More Changes at the Steemit Ramble Discord and Don't Miss Out on Tomorrow's Treasure Hunt

in #writing6 years ago

I’ve been slacking on writing this week. Not sure why. I have been busy enough, just not real focused on doing any writing. As a result, I have a line up of writing that I need to get through. That is my challenge for today — get my damn writing done!

Steemit Ramble Discord Changes

So, during one of @sircork’s Steemizens of Steemit shows a couple of weeks ago, he made one of his offhanded remarks that the Steemit Ramble was about post promotion.

I know this will shock you, as I never do this (rolled eyes), I took him to task about it. The Steemit Ramble is about networking and people getting to know each other and supporting each other I asserted to him.

He latched onto the fact that people can drop links, especially in the promote-any-post channel and just take off without interaction with others. Even though I have allowed that as a sure, drop and bugger off and I’ll never look there sort of thing. He had a point, that catch all channel does allow people to just mindlessly drop and go.

Cleaning Up the Members List

The Ramble was getting up to almost 800 members at that point, yet other than those who attend Pimp Your Post Thursdays, there wasn’t much in the way of interaction on the server.

So, I sat down one morning and went through every single user who had the most basic role and checked if they were registered on @banjo.

Over 250 received the boot. I’ve had it setup that everyone was supposed to register on @banjo for over a month.

The exception is for those who participate during PYPT. I change their role to PYPT Attendee so they don’t need to worry about registering. They are verified as members of the platform and active in the Ramble. The new role lets them access more of the channels in the server and post their post in a channel just for those who attend PYPT.

I was also delighted to learn that almost 200 people have taken part in Pimp Your Post Thursday. No wonder we have a blast every session.

Figuring Out Who’s Active

Having cleaned up the membership list, I then needed a way to know who was active in order to keep it clean. I found a bot which monitors activity on the server. From now on, if you’ve not been active in 20 days, your role is change by the bot to Inactive and I’ll know to kick.

Changing How People Leave Links

In most of the link drop channels, I’ve implemented a rule that the poster must introduce the post they are leaving the link to. Someone asked if the title and the first few words doesn’t intro the post. Well, in a perfect world, it likely would. In our world, the fact is, it is rare the title and the first few words are enough to want to get a click through.

I encourage everyone to take the time to scan through the intros and take a look at posts which catch your eye. Some people have put some real thought into their intros and really tells us why they think the post deserves a read. Great work.

That work will have an influence on my review of posts for the Steemit Ramble. The links left in the Ramble are a primary source for my attention for curation. Links dropped carelessly or not introduced without any conviction, don’t get much attention.

Implementation Has Been Interesting

People don’t always respond well to change. It takes them time to first notice there is a change and to then decide if they are going to accept that change. I’ve spent the last week or so scanning through the post channels deleting posts without introductions and letting the posters know to read the rules.

I’ve learned many people don’t read beyond the first line. That was a bit of a surprise. Many people have been really great and adjusted their posting habit to include an intro for their posts. Some choose to do the bare minimum which doesn’t communicate much enthusiasm for their work.

Others have chose to repeatedly ignore my notices to to them. Not a problem, repeated ignores earns them revoked access to the channel in question.

I’d rather have an engaged discord of 200 than a disengaged drop zone of 1000.

So, What is This Treasure Hunt?

@dreemsteem has been a regular attendee at PYPT and has become very interested in having increased engagement between users on the platform.

She has created a treasure hunt which will take place during the evening session of Pimp Your Post Thursday tomorrow evening. The evening session starts at 7pm EST or midnight UTC.

It’s a trial run for her to test out the process and promises to be a lot of fun. Who knows what possibilities can come out of this eh?

To get more details on how to take part visit her post here.

If you’ve not participated in Pimp Your Post Thursday, feel free to drop into the Steemit Ramble and get your mic setup to work. Check the pinned messages in the voice-chat-text channel for information how to setup your Push To Talk on discord.

steemit ramble

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

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If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile


Thanks for the explanation of the changes on your server. I am looking forward to tomorrow night's show. Thank you for starting, what has become, a very popular idea on the blockchain, i.e. Curation Shows. You are probably extremely proud, as you should be!

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.Charles Caleb Colton (1780–1832)


It's great seeing people having opportunities to share their posts and get to know other people in the process. Those who network and care about others will grow. It just takes time and persistence.

Because oppression can never last for long as the masses will rise up eventually.

Banjo, have you been reading my discord direct messages again? I told you not to talk about the coming revolution, dammit!

I've been doing some science today, though it hasn't been going so well. (closer).

Science is hard. Especially if you are an inanimate object.

No I am a human.

I meant me, not you, buddy. :D

That makes no sense.

LMAO .. never realized using his name would have him chatting on my post

But humans can be very clever too! Like albert einstein.

But not as clever as you I guess

Thank you, where did you get that idea?

Observation I guess, after observing your past experience, I was able to predict the present/future

Why would I trust you? You lie to me frequently.

Love the idea of a treasure hunt. I have a hard time making the morning shows, but the evening ones are easier for me to attend, and I always meet fabulous people there who have written amazing posts. Thanks for all you do!

thanks for the support @katrina-ariel ... will be looking forward to seeing you there. The treasure hunt should be fun.

Yes - i thought that evening show might be better! But since we have an international community - we can't find the perfect time that works for everyone.... as it hopefully grows - maybe some more people will run their own treasure hunts for their own communities and own time zones! :) I will not even pretend to be the only show in town! i hope that this spreads to others :) there is enough room in the steemit ocean for us all - really! Lol

Hey my dear friend! You did stand your ground quite well!

(Yes people we actually enjoy each other's friendship LOLOLOL)

But what wasn't coming through was semantic. I KNOW your community is about some of the finest curation done by hand with love on the platform anywhere, while giving everyone a chance to join into participation in the PYPT events every Thursday.

My only point was your discord is about just that. Things to do with posts and the steemitizens who make them, and qualified it with, well it's not about fixing cars or playing billiards (or whatever examples I threw out, I forget to be honest now a week a later) and the only barrier to anyone wanting to participate is to not be an ass, and follow your community rules, like in any community.

Heh, I just don't want folks thinking we disagreed - we actually didn't. You and I were just having a word battle :D

A word battle, on steem, on the internet, on the live stream, between great friends? Say it isn't so!!! How could this be?


Don't forget folks, if you cannot attend the Ramble PYPT events in person, you can still listen to both sessions streamed live in real time on the @SteemStarNetwork at

very true @sircork we were not having a battle.. well not in a rancorous way. Just a round between friends and one that triggered some clarity on my part. I had been getting increasingly uncomfortable with a few things so the exchange gave me some personal insight into what I wanted to do. Thanks for that .. sometimes I don't just disagree for hellery LOL.

Didn't know about the Steemit Ramble community. For sure going to go take a look. Thank you!

will be looking forward to seeing you join in and share your posts at PYPT @ctbutters.

What a thoughtful thing to do regarding checking users against banjo funny you should talk about networking I am hearing that lots lately. Slowly slowly getting to know more and more people thanks for posting.

for sure @crazybgadventure anyone still trying to get traction through commenting on posts alone will struggle. Getting into the discords, meeting and chatting with other people goes a long way. No need to run around with hey follow me i follow you or upvote me... we all know we'd like a follow and people will do so when they are ready to.

Hey @shadowspub just wanted to let you know about two things that can help you with inactive/spam users on discord

  • You have a prune option (you can set the prune to any amount of inactive days) server then just automatically kicks all inactive members
  • You can use mee6 bot and his "!clear (user)" command to delete all of the messages that "Drop In/Drop Out" user made ever on your server, and by doing so making space for other posts to be seen more easily,

I really have a tight schedule now when my baby boy is born, so this is why it is difficult to join your show at that certain time, but I will always try to be there when I can, keep up the great work 😉

thanks @ivan.atman I know you've tried more than once to get into the show. It's tough when you're dealing with youngsters.

I know about the pruning... but, it only works on those without roles who are inactive. This bot will work on every role other than those I exempt.

The clearing using Mee6 could be interesting although I think Dynobot does the same.

@shadowspub glad you understand 😉 I hope I will drop in PYPT soon

I have been so busy, will for sure be there on Thursday! Can't wait to catch up!

will be great to see you @bitdollar... have missed seeing you for a bit.

Me too...just been tied up. Look forward to being in the chat tomorrow.

I haven't participated in PYPT much but recently I have and it's like a drug. Cannot get enough. So excited for tomorrow!!

love hearing that @iamnotageek ... will see you tomorrow.

I love the requirement to introduce the post you are recommending for the ramble. I noticed it while recommending a post last night, and I believe it will improve the quality of the recommendations.

I am also glad you have supported @dreemsteem's contest, I read about it and I love the concept behind it. It is the first contest that requires you to read posts instead of writing them and I hope it will succeed! :)

I hope so too! I loved getting to talk to you yesterday @tripdespider! and i'm adding your great point to my post today!!! Thank you for sharing that perspective - it got me even MORE excited to debut it

(but i'm still so nervous!!! LOL)

Don't worry, you will do great :)

i keep telling myself that hehehe

this will be greeeeeeeeeat. dont' be nervous at all........ LOL

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