What If...?

in #writing7 years ago


What if...??

These are two words which I feel all of us should be trying harder to introduce into our vocabularies in our everyday lives. I try to do this myself. I am the type of person who plays devils advocate on all manner of subjects either with myself in my own thinking or with others, in order that I might look at things from angles which I previously haven’t and also see things I might never have seen, had I not looked from those angles.

I even look at things from the angles that others encourage me to avoid.

I understand the societal pressures to conform and be accepted by my peers and I can admit that I am not immune from these pressures but it is my position that no subject should be off limits to critical scrutiny, even those that some may believe have been scrutinised beyond reproach.

I would still like to have a look for myself, thank you very much! :)

As many of us know, the Big Bang theory is the most widely accepted of all the theories among the scientific community. We also know about the Creationist theory, though most of us dismiss this since science has ‘proven’ that this theory is not a plausible one.
A lot of us are also aware that apart from these two, there are also a plethora of other theories ranging from the Ancient Alien theory to Simulation theory and every other fringe theory imaginable.

The truth is though, that whilst everyone might have their own preferred theory as to how we got here, or what we are doing here, none of us actually know, so in that respect we are all in the same boat.

No matter how much evidence any of these theories have, until such time as they are proven to be factual representations of the way nature works or by whom we were created, then there is always the chance that any and all of them could be wrong. This is the nature of a theory in its truest sense.

So, if we can admit this to ourselves, we must also admit that to keep looking at all possibilities is a sensible thing if, in fact, we do honestly wish to know the truth.

Since there is no proven, factual, scientifically tested and repeatable explanation for why we are here or how we got here, please allow me to put forth a theory of my own in order that it might make you look at things from those different angles I mentioned earlier.

I will be using bits and pieces from different existing theories to put my theory together.

Please remember, this is just a theory!

What if............there really is a God??

What if our lives here in this realm are actually ones of seeking spiritual awareness and understanding before we are able to progress to the next level on our spiritual journeys?

What if some of those among us are actually fully aware that this is the case and are deliberately hiding the facts by means of their societal control mechanisms?

What if those at the top of our societal structure, who determine what information is allowed to be disseminated to the rest of us, know that God exists but for some reason have turned their back on Him and have sworn allegiance to another god, who may or may not exist?

What if the reason for turning their backs on God is that they believe him to be a spiteful god for not allowing them access to the ‘knowledge of good and evil’ and by doing so, not allowing them the opportunity to gain parity with God ‘himself’?

What if the other god would allow them access to the knowledge of good and evil and in doing so allows them the power to become gods themselves by virtue of their ability to control the masses with their newly acquired knowledge?

What if the knowledge these men and women have is passed on through the generations of their families alone, ensuring that no-one else discovers the truth?

What if this god allowed them and encouraged them to enjoy and indulge in any and all human pleasures and sins without remorse, regret, penance or shame?

What if there are men and women out there in possession of this knowledge who are so evil and twisted, it is nigh on impossible for us to comprehend their logic, by virtue of the fact that we are decent, honest and trusting?

What if those in possession of this knowledge know that it is possible for them to stop the rest of us from attaining spiritual awareness and progressing past our current paradigm and by doing so they can remain in control of our souls indefinitely?

What if they know that unless we have a clean soul when we die, with no stains on it from bad living, then we will not be able to ascend to the next level but instead will be forced to reincarnate in this realm again and again until such time as we are ready to move on?

What if in order to keep us here and ensure that they have full power over us they have to convince us to act against our own good and that of our brothers and sisters and the world in general, in order that our souls be stained with our immorality?

What if they decided that the best way to do this would be to convince us that God does not exist and that we are insignificant in the grand scheme of things, or worse still, significant only in terms of our ability to cause destruction to other species and therefore a scourge on the land instead of those for whom the land was made?

What if they decided the best way to do this was by indoctrination of children in the school systems while they are young, combined with indoctrination of the adults with the manipulation of all types of media and popular culture to keep us too busy and entertained to contemplate the true nature of our reality?

What if the downward turn in morality we are witnessing in our world today has a direct correlation with the engineered move away from God of the indoctrinated masses by those who decide what we think?

What if we are being kept too busy with all the distractions of modern day life to realise with our real eyes that we are being deceived by those who are hidden in the shadows at the real, real pinnacle of our society?

What if we are doomed to repeat this process over and over again without any chance of progression due to the fact that we have been convinced to look in every direction but the one that holds the key?

What if the lack of ‘proof’ for Gods existence means nothing more than we cannot prove Gods existence and doesn’t mean that he can’t possibly exist?

What if we could emancipate ourselves from this mental slavery and know the truth?


So, my theory is that God really does exist, He created us and loves us but we are being deceived by our fellow man into thinking that he doesn’t and as a result we are letting go of our Godly values and indulging in immoral behaviours and habits that are causing our souls to be stained and in turn stopping us from entering Heaven or ascending to the next level, causing us to have to reincarnate here and continue suffering at the hands of those who have the power of knowledge of good and evil! :)

That is my theory and I would suggest that it has as much circumstantial evidence as any of the others.

Ockham's razor tells us that the simplest explanation is usually the right one. I'm not sure which of these is the simplest theory.

There are many things in the world that we take for granted every day that we really should stop and give a second thought. The way we treat one another in our everyday lives. The way we treat the natural world around us. The way we treat our brothers and sisters, the animals of this world, who we kill for meat and fun and whose natural habitats we destroy more and more with each passing day.

I ask myself, of all the possible theories offered up for our being, which one serves us best in our objective of becoming better men and women?

Thanks you for taking the time to read my post!. I hope you all have a great day! :)

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There are many what ifS but everything relies on our decisions. Simply by doing it avoids the word what if?? This only shows up when we do nothing but think😂😇😄😑😉😐

Well said dear.

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Great thoughts and keep on thinking. The only way to move forward is to keep on questioning.

If I may add some questions I've been asking myself:

  • what if God is all around us, in the bacteria, the tiniest insects, other mammals, some way bigger than us? We people focus almost exclusively on ourselves, not realizing how we all depend on all other life for solely survival in the first place.

  • what if the devil is only interested in complete destruction of life? We seem to be on track in making that happen. More species go extinct every day and we're entering a mass extinction of life. What if this wipes us out too?

  • what if evolution is controlled by evolving spirits? Why do new species develop, could it be that reincarnation is a true phenomenon and that humans evolved to 'host' more evolved spirits? Maybe there will be a new species after humans to 'host' our evolving spirits?

There are so many questions we can ask. Let's keep on doing that, we might discover more and more :-)

Amazing train of thought!

I will just add one bit: If there are really some "higher-ups" who know the will of God and are consciously plotting against the rest of the world finding out as well, they either...

  1. must also realize that this kind of behavior brings them further from God, because it is the definition of sin itself to not do the God's will, or...

  2. they are unaware of what they are doing, so they don't in fact know God at all. Their "faith" is yet another idol-worshipping. But then it's not in their power to prevent anyone from enlightenment. But my take on this would be that...

  3. the only one who can prevent you from achieving awareness and the knowledge of God is yourself, as you surely already suspect. Noone but the person themselves can tear down the Ego fortress that we build around our Self throughout our lives.

During my agnostic years, I asked myself honestly, if there are two options - God either exists or does not exist - which would I rather believe?
If he doesn't exists, then it doesn't matter whether I believe in him or not. However, if he does exist and I don't believe in him, then I will be truly lost. And I can gain everything by trying to get to know more about him.
Of course, nothing turned out as my little humand mind had ever imagined. Seems like my expectations were yet another Ego barrier.

Awesome comment @monoxid. Thanks for all of your time mate. I'm sure even the most committed believers have their moments of doubt but all a man or woman need do to see God is look at the world they live in as far as I'm concerned. I have no need to wait for the confirmation of science to know what I can see with my own eyes any time I choose. :)

Have a great day mate. :)

As I was reading through your post I couldn't help but listen to this song:

I do believe in a higher being - or energy - or God - or Mother Nature -- or The Force. Heck, we could even be in the Matrix. For me it's faith in something intangible and yet when I send up a sincere prayer it is usually answered so I try not to put a label or a name to it. I just count the blessings and try to stay out of the dark place.

I always liked that song and I'm really pleased to hear from you Meredith. I know you've been having a bit of a hard time lately as have a few others and I hope things are easing up a little. I didn't have the chance to meet the past you and I look forward to meeting the future you but the right now you is pretty awesome....so don't forget it. When's the next Community Engagement Challenge??? I'm ready!! :)

Well, at the end, there's no certainty. The one knows for certain, the origin of the universe. Similar way, no one knows for certain, what happens after death.

Great post, by the way. You postulated an interesting perspective to see things from.

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