books

in #writing6 years ago (edited)




Palerma, Tephsa – A’mara Complex Commons

Kauri sat next to Kanesh, both with plates of waffles. Kanesh had maple syrup on his, Kauri’s was topped with a joberry syrup and cream.

“How good are you with tempo?” Kanesh suddenly asked. “If music is playing, do you naturally tap to the beat?”

“Yes,” Kauri answered. “It often annoyed my mother. ‘Keep your foot still! It’s unladylike,’ she’d say.”

“Unladylike?” Kanesh asked chuckling. “I think it has nothing to do with that – and everything to do with having rhythm. That’s good, anyway. It will make swing dancing much easier to learn for you. All you have to do is follow my lead and keep to the beat.”

“Is that what we’re working on this morning? How does that fit into the plot line?” Kauri asked.

“Yes. You see, I, or Derick rather, plays that devilishly-good-looking detective who is investigating the Neví. He is devastatingly good at swing dance. He enters the big competition every year, and usually places in the top five. That’s where you come in. You have been his partner for a short time, and find him extremely attractive, but you’ve heard about the Neví and are worried about getting too close to the gang. He manages to convince you to at least train with him so you can get to the big competition,” Kanesh explained. “The more I think about it, the more I want to do the swing dancing thing. It makes a great side plot for weaving the whole thing together.”

“Sounds demanding,” Kauri said thinking of her role and training with a man who was more attractive to her by the day.

“We’ll give it a try in a bit. If it’s a total flop, I’ll figure out something else. But I think you can dance,” Kanesh replied.

They watched the abári approach.

“I have met about three couples who consistently eat together,” Andrian said with obvious amusement as he sat down with them.

“So, the Kaarles make number four?” Kanesh asked with a grin.

“Except for the lack of physical contact, it makes you look like newlyweds,” Andrian replied.

Kauri found herself fighting a blush, wondering whether Kanesh would decide to correct their omission.

“I shall mention that to the Krijos next time I see them,” Kanesh replied. “They would take it as a compliment, I’m sure.”

Kauri knew that Saraca and Ja'tel did most things together.

“Touché,” Andrian replied chuckling. “They are a model couple for sure.”

Breakfast finished, Kauri joined Kanesh on the rooftop. Kanesh set up some music for them.

“One of the cholas showed me how to run their system up here,” Kanesh explained as he handled it expertly. Some energetic music flowed through the air.

“Most of swing is simply moving to the beat of the music. I’ll walk you through some of the basic steps nice and slow while we’re letting our meal settle,” Kanesh said. “Most of it on your end is not letting go of my hands unless the move calls for it, okay?”

Kauri nodded.

Kanesh took both of her hands.

“The first move is simply using the force of the music plus our movement to swing us together and away again.” Kanesh demonstrated pulling her towards him and pushing her away again. “That is the basic move that all of swing works from.”

They practiced for a few minutes, just swinging out and in.

“This is fun!” Kauri said.

“And we’ve hardly begun!” Kanesh said. “Next, I’ll teach you a simple arm slide. When you come in to me, you’ll let go with your left arm and let your right hand slide down my arm until I catch your hand and bring you in to me.”

They practiced that part and Kauri smiled at how easy it was as she danced a moment in Kanesh’s arms.

“Next, at the end of the arm slide, I’ll just have you spin under my hand – just once is fine, that’s often all that you have time to do. Then back into the basic swing step.”

Kauri enjoyed what she was learning.

“One last step to learn this time. I’m going to take both of your hands up high and we’re going to rotate together, under our arms, then back to the basic swing step.”

“Good!” he said, as they finished that step. “Now, let’s practice everything we’ve learned for awhile.” Kanesh.

Kauri enjoyed every second of the practice, working to get the moves perfect. Sometimes, Kanesh had to stop and correct her feet, but she still enjoyed it.

“You’re getting there!” Kanesh said as they rested a bit.

Derick Aiden felt energized and excited, dancing with this woman who was learning so quickly. It was entirely possible that she was good enough to take the film even further than he’d imagined to begin with – competition quality! But that would take even more work – would she panic and freak out? Or would she meet the challenge head (or feet) on?

More importantly, when should he tell her who he really was? He had found it useful that they were masquerading as a married couple, but he was also troubled by the shortcomings in their ruse that Andrian had pointed out to him. He couldn’t really ask Kauri to be publicly affectionate as part of their act. He respected her too much for that. This wasn’t part of the film, after all!

It was clear, at times, that most of the Tephsan A’mara knew who he was, yet they were true to their training and remembered to use his pseudonym when talking to him. As there had been traitors discovered within the A’mara over the past year, it seemed prudent to keep up the charade.

But then there was Kauri. Derick knew he was wrong to continue to keep the truth from her, but he was wary. He found himself very much attracted to this young woman, but he wanted to make sure that she fell in love with him as a person, not him as a famous – and rich – actor! He hated even more to admit that he was getting to the point that if her knowing who he was won her, he would go there. Still, he could be patient a little longer.

Irola – A’mara Complex

“Good morning, Andrian,” Saraca greeted her old friend.

“It may be morning for you,” Andrian quipped. “How can I help you today, Abári?”

“I just wanted to check up on your guests. How are they doing?”

“I had to explain to Kanesh that he should not be filming publicly,” Andrian replied.

Saraca laughed lightly. “Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me. Did you make him understand that he’s putting her at risk as well?”

“I tried. They seem quite taken with each other, actually. Okay, I know they came pretending to be married, but they hang out together more than most married couples do. They film, they write, they watch movies, dine together – everything! It’s like they’re totally in love, but neither has admitted it yet. Apparently, he told her only that he writes the films. She has no idea who he actually is. It’s kind of cute.”

“Kauri has always talked a lot about his films and how much she respected him. It seemed only appropriate that she get the chance to meet him, seeing that he was going to be with us for a bit.”

“For someone who has always been a fan of his, it’s a little strange that she hasn’t recognized him,” Andrian said.

“But for many people, it’s so out of their mentality that they might meet a superstar that when it actually happens, they don’t make assumptions. They just figure it’s someone who looks like their admired person. They don’t consider the possibility of actually meeting them.”

“I suppose this is true. We A’mara tend to brush shoulders with famous people all the time, so I have never considered it from the point of view of a humble secretary,” Andrian said thoughtfully.

“When Kauri had to entertain him for the day, they seemed to have an instant attraction and rapport for each other – that’s one of the reasons I sent Kauri with him. The least we can do for friends,” Saraca said.

Andrian laughed. “The life of an abári – to do what’s needed, not necessarily what’s wanted. You’re a good one. Do you want to speak with either of them? I think they’re at lunch right now.”

“I think Kauri would appreciate knowing her animals are fine. Other than that, I don’t really need to talk to them this time.”

“I will give her that message.”

“Thank you. I hope you have a good afternoon, Andrian.”

“Thank you. I return the sentiments to you and Ja’tel.”


Other Chapters of this set

Acting the Part - chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Building on Promise - Chapter 1

Acting the Part, part 2 - Chapter 10

Maps and Guides

LINKS TO BUY! (in chronological order)
Brighid's Blood Brighid's Blood
2006 and 1200 B.T.C.E.
Katja and Rachel are so desperate for love that they cast two love spells one night.
But the Guardians do not consider spells "fun", but rather as cries for help from the very depths of your soul.
Certainly Katja and Rachel could not have possibly imagined where these spells would take them!
Birth of the Neví Birth of the Neví
829 T.C.E.
It is a tumultuous period of Terrenden history. As is all too common, there are those who wish to profit from the misfortune of others. Some of these come together in a new "charitable organization" and step on the toes of the notorious Uugli. Combine this with draconian new measures to combat pollution and Terrenden has a situation ripe for a power struggle.
Rebound of Power - 850 TCE Collection of Romance Rebound of Power: 850 T.C.E. Collection of Romance
Terrenden is being terrorized by a previously underestimated Neví who, through the mysterious “Curator,” have been controlling elections all over the planet.
In this collection, we meet some interesting women.
Iyva - a homeless teenager in Irola whose untrained power leaves her close to death;
Marc’la - a breeder of prized caballus in Kasago whose heart lives in the past;
Zukie - an abused widow whose heart is afraid to try for future happiness;
Jenna - an elections assistant manager and masseuse who has a prejudice against A’mara;
Kami - a chola student in Varkevand who has been assigned to protect Ardin, a man who has his own reasons to distrust A’mara.
Rise of the Neví - 830 T.C.E. The Neví begin their rise in power with the completion of several large housing projects that seem totally charitable, but also hide a great evil within. The draconian measures brought in the previous year has caused major distress throughout the world, perfect for giving the Neví a further foothold on the Terrenden stage. Will the A’mara, now removed from the Council of Peers, be able to shut down the Neví?
Acting the Part Acting the Part - 851 T.C.E. Collection of Romance
The Neví have infiltrated the Terrenden Freedom Party. Dr. Jarly is on the run and the Curator still dominates the Terrenden stage. Famous actor, Derick Aiden has released his Neví expose film and now the Neví want him dead...
In this collection, we meet more interesting women.
Kauri - a simple receptionist who doesn’t realize one of her wildest dreams has come true;
Tirry - an elections manager who is always the bridesmaid and never the bride;
Zara - a chef who has all but given up on finding love for herself;
D'zani - who isn’t even looking, but has to chaperone her more vulnerable roommate;
Soala - an heiress who is expected to marry, but refuses to marry someone she doesn’t love;
Moxara - one whose past griefs have locked away her heart.
We also get updates on some of the lovely ladies we met previously.

Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2018 – all rights reserved.
If you are interested in helping me publish these works, please contact me on Facebook or Discord, viking-ventures#2883.

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
verified author on Goodreads
find me on Twitter
also on: Whaleshares, WeKu, and Bearshares

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