If There Must Be Trouble, Let It Be In My Day, That My Child May Have Peace.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


I have a young son who will soon be one year old and he is everything a boy of his age should be. He’s happy, healthy and full of life.

Okay, so he’s not always happy.

When he’s hungry or tired he can be the polar opposite in fact but when he’s happy, he’s happy. :)

Less than two weeks to go until the anniversary of the day he was born into this beautiful world and already he is running around, talking away to himself in his own little language and even kicking the ball about with his ’old man’.

I have to admit, I never knew life could be so good.

I thought I had a grip on it but having a child leads you to a fuller understanding and appreciation of the true extent of the emotion we call ‘love’.

But make no mistake about it, having a child of your own to guide through life, to provide for and protect, is one of, if not 'the' most scary thing you will ever experience.

The responsibility that comes with being a mother or father is one that is unparalleled by any other. We have the responsibility of ensuring the safety and protection of somone so vulnerable and unable to take care of themselves and we are forced to do it in one of the most dangerous environments imaginable, the modern world.

The world we live in is undeniably a beautiful one. All you have to do to appreciate this is take a little time to look. But the world also has its problems too, humanity being perhaps the biggest of them all.

At times, most times in fact, we can be our own worst enemies.

When I look at the world, I see a world of plenty.

That doesn’t mean that everyone gets a mansion, a yaught, a Mercedes and an IPhone.

It means that when I look at humanity, I see the potential we have to change our current path and start down a new one that has more chance of leading to a better world than the one we've been on for so long without success.

I see a world where we all have a home and some fertile land to feed ourselves and our families. I see a world where there is enough intelligence among us to transform the way we live our lives currently and improve the conditions of all. A world where there is such a will for peace and harmony that we are able to achieve any aim or goal we set ourselves. A world where we all have enough love and compassion to overcome those who have no idea what the words means. And a world where we have the power to overthrow those for whom power is a tool of the trade.

This isn’t my idea of some future utopia. That’s the world we find ourselves in today but don’t realise because it has been hidden from view of the average man or woman.

One of the reasons this is the case is that we also live in a world where power is held by those who seek it. Our ambition should be to live in a world where those we call leaders are reluctant to be so and are wary of using any power they may be entrusted with at all.

There are so many problems in our beautiful world and at some point we are going to have to do something about confronting them. If we don't, then we are passing that burden on to our own sons and daughters.

We have a problem with war, the main problem being that 99.99 percent of us have no desire for it, yet it persists. We have a problem with the provision of food because we don’t use the resources we have properly. We have problems with rising sickness and medical conditions, which probably has much to do with how our health systems are set up and with those who actually benefit from these systems, the companies that supply our ‘medication’. The world itself is dying because it can’t keep up with the demand we put on its resources.

These are just a few of the many problems we face. There are a million more.

This is the world I was born into and have grown up in. A beautiful world full of problems, all made by men, no different from me. I don’t want that world for my son, or yours. I want them to grow up in a world where we have come to truly understand that the only way for positive progress for all is by working together, not just with each other but with the world we are a part of and which is part of us.

There are countless areas of our society where we are making decisions based on both the short and long term best interest of a few at the expense of not only the many that exist here now but everyone to come as well. If we allow this to continue, then we ourselves are stealing our children’s future from them.

I can’t sit back and wait for someone else to take on the responsibility that is mine and I won’t sit around and pass that responsibility on to my son, if I can help it. What would I say to him? That I knew the world was broken and didn't try to fix it. What sort of father would that make me?

I am responsible for ensuring that the world he grows up in is better than the one I have. We all have that responsibility, whether we are parents or not. I realise and appreciate that I am only one man. I can only do so much, which in truth is very little. No one could expect me to save the world or right all of the wrongs that exist within it on my own and I have no expectation of this at all. In fact, given the world I have grown up in and the experience I have of sharing it with the those I do, I have no real expectation of any sort of success whatsoever but that doesn’t mean that I should sit on my hands and shut the fuck up.

I’ll do the only thing I can do and the only thing we all need do. I’ll stand up. If everyone decides to stand with me then we will have our world back soon enough and we can go about repairing the damage we have already made as well as making the improvements we all want to see for the world in which our children will grow up in.

I've written a couple of times in the past about my fear of technology and its negative potentials but this is not to say that I’m not a fan of technology in general. I believe the technology we have at our disposal at this point in time allows us a small window of opportunity to free ourselves from the enslavement we have endured for as long as any of us can remember and beyond.

Our parents, our grandparents and our great grandparents all had to suffer in ignorance but we are different and we live in a different time. We know what’s wrong with our world. We know who is to blame. If we allow them to carry on destroying everything and sentence our children to a life of servitude and suffering in a world that can barely sustain itself, then the ones to blame are ourselves.

The world we live in and those lives we live certainly do have problems. I, for one, am glad that the problems of the world are facing us now, while we still have the opportunity to do something about them and save our children's future from a similar fate to our own present.

Let's show them that we love them by making this world a place they can be proud to call home. Let's not put that burden on their shoulders. Let's take care of our troubles ourselves, now, that our children might know peace in their day.

Stand with me.

It's not as hard as you think, you know. :)

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Love it, man. I'm on number two, and being a father is quite possibly the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me. I takes you to a level of happiness that I never thought I'd experience.

I never thought that I could love someone so much - It's a love that if I really stop to think about it, it pierces my heart in a way only a child can.

Thanks a lot man and I know exactly what you mean. They redefine everything in your life and every day they become more and more of their own little selves. There's nothing money could buy that could compare to rolling around on the floor and tickling your children while they giggle and laugh in the most innocent way that only a child can. I don't know how anyone with a child of their own can accept the world the way it is. They deserve so much more.

Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it and I hope you and your family are doing well. Your own kids are lucky to have such great parents mate. :)

They really do, man...They really do.

Bruuuh. Stahp. You're gonna make me cry. lol We are doing swell! I wish the best for you and yours, stay awesome. :)

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