7 Curious Facts About the Making of Creative Writing Challenge

in #writing7 years ago

We are already looking forward to launching the next Creative Writing Challenge cycle and this is the last official post related to the first edition. Looking at the past posts I'm amazed how strict a human being could be when a promise was made to finish the project without disappointing any participants. That kind of professionalism has a certain price. In this post, you'll have a chance to learn more details about what exactly was happening behind the scenes of the Creative Writing Challenge.

Crushing perfectionism

In few occasions I wasn't fully satisfied with the task I was about to announce. A tough choice had to be taken and the good news is that the feedback was still positive. For example Task #6 wasn't equally difficult comparing to the rest of the tasks. Ok, it was used as a buffer, however I wish it was a bit more challenging.

Overwhelming schedule

The challenge was a good opportunity for me to expand my comfort zone with few miles further. On a busy day I would usually spend about 12 hours on my eCommerce business. Then add few boring tasks I'm not able to skip and then time for the family - what's left is time for the challenge and time for sleeping. I was often going to bed between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m., but every time when I was clicking that blue POST button I was feeling that like I've climbed Everest.

Writing Abroad

Task #8 & 9, Announcing the Results and the Stats post were written in Greece - Athens, Crete and Athens again. We were travelling. We were visiting various places, experiencing the local music, food and traditions. I was tempted to announce a few days brake, because of the exhaustment. I had to keep working on my eCommerce business, being outside most of the day AND write the post of the day. Thanks God - Mission is Successfully Completed!No internet

Living in a tent

I was living in a tent while finishing this challenge. Luckily we found the internet a bit further, close to the camp restaurant and reception.


I'm still in Greece and guess what - we've decided not to get back home and have the honey moon earlier, while we are still here. So, here we are combining both activities. While I'm writing this post my wife is preparing dinner. You may ask if she's jealous because of you. Yes, she is, but I love her also because of her enormous patience.

A Secret Assistant

My wife edited a huge amount of my writings. Especially the ones in the beginning. She's a skillful editor and I will count on her advice and help in the future as well.

The Shocking News

Somewhere between Task #7 and Task #8 we were crossing the border. My wife was told that there were some legal issues and she cannot return home for some months. This caused us additional troubles and we had to overcome few legal issues.

I'll keep collecting ideas for tasks and soon get back with an important update.

Let me know what were your challenges :)

Keep writing,


Each host values a different piece of the challenge. I love how you approached this one and and I was surprised by the information you provided in the stats. So, when is the next one? :-D

Btw, I am participating in a contest would love your support. Thank you in advance!

Nice. I would do something similar after the 2nd creative writing challenge. As for the contest, I've voted for you. when is the deadline?

The contest ends midnight Tuesday :) look forward to the next creative contest.

Too pity. We had the chance to organize our fellows to vote for you as well.

Great. Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you.

Don't be in a hurry. Take a look at my previous posts first.

Good lord your dedication is astounding! I think we all would have understood if you had said we would take it up again in a week or two, given the circumstances and all. And on those lines Congratulations!!!

Thank you fpr the support @flemingfarm. When I initially launched I didn't predict anything. The only data I had is @merej99's feedback on her challenge with 43 participants. I thought 15 participants will be easier to handle. Now, with the data collected from the Creative Writing Challenge I should be more efficient and productive.

This was not just a creative writing contest was it? Sounds like you had a lot going on. When you start the next challenge I hope you wille settled in a comfortable place. Thanks. Just checking in. 🐓🐓

Well, the goal was to polish your writing skills and creativity. Few people got motivated to finish their books that they started writing more than 10 years ago. There was a lot of positive feedback. On the other side I like the field as well. I need to become a better story teller and this is also a good chance for me to advance further.

You have a lot of stories in your post. Greece, living in a tent, internet, gov. papers, honeymoon, editing, writing your own tales. Could be some good subject matter there. 🐓🐓

LOL... that's correct @mother2chicks :D

Wow, I think we would have understood if you needed a break and a couple of days. It's amazing that you managed to finish everything on time. I was always pushing the deadline because I'm not home most of the day and when I am, I'm mostly baking (that's kind of my job, making desserts for parties and stuff like that) or sleeping, so it was hard to find time to write. Most times I would be making a dessert and thinking back on the task and wondering what turn to give it. I think I even wrote one on my phone while I was in the car.

Congratulations for being so responsible and rising to the challenge :)

Impressive to see you've also been pushed to the walls with limited time. Making a dessert and thinking back on the task is always a good idea :)

Resteeming this to my wall so I can find it again.
Thanks for the contest!

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