Confusion Is Batter Than Certainty.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


There was a time in my life when, I must admit, I thought I was pretty clever. Not Stephen Hawking clever or anywhere close but Yogi Bear sort of clever. Smarter than the average bear, as he might say.

When talking with my peers I always felt pretty confident and comfortable with adding my own little bit of information to the subject matter being discussed. Not to show off or anything like that but because I really liked interesting information and enjoyed passing it on to others, when given the opportunity. I have no specific area of interest that demands every ounce of my attention. I'm interested in many different areas of life, so I enjoy learning new things across a broad spectrum of subjects.

There comes a point though, in all of our lives, when we realise we have been propagating something that isn't as true as we believed it to be and this is the experience I had myself which started me on a journey of re-assessment of those things I already knew, or at least thought I knew. That journey would lead me to a point at present where I am really struggling to work out what exactly is and isn't true and my position on certain issues that I had previously believed to be fully formed.

Where once I was certain and proved wrong, now I am confused and open to any new information which might alleviate this confusion. I'm not afraid of it. But I am afraid of certainty because it makes me drop my guard and it opens me up to the possibility of being taken advantage of by others.

What do we really know?

Do we know we know, or just think we know?

Who should we really trust?

If we can all accept that history is written by the winners, then why is it so hard to accept that our history is flawed? We have a one sided version of history that has been edited beyond recognition and weaponised for modern times.

We only have to look at recent events in our history that we have all experienced and for the most part lived through, such as 9/11. Many of us know that the official story makes little sense but what will our future history say about this event, when all who were here to see it for themselves have long since gone?

With the fading of time, the continuous editing of history about to be made easier with the evolving technology we now possess and now use almost exclusively, as well as the indifference to 'pre-me' historical events that a lot of the young men and women in our modern society seem to have, what exactly will our great grandchildren think about these events?

Will they believe the official story as they do with the events of the JFK assassination or World War Two?

A lot of us living today understand that the versions of these events which we have been given don’t accurately reflect the truth but how long will this knowledge last before it is ultimately forgotten, eradicated completely and consumed by the official ‘historical record’, that being the version of history propagated by those with an interest in it serving their own devilish purposes in the present and future.

Those who control the past, control the present and those who control the present, control the future.

And what of how we pass our history and heritage on to the future men and women of the world?

Is it a good idea to allow these to be passed on to or children by the same state we allow to indoctrinate them into their place in the economic machine?

Shouldn't we take that responsibility on ourselves?

I remain in a constant state of confusion in general. While I hope beyond hope to find some sort of clarity regarding some of the questions I have about this life, I understand that those answers I seek have been hidden and obfuscated well by those who stand to profit from my ignorance of their existence.

Confusion at least leaves the door open to new information , whereas certainty can lead us to closing that door and denying ourselves a fresh perspective.

Confusion is better than certainty, though certainty is what I strive for in my quest for understanding, knowing it will be illusive, perhaps impossible.

If achieved, it will be an understanding based on the experiences that 'I've' had, the research 'I've' done and the time 'I've' invested in doing so, while talking and listening those men and women'I' choose to trust, as opposed to those put on display and held up as experts for me, so that I needn't think for myself.

Rather than basing my certainty or belief structure on the basis of another's agenda, I will base it on the information I currently have, any new information I can add to that and my own ability to work out the truth of the matter or not.

I question everything in life.

Just to make sure. :)

I'm a different man today

From the man that I was yesterday

From the man that I am going to be tomorrow.

Changing every day

In every single way.

The things I knew,

Or thought I knew,

I've just found out,

I didn't have a clue!

In Case You Missed Them. :)

Message In A Bottle.

If There Must Be Trouble, Let It Be In My Day, That My Child May Have Peace

Legalese - The Language Of Deception.

Some People Are So Poor, All They Have Is Money.

Who Will Find The Words To Save The World?

If Everyone Was More Like You, Would The World Be A Better Place?

Have a great day and thanks for your time! :)

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Excellent. I see uncertainty utilised as a potential for new understanding. Inevitable confusion recognised and accepted. I live with the paradox 'change is the only constant' at heart.

Awesome post and good information i like this line
Shouldn't we take that responsibility on ourselves?

OK. Cheers @sydewaqas. That was my favourite part too. :)

Just letting you know that I have nominated you for a @trophytoken for all the excellent posts you have been producing (still getting around to reading them all):

:) That's really, really kind of you @plushzilla. I really appreciate it and having a look through your blog and seeing all of the excellent posts you resteem, including my brothers :), I consider it a really big compliment. :)

Thank you so much. :) Hope you're having an awesome day. :)

It probably means I am not spending enough time writing and too much time reading other people's posts :D

Your brother? I must have missed the connection. You'll have to let me know who he is because I am putting a list of people on steemit who are related in some ways :)

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