Legalese - The Language Of Deception

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


Legalese is the written and spoken language of The Law Society.

Any society, whether secret or not, has the ability to create its own language, as do you or I. Language is simply a way for us to communicate and there are many different languages in the world right now, as well as countless more throughout the course of our human history. Language these days even extends to our technology, in areas such as code for computer programmes.

The trouble with the language of the Law Society though, is that it is deliberately designed to deceive.

Essentially, what they have done is create a language that is, for all intents and purposes, identical to the English language in every way but for a few small differences in definition and meaning here and there. It is one of the simplest but most deadly forms of control and manipulation that goes un-noticed and unreported but has so massive an effect on our lives that it is hard for me to express exactly how important it is that more of us become aware of this.

For example, the word ‘understand’ is a very easy word for all of us to ‘understand’. We all know what the word means. It means ‘understand’. I’m sure I don’t really have to define what the word actually means because it’s a word that we are so accustomed to using in our daily lives that we assume we know exactly what it means, without giving it thought and why should we?

How dangerous to us can a simple word such as ‘understand’ really be??

Well, it turns out that this word can be the first step on a journey that could very well lead to you losing your hard earned money, your home, your freedom or even your children.

If you understand the true meaning of the word understand then you should understand why you should never under-stand!

The word in legal terms actually means, to ’stand under’. When you agree that you understand in any legal capacity, you are actually agreeing to stand under and what you are agreeing to stand under is the ‘authority’ of someone else, a member of the Law Society. This could be a police officer, a judge, a magistrate or any number of official positions within our society.

However, not all members of the Law Society are created equal and not all are experts in the Law. A police officer for example, is a member of the Law Society but is not an expert on legal or lawful affairs. He is simply a functionary of the Law Society and exists within it to enforce the statute law laid down by Parliament.

The legal system has no power over us except that which we give it with our consent. That is not to say that a policeman is going to ask you if you consent to being arrested. Of course he isn’t. That is why legalese exists. To trick you into giving consent to be treated as a dead entity. The police themselves, for the most part, aren’t even aware of the difference in definitions of some of the words they use because they are mis-trained deliberately and as the old saying goes, they are ‘told only what they need to know’, to do the job that they are there to do, which isn’t really the job you, or they think it is, most of the time.

The legal world extends into every area of our lives and we accept it because we have been convinced that this is the best way to do things as a society and most of us, the vast majority in fact, have no idea that this system only applies to those who consent to be a part of it. That is because we live in a society which runs on a need to know basis and as with the police, those who enforce ‘policy’ of others, you and me do not need to know this information.

In fact, those who run our society depend on us not finding this information out because they know that if enough of us realise that we have been being deceived throughout our entire lives and have in fact been spending our time here on earth ensuring the continued comfort and lavish lifestyles of the few, we might seek to change things. At the moment, that looks like it’s a long way from happening.

The legal system itself does not deal with living, flesh and bone men and women. It deals with corporations. Dead entities, represented by our strawman, which we are more often than not deceived and tricked into believing is us.

A strawman, or ‘legal fiction’, is created for each and every one of us after we are born when our parents register our birth at the local magistrates office in the form of a birth certificate. The words ‘register’ and ‘birth’ are both words which also have a different definitions in the legal world than they do in the physical one.

To the best of my understanding, the word register in legal sense means to hand over ownership, so what you are in essence doing is handing over ownership of that which you berthed into the world to the state. The same applies with your car when you register it, you are handing over ownership of it to the state who are in turn allowing you to use it, unless you do or don’t do something they demand of you, in which case they will take it from you.

There is a big difference between what is legal and what is lawful. These two words are not synonymous in any way as most believe.

The law deals with the crimes of men.

Murder, theft, damage to property, fraud.

The legal system deals with policy infractions by and against corporations.

You did this when we told you not to, you didn’t do this when we told you to, you drove on the roads faster than we said you could, you didn’t pay the amount of tax we told you to.

These policies are known as ‘Statute Laws’ and as I mentioned, they are only given the 'force of law' by anyone who chooses to consent to them being enforced against them. Until this consent is given, they do not 'apply', which is another word with a legal definition you may not be aware of.

The word ‘drive’ is also a legal word with a different definition from that which the ordinary man or woman in the street would think. You are only ‘driving’ if you are acting in commerce, which is to say that you are only driving when you are being paid to do so. If you are simply travelling to see family or nipping down to the supermarket, then you are not in fact driving, not in a legal sense.

The same again with the word 'must'. How many times have you received instructions that you must do this or must do that? Well, in legal terms, the word must is synonymous with the word 'may', so when you are being told that you must do something by a member of the Law Society, you are in fact being offered a choice, you may do this or you may not, you decide. But because most of us are unaware of this legal definition, we are in the position of having it used against us. Which we do. Often. Constantly, in fact.

The Law Society, in conjunction with those in parliament have designed and continue to perpetuate a system that we believe we are subject to. By this means they have been able to keep those on top of our hierarchical society in place and strengthen their positions while also keeping the rest of us in bondage and ignorance by their deceitful tactics. Most of the stresses and struggles we face in our lives are due to our ignorance of this fact of life and until such time as enough of us become aware of it, we will no doubt continue to suffer hardship in our lives, both as individuals and as a society in general.

I am not an expert on legalese of course. It is impossible for me to be so, since I am not a member of the Law Society. Only by being a member of the Law Society can you be considered an expert on legal affairs and language, regardless of how many years you have spent researching or of any knowledge you think you may possess.

No matter whether you can recite every word of Black’s Law Dictionary from memory or have an unsurpassed knowledge of legal precedents,, you will always be considered no more than a layman at best and any knowledge you think you might have will simply be considered your interpretation of the Law. When a member of the Law Society offers up a different interpretation, it will automatically be determined to be a better interpretation than yours regardless of whether it is the right interpretation.

They are the experts.

They have the bit of paper to prove it.

There is no way to win when playing the game that was designed to keep you in bondage.

The only way to win is not to play.

It goes without saying, I hope, that this post is in no way, shape or form to be taken as legal advice. I am simply sharing a few thoughts and hoping that someone might see them and be inspired to investigate the subject themselves. There is an awful lot more to be said on the matter but I have deliberately tried to avoid including too much information because I know that this can be overwhelming and in truth, there isn’t really that much value in me doing so. I’ve provided enough food for thought to whet the lips of anyone new to the subject and interested in finding out more. If the interest is there, you will do your own investigations and discover other things for yourself, which is much better than me laying everything out for you from my point of view, which is all this is, my point of view, from the information I have at my disposal. You may well come to different conclusions from me on the subject.

Thanks a lot for your time everyone. I hope you all have a great day!

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Excellent post.

My "favorite" legalese word is 'person' here in Canada. If you look up the definition in the Interpretation Act (yes that's a thing) all it says is, "person - includes a corporation"

You would think that would mean to be the regular definition of being human (natural person) and 'also' include corporations in the definition, but that's not what 'include' means. From what I've found out, to include one thing is to exclude everything else. Basically, it comes down to only corporations have to follow these made up rules (laws), which is how it should be. We natural people have all been tricked into accepting that we are corporations. If that little bit of knowledge could just reach the masses and get past the cognitive dissonance so we can all break free.

It's true mate. Words have cast a spell over humanity which is a hard one to break. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch! Everything is based on old Roman maxims such as the one you point out where to include one is to exclude all else. Nothing has really changed over the years too much except the language of the common folk which has been deliberately massaged and shaped to suit the purposes of the elite.

There are so many of these words which we take for granted, some I've included myself and others that have been added in the comments as well hundreds more which, as you say, if we all had knowledge of would surely make a difference in our daily lives but a big part of the problem os not only the cognitive dissonance but the fact that at the moment, the majority of us are perfectly happy to hand over responsibility for our many aspects of our own and our families lives to others that I dont think many of us would want the change if we were offered it, with full understanding of how things actually work now. Ithink most would choose to carry on living in the matrix and choose to forget they ever woke up atall, so Ithink there's a lot of work to be done and it will be a gradual thing but who knows. Maybe tomorrow will be the start of a journey on a new path and with that comes the possibility for change. :)

Thanks a lot for the great comment mate. I really appreciate you taking the time. Hope your day is going well. :)

Great stuff, “person” is also a favourite of mine, a person is defined in law as “a man according to the rank he holds in society” Now rank is defined as “The order or place in which certain officers are placed in the Army and Navy, In relation to others”. Now i don’t know about you, but to the best of my knowledge, i,m not in the Army or Navy so have no Rank and in so doing cannot be a Person. And what is the name of this society? I do not recall joining! i was in the carp society and i didn't see mention of this in their rules. LOL So, unless i accept a military or admiralty title such as “MR” which is an abbreviation for “Master of The Rolls”, it would be required of me to accept this as a title for myself for them to assume that i'm government property. Without the title of MR, i do not fall under the jurisdiction of Government or an admiralty court.

The hard part about legalese is... its the actual language. That we allowed our current (living) language to drift so far off the mark is a problem. And, that drifting looks to have been induced by those who wish to keep us in slavery.

If you look up the root of "government" you find that it means "mind control". Which is its actual function, but people believe that it means the group of people that keep everything civil, to keep everything from falling into anarchy (yes, wrong meaning again).

So, I do not know whether to drag the law forward kicking and screaming, or to start teaching people the actual definition of words.

You make a great point @builderofcastles and so true. We don't actually know our own language and that is the problem. If we were all fluent in all aspects, then we would all know how to traverse this monstrosity known as the legal system but of course we, the common folk are never made aware of the true nature of the words we use on a daily basis and as I mentioned, their true meanings are deliberately kept from us. :( It's a very clever system. Finding a way out is tricky, especially when you are surrounded by ignorance and unfortunately, most of us are happy to remain ignorant.

Thanks a lot for your time mate and your excellent comment. Hope your day is going well. :)

Right ...and teach people to see how syntax is being used to control them. For example ...."Be sure to get your vaccines!" ..Well, if they are YOUR vaccines, then you would be pretty irresponsible not to get them, correct? haha

I love it when you get all sovereign like. Resteemed.

Rip John Harris. Forever missed, never forgotten.

I really appreciate the support Mark. I've been reluctant to write for a while and don't really do myself or the subject matter much justice at the moment but I'm going to start writing a lot more from now on so hopefully soon I'll be able to write a post with a lot more bones on it and look to see if there's anything else I can contribute to your cause. With so many great writers and posts at the moment, I don't really feel like I have much to add. You are all doing a fantastic job and it's one of the things about steemit that makes me proud to be a part of it. :)

As for John Harris, I feel for the man so much. He had his demons as we all do but he paid the ultimate price for trying to bring freedom to all of us. Got a hell of a lot of respect for the man.

God bless him...and us all!

Thanks again Mark. Hope your day is going well buddy. :)

Thank you for this. I've seen it first hand, and it's horrifying -- how what you thought were your rights, swiped away in the blink of an eye by an incomprehensible sentence in a book you didn't know existed.

Thank you @sungazer. I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my post. I'm really sorry to heaar that you have had first hand experience of suffering at the hands of the legal system. The biggest problem is the ignorance of most of us to the true meaning of words. Even the word ignorance often implies to most that you are being offensive but it is simply a word that describes someone lacking in knowledge for whatever reason, not necessarily so because they are stupid. And this is just a simple word whose meaning has been little changed unlike some others which bear no resemblance to their true meaning. With this being the case, it's very difficult to win people over to your way of thinking when everything about our society and the way it is set up is designed to obfuscate and occult the truths which you are trying to expose. I say the easiest way is not to play the game at all but in real life that is most often than not, not an option so if forced to play the game which we are, we must know exactly what moves our opponent will make in order to defend against it. If we have enough knowledge of the rules by which the game is really played, then we shouldn't have anything to fear.

Hope your day is going well! :)

Words of wisdom! Thank you :)

Wonderful description. In the last few years I have got on to this understanding. Mainly due to when I wanted to stop the TV licensing people coming to my door even though I had not telly they still wanted me to comply with them the simple phase "I revoke your right to implied access" sorts that one !

Resteemed! Everyone needs to know more about this. It very hear to find but that it changing that to people sharing this info amazing work @tonyr

Thanks a lot @vibeof100monkeys. I'm really pleased you enjoyed the post and know all about those pesky TV licensing folk. They've never been to my door but we've had lots of letters at our old address after cancelling and being refunded. They just kept writing and telling us we didn't have a licence. Complete waste of time, energy and good paper. There's fuck all on the BBC I'm interested in watching or listening to anyway. :)

Thanks a lot mate. Really appreciate the resteem. Hope your day is going well. :)

And you my friend! Where I have moved to I have never had a letter from TV licensing folk. Its quite a affluent area (some how blagged my way in), but interesting its the only place i've lived where I have not been hounded!

Great post and most informative. John Harris is an excellent choice to introduce people to the truth. i entered into lawful rebellion in accordance with article 61 of Magna Charta several years ago. This information can help others stand up to the tyranny of the establishment. Well done.

Thanks a lot @realtreebivvy. You're right. John Harris is a great introduction because he explains it in the simplest terms possible. There can be no confusion. And he was passionate about freedom and passing on the information he had. It's amazing to hear you've taken on the system yourself and you have my respect, since I know how difficult it is and how treacherous it can be with just the right amount of information to hang yourself. They've made it very difficult and I'm glad you're in a position to be able to defend yourself against them.

Thanks for the great comment mate. Hope all is well where you are. :)

It's interesting that this just popped up, since @canusapatriots recently published content on this subject. In the works is a piece on the outrageoues Terms of Service and User Agreements which require the user to "accept" in order to use the service or product.

Please let me know if you have any input on how consumers can put an end to these purposefully long mandatory agreements.

Well done article. Will be checking for new content. Thanks!

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