Who Will Find The Words To Save The World?

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


There have been many attempts throughout the ages by many different men and women from many different walks of life to find the words that will inspire others to make a positive change in the world and to lead us to the Utopia that most of us would like to see.

Politicians, philosophers, writers, activists, actors, singers and sportsmen as well as all manner of professionals and experts have apparently given it their best shot and yet from what I can see, there have been no positive changes in our society that lead me to believe we are on the right track. There have certainly been changes which would, on the surface, appear to be positive but when analysed critically, these changes would seem to be positive only for a very small percentage of the population and adversely affect the rest.

Gandhi, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, John F. Kennedy, The Dali Lama. They have all seemingly, played their part in spreading words of peace and reconciliation, brotherhood and friendship, yet they have all failed in their attempts to unite us and bring peace to our world. Many ‘great’ men and women have tried and failed to find the words that would unite us, so I ask you, if none of these, if not the great and good of our society, then who? Who will find the words that will save the world? Could it be that they might come from someone outside of the great and the good? How then will they be heard?

I Am No Expert!... Or Am I?

There are many issues facing the world we live in that seem on the surface to be insurmountable when looked at through the current societal paradigm we have been given. In my considered opinion, the problems we face are not as complicated as they are made out to be. It serves the interests of a few to ensure that complication persists. For me, the world is a very simple place, or at least it could be if we wanted it to and I feel that these complicated questions we face ultimately, have very simple answers.

Why then, do we continually look to those who are proficient only in over-complication to find simple answers when so many of us are able to clearly see these for ourselves? What makes an expert anyway? Experience? A certificate? A qualification? Peer review? Publication? Celebrity?

Do our words, written or spoken, have any weight at all unless we have some sort of ‘authority’ or ‘status’ to back them up?

There Is No Utopia!

There is no such thing possible as a utopia here on earth.Each individual man or woman has a different perspective, which even though it may only be a very slight difference in perspective from the man or woman next to us, is still enough to ensure that there is no possibility of complete agreement and therefore it stands to reason that with so many of us here sharing the same space, there will be lots of diversity and difference of opinion between us.

This does not however, account for how we treat each other today or for the situation we currently find ourselves in and it does not preclude us from attaining something close to utopia in future. All we have to do in order to start heading in that direction is to stop following the path that has been laid out in front of us and instead begin to make our own paths by living our lives in the way that feels most natural to us.

Perpetual Paradise!

The world we live in is a perpetual paradise with personnel problems. There are just a few who are fucking things up for the rest of us. They know who they are and they know what they’re doing. Their power over us comes equally from our innocence and our ignorance. They are the gods of this world for they have made us in their image. We are the products of the environment which they have created. We have forgotten what it is to live the natural lives that men and women should. Our perceptions, our beliefs, our truths, have all been shaped and moulded for us and we have freely given up our ability to see the beauty in a world that was made for us to enjoy.

Everything Has Its Price!

If tomorrow, I discovered something that would change the world for the better, make everyone live longer and healthier lives, allow everyone more free time and provide all of the food required for every man woman and child to eat well, how much should I charge for such a thing? This is a question that gets to the foundation of our society today. Why do we think this way? Why do we covet financial wealth more so than emotional wealth? Surely by now most of us have realised that financial wealth is nothing more than an unattainable, illusory endeavour? Emotional wealth on the other hand is something that can be increased daily, with endless opportunities and abundance for all. There is no limit, no market cap on emotional wealth. There is enough for everyone and yet it is shunned as being worth little or nothing at all.

One Hundred Monkeys!

I used to think that at some point, someone would say the right combination of words in the right order and once enough people had heard them, these words would be unstoppable and spread around the world like wildfire, freeing us all form the mental, physical, cultural and religious bondage we are suffering through and allowing us to live our lives as we were always intended to. I used to imagine that these words would be uttered by some well known figure on a TV screen and aired around the world and that change would be instantaneous.

Being now a little less ignorant I know that this can never be the case but I still believe that what I imagined can become reality, if not quite on the same timescale or with the same personnel. It is still my belief that at some point, if freedom for all and freedom from tyranny is at all possible, one of us will find the right words and they will spread. No matter how long it takes, at some point we will reach that 100th monkey, our words will indeed be unstoppable and will be heard by everyone.

But I could be wrong!

So, perhaps I should have titled this post ‘Who Will Find The Words To Save The World? Or Ultimately, What Action Is It Going To Take?’

If Everyone Was More Like You, Would The World Be A Better Place?

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This is really good Tony and I do think those words exist somewhere but, they will not be spoken by one to the many, they will be spoken by one to the self.

Is it possible that once humankind reaches a certain level of understanding, all the complication drops away? Like a child's belief in Santa claus, Once seen, it cannot be unseen?

When they say 'do no harm' that starts with 'do not harm the self' yet, most will never explore the practicalities of this.

I think humanity always finds a way to complicate things. A few wolves will always be able to manipulate a dis-organised flock of sheep. I don't see how the sheep can ever get organised in a wolves world. The sheep need to change the world somehow. :(

You have a better understanding than most, mate. It must be frustrating waiting for the rest of us to catch up at times. :) I get what you're saying completely and I definitely need to take a look at the harm that I'm doing to myself as well as those around me because the bad in the world is stopping me from seeing the good at times and the hope for tomorrow is causing me to overlook what's happening in my life today. I'm a dreamer.

Most of what I write is for myself. I often come across like I'm angry and this is in fact true but I think more often than not it is anger at myself for my inability to deal with the modern world and the challenges it provides me with. I used to think I was a pretty quick learner but it would appear I have to take things a little slower and look a little closer to home. :)

Thanks for everything mate. Hopefully speak t you again soon. :)

more often than not it is anger at myself for my inability to deal with the modern world and the challenges it provides me with

This is a very important thing to realise.

I have had a post idea floating around and picked it up because of a few things this week. I am going to link to your article if you don't mind.

That is really kind of you. If you'd like to link it as an example of a post by someone struggling to deal with the modern world and it's challenges, then by all means, please do and I'd be very grateful.

I'm going to try and spend as much time writing as I can over the next couple of days and get some posts out and also try to get myself into a routine with it. I'm not sure what will come out but I'm not really concerned with that now as much as I have been. Hopefully it will all lead to something more positive, which is always a good ambition. :)

You're right, The words do exist...unfortunately they're hidden away in the minds of optimists and those who live their lives in dreams.

Well written and nice wording, Thanks for sharing @tonyr

Thanks a lot @oliviajasmine. I really appreciate you taking the time to read my little post and leave a compliment. :)

I hope you're having a lovely day. :)

Great article! However, I don't think it's one man or woman's responsibility to save the world. I do agree with you though, that one human being truly can reach and open up our eyes. Although, the responsibility is with us all :)

If you are into traveling, self-development or vlogs, feel free to check out my channel. Otherwise, I wish you a fantastic day! See you around :D

Hey @sandrastarud. Thanks a lot for the thoughtful comment and for your time on reading my post. It's really good of you and I agree that the responsibility lies with us all to represent our vision and view of the future and the world. One man or woman may not be able to change the world by themselves but they can spread the word that others will hear and take confidence from to make the change in their own lives. :)

Hope your day is going well, my friend. I'll definitely check out your blog. :)

Who will find the words? I think no one and everyone.
What action will it take? No action but every action.

I think sometimes revolutions are seen as the defining moments when countries shrug off the past and move into the future, but as you say there is no such thing as a utopia and the future that we want is shaped by the words and actions of everyone rather than just a few people. In fact it is usually the words and actions of the few that everyone choose to accept and follow that results in our current state of affairs at the moment.

So I say let's all do our part and make our individual words and actions count for more!

So I say let's all do our part and make our individual words and actions count for more!

I can definitely agree with that sentiment @plushzilla. I personally feel that revolutions come and revolutions go and they always return to where they started, thus, revolution. What we need is an evolution in the form of understanding by all of us of where we want to go and what we want to achieve. So we need to start talking about it and realise that each of us has just as much say as the rest, rather than simply agreeing with those who mask their words and true intentions well, as you allude to.

Thanks a lot for your time in reading and also in commenting, my friend. Hope your day is going nwell. :)

After watching a recent documentary about the Vietnam war, I certain feel like revolutions are exactly as you say. I also agree that evolution is required, and from our conversations with other steemians who feel like we can do better, I want to set an example by writing and doing things that will shape this community in the direction that I think will benefit everyone. I hope that we are on a similar path/journey :) I have read some of your other recent posts and they are also very insightful, so let's work together and keep improving the quality of contents and actions on steemit!

I love that comment!! :)

We all have the responsibility of leading by example and I try to do that as much as I can myself. I make mistakes but so do we all. I'm willing to admit my mistakes and move forward. I fothers can do the same, we could really get somewhere.

Keep doing what you're doing @plushzilla and I'll keep doing what I'm doing. Hopefully us and others like us will eventually be able to make others see the sense that we do.

Cheers. :)

I'm an eternal optimist and believe the good people will inherit the earth. I would like to see the bad actors not killed or jailed but made to live with each-other in Haiti after all the Haitian's have been moved to a country of their choice and helped to adapt, knowing if they misbehaved would be sent to live amongst the Trash once again only worse because of the new residents living there. LOL I would love to see the royal family or the Bushes/Clintons trying to farm some food to eat or catching fish there. LOL maybe a telivised show like the hunger games would be appropriate.
You get my idea :-)
Let me introduce you to @corbettreport who has great documantarys on youtube. very well reaserached and all for Free! imagine that? he survives on donations and likes/votes. Cheers
I recomend " how big oil concored the world " Because...Know thy enemy..:-)
Take care, read you soon

I'm well familiar with Mr Corbett and he is one of the faces that I tend to lean towards trusting, unlike some of the recent steemit imports from Youtube. :( Do you know if @corbettreport is actually James Corbett? I'm not sure about some of the accounts on here tbh. :)

Thanks again mate. Enjoy the rest of your day and speak again soon, I hope.

I would give it 99% sure this is the real him. but now i'm curious and going to find evidence that confirms my opinion.

Your intuition may be bang on, I can't find James referencing steemit nor directing his users here.
I sent a tweet to confirm his ownership.

No worries Cody. If it's not him I'd definitely like to see the real James Corbett on steemit. He does excellent work over the many different shows he does by himself and with others. Appreciate you taking the time to investigate it further. There are a few accounts ion here as I say which raise suspicions in this regard but I haven't had the time to check them out for myself as yet.

There is Utopia but that only exists in the minds of optimists and the dreamers who live their life in their minds. Fantastic post!

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